My Friends
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My Friends

My friends! I love you all, I don't know where I would be without you kids! I hope that doesn't sound overly mushy.. :) ((You're in no particular order, I love you all the same!))

Jessica on Halloween before we went to The Rocky Horror Picture Show


Jess's boyfriend Mason before Rocky Horror.. aww he's gothic! hehehehe


Mattie boy.


Rocky, You're the greatest. =)


Ryan. He could be a model.


It's my favoritest step sister ever, D!

Danielle doodled this for me.. it's pure randomness.


Britney showin' the clown love


David.. my bitch of a next door neighbor. thanks for that ride to hotwax bitch, i owe ya. :-P


My aussie raver bud Lia, and her friend! You rock chic! Make sure to check out Lia's page in the LINKS section! *Lia's page, RaVeR StOmPiNg GroUnDs!*


My favorite GRAVER bud, Stephanie!


Nina (a.k.a Nauteca Star) and I


Heather A.K.A. Pink! Check out her site- Kandi Trade!


My favorite lesbians, Tonya, and Kristen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Dylan and Ryan


This is my brother, the best of all friends. Save the best for last. I have been through so much with my brother, I really have no clue where I would be without him. He's the truest best friend, I think I will EVER have. I love you Adam!!!

Wondering why he looks like a rockstar? Go to to find out. hehehe support it!:)

LOL this is a creation, Adam made of himself, on Christmas Eve. Enjoy the stupinity of Adam. =)The essentials of life, 2 drumsticks, bass, and a beer.

Adam and Jason the creative ones behind everyone's favorite band, MOOSE LODGE 138! :-D


If you're my friend, and I don't have you up here, it is simply because I don't have a pic of you online. Change that, and email me. Also, if you are here, and you don't want to be, although I am almost 100% sure that isn't the case you can Email Daybreak Sadness
and get it removed! :)

Links, to further rot your mind and waste your time!


Rave archive