Faramir let out a shuddering breath. His body was tense, not unaffected by the other's presence.

"You are being honest with me this time?" he asked the Elf.

"Very honest," Haldir murmured close to his skin. "It would be a great...pleasure," he continued.

Faramir drew a deep breath when he felt the Elf's lips on his neck.

"Do you want this?" The Elf asked. "Do you desire this?!"

"Gods, yes!" the words broke from Faramir's lips, although he cursed himself for it. He was still insecure about the other's intentions.

"Then have it!" The Elf smiled and moved a few steps backwards. Continuing to work on his clothes.

"Here?" Faramir asked, surprised.

"Yes," Haldir smiled with a secretive smile. "Right here, Faramir!" He continued to undress in front of the stunned youth, revealing smooth marble skin, flawless and faintly glowing in the warm night. He undid his braids as well, silvery hair flowed over his shoulders, soft and glimmering as mithril. When he was completely naked he slid in to the Man's embrace. Rubbed his silken body on the rough fabric of his clothing.

"Do you want this?" he asked again, loosening Faramir's grip on him, forcing the Man to look at him, at his slender Elven body, the apparent arousal between his legs. "Do you desire this?" he whispered.

Faramir just looked at him. Admiration and lust mingled in his gaze as he took in every detail of the pale, hairless body in front of him. His nostrils flared and he found it almost impossible to breath. He reached for the Elf again. Felt the smooth skin under his fingers. Let his hands move across firm muscles, felt them flex when the Elf wriggled closer to let his own arms slide over the man's shoulders to lace them behind his neck.

"Do...do *you* want this?" Faramir swallowed.

Haldir pressed his hips to the man's crotch.

"What do you think, Faramir?" he asked him. "Does this feel like desire?"

"Yes," Faramir whispered and tried to catch the Elf's gaze, tried to measure the sincerity in it.

Haldir laughed, a low chuckle in his throat.

"I *do* want you," he smiled with an almost shy expression and let his lips meet the other's. His tongue slid in to the moist cave of his mouth, danced its wicked dance again, forcing the other to play along.

The passion broke free like water during spring in Faramir's body. Bursting to life. He clutched the Elf in his arms, kissed him eagerly, hungry. Let go of his mouth to taste his neck, his shoulders, the pointed tip of his ear. He could not believe that it was happening to him! That he stood there with this naked, beautiful, aroused elf in his arms. That he had offered himself to him. That he could have him. A deep moan of lust and relief from the Man, and all the time the elf responded eagerly with small sighs and moans as the human's mouth explored his skin. His head fell back, exposing more of his throat to the hungry mouth. Soft hair touched the rough back of Faramir's hands as they moved across Haldir's back. He could not believe the feel of it, the smooth elven skin under his fingers. He felt Haldir's desire rub against his own; burn through the clothes. The hunger in the Elven eyes. His lips slightly parted, complete surrender in the man's arms. Nothing there now but lust. No pride, no anger, no coolness. Just aching desire that begged for exploration and release.

"Gods, you *do * want this!" Faramir said with surprise. Not realizing before this moment how reluctant he'd been to believe in the promise in his arms.

" Yes..." Haldir sighed, his eyes dark and blurred. "Please, have me...!" He added in something close to a plea.

A sharp intake of breath at the Elf's last words and Faramir delved in to the creature in his arms. Unable to find his voice he did not reply to the the words, but his body did, giving up the last restraints.
Giving in to the burning ache in his loins. The sensations created by the Elf's passionate touch.

"Faramir!" The Elf moaned when the Man caught his dark nipple between his teeth. He pressed himself closer to the Man, closer to his mouth. Faramir's hands moved down and ran across the Elf's firm buttocks and Haldir's hips jolted forwards, grinding towards the man. His lips and tongue found the sensuous mouth again, kissing it eagerly. All pent up passion unleashed in this moment.

"Please, take it off." Haldir tugged at his tunic. Faramir moved his hands up to undo the knots and lacings. The clasps on his cloak while Haldir's hands roamed every inch of skin as it became available to his touch. When the Man's shirt and tunic finally fell to the ground he made a purring sound in his throat and moved into his arms again. Their chests meet, softly rubbing against each other while he kissed the boy passionately. Their arms wrapped around the other and they just stood there for a while. Enjoying the intimacy, the lust and the moment. An eager kiss that neither wanted to end. Tongues entwined, their gaze lost in each other. Haldir's hands in the young man's unruly hair. Long strands of blonde on the man's dark shoulder. Soft sighs from both of them. Burning skin sensitive to every touch. A struggle to get closer, all the time, closer, to the other's body.

"You are *so* beautiful", Faramir panted when they finally broke off the kiss.

"So are you, young one" Haldir smiled. His eyes were sincere, but that look soon faded for something else, something darker. His hand reached down and brushed Faramir's aching arousal through the fabric. Causing the man to bend slightly forward, a deep moan to escape his throat. "Take them off," the Elf urged, referring to the rest of the Gondorian's clothes. "I want to touch you..." he breathed. His sapphire eyes met the Man's. Glittering dark in the soft night light.

The man smiled, anticipation mingled with shyness when he removed the last of his garments. The reward was a look of admiration from the Elf as he hungrily took in the details of the young human body in front of him. Lingered on the proud hardness between his thighs. His slender hand reached out and wrapped around the weeping desire. Held him firmly in his grasp. His nostrils flared and the tip of his tongue came out to wet his lips.

"I could eat you!" he chuckled softly and laid his hands on the Man's hips. He slid down Faramir's hot body and touched him gently with his tongue. Kissed the inside of his thigh, circled the sensitive skin with his tongue before touching him where he needed it the most.

"Gods, you cannot do that!" the man breathed, his hands tangled in the elven hair. "I can't bare it!"

Haldir didn't answer, just opened his mouth and took him inside. Sucked him in gently, his tongue played with the throbbing hardness, moving his mouth gently up and down. Enough to keep him there, but not to come.

"Gods," the man cursed again. "Don't play with me. ...Haldir, please!" He tried to break free from Haldir's grip on his hips. Tried to bury his member in the moist warm cave. He looked down at the Elf, his red, red lips that embraced him, the sensations it created, wonderful, almost painful. He bit his lips. Clenched his fists in Haldir's hair. Moaned loudly and closed his eyes. Every breath deep and heavy. Shuddering, shivering. Unbearably sweet.

Finally Haldir let go, a moan somewhere between relief and disappointment came from the man as the warm mouth disappeared and night air met his heated skin.

The Elf lay back on the ground.

"Come down to me," he smiled and spread his legs, made room for the boy to kneel down and embrace him. Hold him tightly in his arms. Kiss his mouth again. Rub his moist arousal against the other's. Touch him with his hand; The marble rod was moist with desire. Slick and shimmering...
The Elf moaned and lifted his hips, embraced Faramir in return. Enjoyed the ticklish sensation of the soft hair on the young man's body against his own elven skin. The roughness of his cheeks. Marveled at the difference between them. Although the Man had a light complexion his skin still looked dark against the elven paleness. It was all pleasure. The honey scented skin was under his lips again. The eager, young body ready and willing against his own. The blue eyes and the auburn hair. All so beautiful to look at. His desire was increased even more as he watched the awe written on the Man's face as he ravaged the elven body offered to him with his mouth and hands. The pleasure he took in it, just to touch. Haldir moaned and shuddered as the Man's hands moved across his skin. This was better than he had thought it would be. This was burning bliss.

"Have me!" The Elf begged at last, unable to wait anymore. "I want to be taken by you tonight."

Faramir looked up. A slight smile on his lips under shiny eyes. This was more than he had hoped for.

"Like a woman?" he asked to be sure.

"Yes," Haldir smiled back with glassy eyes, "although I am a male," he reminded him.

"Like a man, then..." Faramir smiled.

"Yes," Haldir answered. "But I am an Elf."

"As if I could ever forget that!" the boy burst out. "I will take you like an Elf then..." he smiled happily while nibbling at Haldir's neck. Enjoying his scent. The feeling of the Elf's rapid pulse, evidence of his desire.

Haldir smiled as well before the lust took a hold of him and he eagerly moved under the man.

"Have me then," he urged. His lips glistening, his eyes almost black. He lifted one of his legs and slid it over Faramir's shoulder, gave him access to his most intimate parts.

"Wont I hurt you?" Faramir asked. Worry showed through the lust in his eyes.

Haldir just smiled:

"No," he said and took the other's erection in his hand. Forcing more thick fluid from the tip with his fingers, smearing it over the Man's skin. "This will do,"he smiled wickedly. " I am old," he said, "I am hardly a virgin."

Faramir smiled back. He stroke the marble skin, marveled at the faint glow in it and found what he was searching for. He positioned himself and took a deep breath.

"Do it!" Haldir murmured hotly and lifted his hips slightly from the ground. His eyes locked with Faramir's. His nostrils flared with every breath.

Faramir took him.

He pushed himself into the elven body inch by inch and could have cried for joy just at the feel of it. The warm, tight embrace. The lustful moans from the one beneath him. Muscles that flexed and gave in. A body that welcomed him; -the intrusion.

He took a grip of Haldir's hips and started moving. Slid himself in and out of the smooth, warm entrance. Haldir followed him. Moved his body with the rhythm, greeted every thrust with deep sighs and moans of approval. He steadied himself on his elbows and lifted his head from the ground, licked his lips and watched the man under half-closed lids.
Faramir turned his head and sucked eagerly at the skin of the elf's thigh. Kissed it and left a moist trail with his tongue. The Elf shuddered beneath him. Threw back his head and met the thrusting hips eagerly with his own. Sweat mingled where their bodies met, warm and slick and burning.

Faramir's tension filled body was about to explode. He held himself back by will alone. Deep moans ripped from his chest with every thrust into the slender piece of grace before him. He would not hold, he knew it! When Haldir reached down and took his own member in his hand and began stroking it time with his thrusts, Faramir felt dizzy and it was black before his eyes for a moment. The passion and the restrain being almost too much. He looked down and was instantly mesmerized by the sight: The elf pleasuring himself with sure strokes and behind it, his own dark member slipping in and out of the marble body. All of it, every inch of skin slick with sweat and juices. His eyes rolled back when he felt the first waves hit the Elf. Making his muscles tense and then relax around Faramir, over and over again. He clutched at the thigh on his shoulder; kissed it, bit into it, while the release coursed through his body and exploded in his groin. Warm drops of pearly liquid hit the heated skin on their chests from the Elf's twitching member and with a hoarse cry Faramir spilt himself deeply inside Haldir's body.

He collapsed on top of the elf and felt the leg slip from his shoulder to stretch beside him. His spent member slipped out of the other and arms came to rest on his back. Haldir's chest rose and fell heavily as his breath slowly returned back to normal. Faramir's tongue slipped out to taste the sweat on the other's skin. One of Haldir's hands moved up to his head, fingers ran through the moist tendrils of his hair.

They lay there for a while, just feeling the other's body. The comfortable silence of the aftermath.

"Thank you!" Faramir said at last. He moved his head to see the Elf's face.

A smile played on Haldir's lips, swollen and sore from their lovemaking.

"It was my pleasure, sweet one," he replied in his low voice. "Did you like it?" he asked teasingly.

"I...I have no words to describe it..." the Man said. He bent down and kissed the Elf affectionately in an impulsive gesture. A deep kiss filled with emotion.

Haldir received the kiss and returned it with just as much affection.

When the kiss ended Faramir rolled himself off Haldir's body to lie beside him. The air chilled their moist bodies and Haldir moved closer to the man. Curled up beside him, resting his head on Faramir's arm.

"I cannot believe," he said, "that I could become so enthralled by Denethor's son..." His finger run down Faramir's cheek. "That I should find such pleasure in his flesh and blood".

"And I," Faramir said, "To become so enchanted by an Elf of the Golden Wood...A *male* Elf, even...I am glad you wont linger here for long," he added. "I would loose my heart to you..."

It was then the figure in the window moved. Bright light spilled out in the garden, revealing his presence and his shame.

"Who was that?" Faramir said startled and looked at the elf with wide eyes.

"Your father." Haldir said without emotion. " I guess he could not bare watching us together anymore."

"He was there all the time?" Faramir asked.

"Yes," Haldir's face was smooth. "He knew he could not move because the light would spill out, so he was frozen there...forced to see us play together." Unable to hold it back anymore Haldir's mouth exploded in a wide grin while his eyes shone with amusement.

"But..." Faramir was stunned. Then...he was hurt: " So this was your revenge?" he said. Unable to hold the hurt out of his voice.

Haldir chuckled softly, then he rose from the ground to his knees and finally met the other's gaze.

"Men!" he said. "... I am not good at soothing your pride...but believe this Faramir," he reached out and took the Man's limp hand in his. "Your father's presence was just convenient. This was not my revenge! It was my desire!" He pressed a chaste kiss to the palm of Faramir's hand. "Do you believe me?" he asked.

"Yes," Faramir smiled and remembered the Elf's surrender to his passion. "I believe you," he said.

"Then share the sweetness of this moment with me, Faramir. All of it!" His eyes darted to the now empty window.

Faramir smiled back and followed his gaze.

"I will," he said. "All of it!"


Denethor heard his own heart race. His eyes were wide and his breath was unsteady.

Again and again he saw the scene in his mind.

The kneeling elf taking his son's arousal into his mouth. His kneeling son bedding the Elf, possessing the glowing body, forcing moans of pleasure from those red, elven lips.

His own nightly dreams unfolded yet he had no part in it.

He saw again how Faramir's hands had touched the Elf wherever he wanted to. How Haldir had shed his clothes and slid in to the youth's embrace. How he had welcomed his touch and his kisses. How they had been returned to the boy. Elven hands on his flesh and blood. Elven thighs parted for his son. Lips that had met, exploring tongues...

How had Faramir achieved this victory? What had he done?

Denethor's hand shook when he poured the wine.

And Haldir was beautiful, he thought. Even more beautiful than he had imagined: Not a flaw on the white, smooth skin. And his son...

Denethor poured another glass of wine.

- And he had stood there like a fool. Unable to move until the joy of their shared aftermath was about to choke him. Their relaxed bodies. Spent and tired. Still together on the grass. Entwined, comfortable. This was no fiery passion born of anger. The Elf had seduced the boy...he had seen that. Yet, it was so hard to believe...and even though he tried, he could not tell himself the Elf had not taken great pleasure in him. His mind was merciless. The picture of the Elf lost in passion, lost in his own release, haunted him. Those pearly droplets showering his son's skin...Haldir's head thrown back. Faramir's mouth sucking at the elven skin as he found his own release deep inside the slender body. The one that had been denied *him* from his youth to the present day. The one Boromir had wanted and been denied. Faramir had had him. There, on the grass.

He could only beg that they hadn't seen him. Hadn't noticed it when he moved. Hopefully, he thought, they'd been too occupied with each other...

He heard noises in the hall and grabbed his goblet and a torch. Without thinking he entered the hall, just in time to see the couple disappear up the stairs.

He didn't want to think of why he was doing this, but he started to climb the stairs after them. Lingered on every corner and silently moved up after them. It was as if he had to see how this ended. Wanted to hear the cool voice of the Elf build a wall between them. Restore the balance, restore his superiority. Let the coolness of the elven race wash the folly out of his son.

He stopped at the last corner. Knowing that Haldir's room was the first one in the corridor. He stopped and listened:

" Well then, Faramir of Gondor...this is my chamber..." Haldir's voice low but not cold...Denethor didn't quite know what to make of it.

"Haldir of Lorien," his son replied. Denethor could almost picture the slight nod that followed the words. What he did not understand was the silence. He took a few more steps, hid the torch behind the corner, then he leaned forward to see...

Faramir held Haldir in his arms, Haldir held Faramir and their lips were touching.

Denethor's eyes widened, he clenched his jaw and felt sweat cover his forehead. Here! He thought. In his own household!

Suddenly he heard the Elf laugh softly in the corridor.

"Come..." he said.

Denethor forgot to be careful and propped his head around the corner, just in time to see Haldir drag Faramir into his room. They held each other's hands and their eyes were locked in the other's. Neither of them noticed the old man on the staircase.

Still not willing to reflect upon his own actions, Denethor entered the corridor. He found a stone bench under a window a couple of doors away from the Elf's. He placed the torch in a holder on the wall and sat down to wait. He could not rest until he knew this...madness...had ended. Until he knew that his son slept in his own bed.

When the morning came and rays of sun made the torchlight fade Denethor still sat there. When the servants woke and started to move around in the palace, he sat there. He sat there over breakfast, he sat there over noon. The servants saw him sit there and quickly passed him, or took another route. His dark expression scaring them off.

He still sat there when the daylight faded and elvish exclamations of pleasure reached out in the hallway from the closed door.

He sat there when the midnight bell rang and when the night faded the day after.

At last his closest advisor approached him. Staggering like a much older man Denethor rose to his feet. Leaning heavily on his advisor's shoulder he made his way to his own rooms. An expression of utter defeat on his face. More ashen and grey than ever.

When he finally fell asleep in his big, stuffed bed, he dreamed about a dark, closed door.

The End
