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undefined Conker's BFD Records

Conker's Bad Fur Day Records

Send In Any Records in Conker like your best time or best kill in multiplayer.

Or any other thing and I will post it up here with your name on it. Just let me know your record, something you like to call yourself and I'll post it up.

Just send to My E-mail


Records By: Chad Long

Level: Total War Me vs. Tediz (8 is max and that’s what I used) Einstein opponents with 5 lives each (so 5 vs. 40) Won without losing one life and LOST NO HEALTH either!!

Accuracy of 87%

Favorite Level: Colors

Favorite Character: Neo Conker

Favorite Weapons: Sword, Sniper, Bazooka

Highest accuracy I ever had was 400% when I hit 4 Einstein-leveled squirrels on Total War at the start of the game.


Record By: XBurbRepo4x4X

Tediz Killed: 214 In Colors 2:45 On Einstein


Michael Duong and Tommy Pham Got 40 flags flags each in Colors

Noo flags and it was on ENSTEIN (woo)

Played as the squirrels and used the swords

Total=80 Flags (Nice work)

Other Records By: Michael Duong

Killed around 210 Tediz in Colors on Bastard level.

Died 10 times.

Favorite character is paulie the weasel.

Favorite weapon is the two machine guns, the one hit

shot gun, and the bazooka :P


Records By Austin

Can kill 9 Einstein's per life


Records By: Ashley Woodrow

Level war

me v tediz

Died 6 times

Game 10mins

202 kills

Diffcultey basted

Fav char is greg

Fav weapon is shoot gun

Accy 97

Game 1 finish 8.12 first time

Game 2 finish 6.56

Game 3 finish 5.16


Woodrow Savage (GUNS)

LEVEL multi-WAR-colors

Me >VS< tediz(9)

I died 3

Tediz died 324

Total 327

My flags 25

Tediz flages 5

Total flages 30

Game play 10min

Difficulty Einstein

Favorite chapters Its WAR,Greg the Grim Reaper

Favorite gun Sniper Rifle,Bazooka,Shot Gun

Favorite charakter Greg the Grim Reaper

Guns used Sniper Rifle,Bazooka

Accuracy: 150% head shots 300 blowups 24

Tediz killed me when sniping

Game123 100% done

Game1 4:04:34

Game2 2:37:59

Game3 8:23:45 *slow*


Records by Asher Hingston (A-MAN)

Level: Heist

Accuracy: 150% (believe it or not)

Weapon: Bazooka

*killed three weasels with one shot

Favorite Weapon: Chainsaw

Favorite Chapter Enter the Vertex

Favorite Character: Evil Fairy-Type Panther-like King

Second Favortie: Greg the Grim Reaper


Records by: James Gallardo

Teddiz Killed: 158

Level: Colors, Temple

Cavemen killed: 100

Favorite Guns: MP-1

Best gun: Shotgun

Killed 158 Teddiz in: 6 mins


*Multiplayer Records*

Record By: Kyle Parker

Tediz: 117


wins: 70

T-wins: 73

Einstein: me vs: 9 Tediz 13 mins


Record By: Adrian

Killed 200 tediz

Level: Colors

Weapon: Sniper Rifle

100% accuracy all head shots

Records by gllrgom

Squirrels: 55

Tediz Killed: 200

Dies: 40 Heads shot off:80


Record By: Sportsmoneyfan


Total: Squirrels:25 Tediz:17

Flags got by me: 10

Flags by team: 15

Flags gotten by opponent: 17

Shooting percentage: 72

Kills: 271

Head shots: 240


Total War ten minutes bastard I killed 69

( It was me verus 8 tediz )


$Multiplayer Kills$


Total War

Difficulty: Inbred

Time: 10 minutes

Kills: 155 (individual, not team score)


Conker's BFD Completion Times

  • Gamefreak1 4 hours 12 minutes
  • Jarrod (ConkersCrib) 4 hours 35 minutes
  • Invent 4 hours 40 minutes
  • Manga02 5 hours 1 minute
  • Professor 5 hours 37 minutes
  • Person321 5 hours 55 minutes
  • DarkKnightMike 5 hours 55 minutes
  • Fantanoice 7 hours 30 minutes
  • Yoann 7 hours 30 minutes
  • Jinni-Chan 7 hours 43 minutes
  • King Conka 8 hours 20 minutes
  • Rick 8 hours 45 minutes
  • LimpBizkitPro 9 hours 32 minutes
  • Josh Krtizz 9 hours 35 minutes
  • Rose Fix 9 hours 40 minutes
  • Ricky Sincula 9 hours 57 minutes
  • ConkerFifi 10 hours 32 minutes
  • Berri 10 hours 50 minutes

Image Sent In By: Manga02

Image Sent In By: LimpBizkitPro