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What Conker Fans are saying about Conker's Crib

Conker's Crib is currently the biggest English Conker fansite

On the internet based around the World Of Conker.

Below are what some people think of Conker's Crib

Have something to say about Conker's Crib send it here


"Dear conker you are the best i,ve bin pyaion yor game for 6 yers nonstop well goda go and conker never stop shinning p.s bigist fan !!!!!!!!!"-Weezie

"I am so sad cause conker died on BFD yesterday I was crying its was game over O yelled Noo! Well bye my name is Junior Big Conker Fan I will feel good if you put this on ur web site plz the end!"-Junior

"I got three bookmarks on this site. One from 2003, one from 2005, one from now. Way to go Jarrod!"--FH--

"Dude this is the best site in the world! Who ever made site is the best person in the world! I stay on this site for like the whole day looking at Conker pics and stuff."-the most biggest fan in the world

"Conker's Crib is Conkeriffic and the most dedicated website on the internet." -Oxfordunited3346

"Dude...I love you! This site has provided more info than any other site I have seen. I honestly mean that."-Matt Pope

"Dude this site is the biggest, phatest, coolest, most radical Conker website ever. I go here at least 4 to 5 times a day! Never close this website. This website is da nuclear bomb!! Yo, yo, yo homie!" -Crazy Conka Fan

"Dude this is the best Conker site in the world I go to your site like three times a day and try to find out info of CONKER: LIVE & RELOADED!!!!!!"-Brueck

"This site is the SHIZNET!"-PunkConker

"Conker's Crib is the best site I've ever been to! It's the best!

I look forward to when Conker Live & Reloaded comes out! I already played Conker's BFD!"-Conka-fan

"dUdE yOu RoCK!!"-landoltm

"This is the only website I've been going on for Conker stuff! Keep it up!"-Wonderswan

"Conker should be on Nintendo, but conker still kicks ass anywhere!!"-PINININE

"How can your site suck? It got Conker"-Dsw11M

"I've been visiting Conker's Crib since 2002 and still love it! Best Website Eva!"-Jason0595

"I just wanted to tell you guys that your site kicks ass

and is the best site for conker out there!"-SuperKryptonite

"Yer site is awesome and has the best stuff on conker"-NFLBIGGAME

"Your site kicks way too much ass dude! I've been a Conker fan way before Bad Fur Day! This is an awesome homage to everyone's favorite foul-mouthed rodent. Keep up ze good vurk!"- Nick C.Thurmont MD

"I love you Conker. your the best video game I ever played!! Conker's Crib is sweet!"-wszolek

"The best site ever for Conker."- Cristopher M.

"This site has everything to do with Conker and I would rate this site 10/10."-Mike (CTD founder)

"This website is awesome Conker's Bad Fur Day was 1 of my favorite games and now theres a new conker game cumin out and I find out more about it on this website"-Jamoxlz

"I can't really believe how you did it, but I really enjoy all the stuff on the site your good Jarrod."- Michelesa

"This is the BEST site of Conker I ever been to, Jarrod keep this job rolling cause u ROCK"!!-Mike

"Conker's Crib is the best website ever! Nothing is better than Conker's Crib nothing" -Adrian

"Is there anything to say? This site has truly got it all." -Alastair

"Jarrod you have made the world a better place online! Thanks so much for this site"-Henry201

"OMG IM REEADY FOR THA FUR TO FLY BABBY I cant wait I crave this game I play an hour of it still every night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-paintballmage182

"This site is the best SITE ever. It totally kicks ass. Your site rocks! Thanks for providing the best site ever you rock!"-Sportsmoneyfan

"Dude if this isn't as good as actually playing Conker, then what is?" -ConkersBazooka

"4 sentences : Best. Conker. Site. Ever."-grantevans

"Wonderful job on your site, it really makes me feel I'm in Conker's World!"-Tedbundy853

"Simply Marvelous Conker Site 10/10"-Jeffe

"You have the best site I've ever seen on the web.Keep up the good work."-Superswat001

"Jarrod, I just wanna say: GREAT JOB DUDE, I can't even imagine that you did all this work! Everybody, give it up for Jarrod!"-Scamp Z

"Tons of Info, cool layouts, great music! Conker's Crib is the best site I visit!"-Amy402

"Conker's Crib X is the most impressive Conker site I have ever seen!"-Alastair

"I think this is the BEST conker site in the world"- Hans

"This site is amazing! So much stuff on Conker! Great work Jarrod you rock!- Lloyd

"I love this site its so much fun!"-Devon

"This is by far the best CBFD siteI have ever been to!!O yeah and I like the wallpapers!Really cool."-Danielle

"Hey man no conker site will ever be as good as this one. Excellent work!"-Jessnwitham

"All I gotta say is that this is the best conker website ever keep up the good work!"-Blackhawk73190

"This is the best out of all the Conker sites I've been to." -Tammy

"Love the site (Particulary the fan fiction.......who'd have thought ?) and I'm refreshed to see people still have an interest in Mr. Yamauchi's all time favorite R rated Pissing Squirrel Game." -Chris

"This is the best Crib I've been too!" -HenryH

"This is the best Conker website I've ever been to. PERIOD." -Guadalupe Palma

"Best cbfd site yo!"-Jbheyroth


"I am amazed at how Jarrod can keep this website up, and it is stunning that he updates it every day. The day i send things in, they're up! He is definitely one of the worlds best teenage webmasters." - LimpBizkitPro

"If there's one conker site you gotta see it's Conker's Crib" -Bill

"This is one of the last great sites around, I've seen about conker, but it is sure as hell the greatest!" -MegaKnuckZ

"All Hail Conker's Crib" -Joe

"I'm bookmarking this baby!" -Jim

"Number 1 Conker Site Ever!" -Drayton

"Jarrod, you have done good with the site im an proud of u my friend...who knows mabye one day u can make some profit off of it!!!!" - Jonathan

"Great site! Keep it up" - Chumpyman

"Hey there. sorry to be a bother it's just I think you site's the best one in the net" -Joey

"This site is awesome" -Steve

"Dude the site kicks ass plain and simple" -Dom

"Wow this site is great" -Bugga Da Knut

"I am a Conker Fan and this is the best site I have been to yet. Keep it going!!" -Tim

"This site deserves an award for overall conker achievement to all conker fans for being the best conker fan site around on the internet" -Jordan

I would like to thank all of the fans that support Conker's Crib and all of the people for being fans! Conker's Crib will have lots more to come in 2004. -Jarrod

Have something you'd like to say about Conker's Crib send it here