![]() April 15th, 2015: Just thought I’d tell Conker fans this news. I’m sure most already know all this though. After 10 years Conker makes a return to Project Spark. Conker returns as a dlc add on in Conker’s Big Reunion. It releases next week! Here are a few videos for you to check out on YouTube below. Conker's Big Reunion Trailer Conker's Big Reunion Teaser Trailer September 26th, 2013: You all know I'm a huge fan of Conker's BFD on N64. One of the best games ever made in my opinion. Best on the N64! Been playing it for many years. Never get bored with it. I came across this custom painted Conker N64 system on Ebay and had to get it. Thought I'd share it with you Conker fans out there. It's a very cool looking system, never seen another like it before. ![]() In other news, Chris Seavor has posted Conker's BFD Commentary on YouTube. Check it out right here pretty cool stuff. Also here is a very "RARE" concept art picture from the sequel to Conker's BFD that got cancelled in 2008. Conker 2: Getting Medieval also known as Conker's Other Bad Fur Day ![]() Also check out this awesome signed Conker's BFD picture signed by the Conker team developers. Thanks to Conker fan Jay Morgan for sharing this amazing piece of work with us. Truly a "RARE" autograph, only seen a few of these over the years. ![]() January 21st, 2013: An update? I don't believe it! Well this isn't really news, but something cool I thought I'd share with Conker fans that still check out the old Conker's Crib. I recently got a very cool custom made Conker's BFD N64 cartridge off Ebay. Here's a picture for all your conker fans out there. ![]()
![]() March 5th, 2011: 10 years ago today one of my favorite video games of all time came out on the N64. It’s amazing how time flys, seems like yesterday it was 2001. Here it is 10 years later and I’d say Conker’s BFD still holds up very well. Sure we have the remake on Xbox, but the N64 version was an instant classic in my book. I have been playing Conker’s BFD since 2001. It was a fantastic game for it’s time and will forever live on. There is nothing like it out there in the game world. Sure we have all these next generation games, but none can ever fill Conker’s shoes. Conker’s BFD was a “Rare” kind of game. So celebrate today Conker’s 10th Anniversary! Go play some good old Conker’s BFD on N64. Be sure to click the picture of Chris Seavor above to re-live those squirrely moments from the N64 classic! January 26th, 2011: Mr. Cribby here. Another year has gone by. Not much really to say these days about Conker the squirrel. Rare has really lost their magical touch over the years I’d say. I’m still a fan of their older games, but their recent games just have been incredibly disappointing. Most Rare fan sites have either shut down, dead or in the process of dying. No need to fear though, I’ll never take down the old Conker’s Crib. I put too much work into it over the years, to just delete it all. Maybe one day we’ll see a Conker’s BFD N64 port on Xbox Live. That would be cool. I doubt we’ll get a true sequel to Conker’s BFD anytime soon, maybe never. If we do though, I’ll probably be in a nursing home when it comes out or 6 feet under. In the mean time check out The Boards Not many of us left, but we have fun talking about life and what makes us go CONKERS! May The Fur Be With You Always! -Mr. Cribby
![]() April 21st, 2010: No more Conkering Online? Yes that’s right you heard it. Microsoft has pulled the plug for original Xbox Live support. So that means no more Conker: Live & Reloaded, Halo 2, or any of the other fantastic titles that were playable on the original Xbox Live. April 15th, 2010 was the last day to let the fur fly online. We Came, We Saw, We Conkered! In other news a new Conker website has popped up online. Be sure to check out Conker-Zone for all your squirrel needs. Oh and if your still reading all this, come join in at The Boards we could use some new acorns around. January 3rd, 2010: It's been years since theres been an update on Conker's Crib. There finally is some Conker News! Conker has been struggling over the years. This awesome pic was created by: SnippySnap
![]() August 28th, 2006: The Boards are now open again to anyone that would like to sign up. You can talk about anything there. So feel free to sign up if you want to. The site will no longer be updated though as I said before in March. I’m done with Conker and there is nothing more to say anyway. So please don’t email me and tell me to update Conker’s Crib. I’ve gotten so many emails after I quit the site with people asking me to post news. It’s not going to happen, there isn’t any news anway. March 5th, 2006 Well it’s time for me to move on Conker fans. I really have enjoyed working with this site for the past 3 1/2 almost 4 years. I’ll never get anywhere in life if I keep talking about Conker for the rest of my life. There is not really anything more to even say about the squirrel. I have said everything that there is possible about Conker for years, and it’s starting to get old. I was originally going to leave the site right after CLR came out. I was so disappointed in the Xbox version of Conker, but I didn’t leave. I still continued to run the site for the fans that enjoyed the game. Now it’s time for me to stop, I’ve put this off for many months and now I’m ready to say my goodbyes now. So I wish you all the best of luck and thanks for visiting over the past few years. I’m still amazed this site turned out as good as it did. When I first got this site back in 2002, I knew nothing about html or even making a website. I didn’t even know how to make logos or anything. There were only about 5-10 visitors a day. Now it’s one of the best known Conker fan sites on the web. This entire website was done in notepad. I still don’t know how I managed to make anything. No one taught me how to do any of this; I learned most of it myself. Sure it’s not amazingly designed like some websites, but I think I did pretty damn good. I’m sure Jonathan would be proud too, I kept my word to him and kept the site running for years. He first started the site back in 2001, then handed it down to me. I’ve worked with it ever since. I’ve encountered many crazy things happening over the years too. There’s been fake Chris Seavors, Fake Rare Employee’s, and many other weird things happened, but I had fun. Most people enjoyed visiting the site, except for a few people. Conker Fans all over the world got to read all about their favorite, furry, red squirrel. So it makes me feel good to know, that I put a smile on people’s faces over the years. Thanks for all your nice comments and for all your support for Conker’s Crib. I would also like to thank the Mod’s of Conker’s Crib for all their help over the years, Jonathan, Google, Rare Extreme, Yahoo, Rare, Microsoft, M80, and many others for all their help and support too. I would also like to thank all the fans for sending in all there stuff to the site. Thanks for linking this site to all my affiliates. Thank you Yahoo, Google and many others for adding me in your search engines, that helped out a lot. A big thanks to Angelfire for hosting this site over the past few years. Don’t worry I won’t be deleting the site for good. I’m leaving up everything exactly like it is. I wouldn’t dare delete all this hard work that would be just crazy (Plus people would probably hunt me down and kill me too). I won’t be updating the site anymore, so don’t expect to see any more updates or news posted on the site. Please don’t email me and ask for the site or harass me. The site is not for sale, and never will be. The boards will still be open for you all to visit. After March 20th, I am no longer taking sign ups for the boards. So if you would like to post, please sign up before then or you will not be able to join the boards. The reason I am closing sign ups is because most people signed up and never used their accounts. I’m getting a bit tired of activating accounts that are never used. I’ll still be on my boards, but I am no longer updating Conker’s Crib. There are still a few Conker fan sites out there to visit on the web, so don’t cry. There probably won’t be a new Conker game for a long long time, maybe never. You can still email me if you wish, but I am no longer working with this site. So that means I won't be posting anymore fan art, pictures, etc. I don’t plan on making any new video game related websites or Rare related sites either.
- Mr. Cribby Webmaster Of Conker’s Crib
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