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undefined Old Updates Of Conker's Crib

February 21st: More short Video Game Reviews added!

February 16th: Full Auto is out! Think Twisted Metal meets Burnout Revenge! It's a blast and only on Xbox 360!

February 14th: Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! Watch out for Cupid To celebrate here are some custom made PSP Conker wallpapers for you all. You must have version 2.0 to make them work though.

February 13th: New Affiliates added.

February 11th: Like Crazy Racing games? There's a really cool one coming out for Xbox 360! Check out Full Auto

February 10th: Rare has added up two Bonus MP3s from CLR. You can listen to them right here

February 8th: The New Conker single player plushie is now out. You can order yours today at Troal & Toad The talking War Conker plushie comes out next week.

February 1st: New short video game reviews added by yours truly!

January 30th: January is just about gone. So I figured I'd bring back the Crib Quiz Please no funny stuff like last time, or it's going bye bye again! There are some really sweet sprites up too!

January 25th: New Affiliates added today. Need some vehicle air help? Check out Community Conker's Vehicle Air Guide

January 16th: Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Thank you Dr. King for making the world a better place. Click Here to read all about Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

I’m taking today to say goodbye to one of my loved ones. My Uncle Steve passed away yesterday afternoon from a heart attack. He was the best Uncle I ever had and the one that was there for me. He went through hell his entire life, so now he can finally rest. He will be sadly missed, may he rest in heaven up there with God’s angels.

R.I.P. Uncle Steve

January 14th: The new Conker plushies, have been delayed until later this month. If your interested in buying one, check out Troal & Toad

January 9th: Tons of new fan art, sprites, and I updated the FAQ below with more answers to questions people have been asking me lately.

January 4th: Hope you all had a nice New Year! If you haven't bought CLR yet, now’s a good time. The game dropped in price once again now to $20. Community Conker has up a some new things too!

December 31st: Happy New Year! I hope you all have a great 2006 and many more to come!

December 30th: 2006 is almost here! Grab your party hats and your drinks and lets party!

December 26th: Hope you all had a nice Christmas! If you never found those hidden holiday pictures here they are Conker Clause & Mrs. Berri Clause

December 23rd: Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy Hanukkah to you all!

December 21st: The Tepid Seat has finally been answered!

Attack Of The Teddy

By: Reloaded Squirrel

December 18th: Ho Ho Ho Conka Clause here! Christmas is almost here! The best Conker gift to get this year is CLR of course! You can find it now a whole lot cheaper at stores So spread some cheer, even to those Evil Tediz and that old fat pop tart Bugga.

December 15th: Santa Clause has been bad this year, check out this hilarious video with Santa on the crapper

December 14th: Check out these cool lights on this house! Now that is what I call Holiday Spirit!

December 12th: Got GTA Vice City for PC? If you do send me an email and I'll send you a sweet Santa Clause skin for the Tommy Vercetti model I made for the holidays.

December 9th: Check out the New poll! Some new fan art added and more sweet sprites too!

December 7th: Ho Ho Ho Conker Clause here! Can you find me hidden on this page?

December 4th: Can you find Mrs. Berri Clause? She's hiding somewhere on this page.

December 2nd: Tons of New Fan art added! Check out the Boards too for more Conker Cheer this year!

November 28th: New Christmas Theme!

Now Conker and all his pals are ready for the Holidays this year!

November 27th: We've reached over 400,000 hits! Thanks for visiting the site Conker people!

Conker's Crib wishes you all a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday! Now let's go grab some Turkey and some of those squirrel pies and have a feast!

November 22nd: Xbox 360 is out! What are you doing here? Go out there and get yourself a 360, that is if you can find one. Rare's new games Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo are now out too.

November 20th: New fan art added and some new Comics added too.

November 19th: Check out all the babes from Conker over at Community Conker

As Conker would say Oh my Giddy Aunt!!

November 15th: Updated the FAQ below with some answers alot of people have been asking lately.

November 11th: Looks like CLR won't be playable on Xbox 360 afterall. has up the list of some of the games that will be playable. CLR might make the list later on though. Thanks to FroFroDaJimmyBoy for the link to this info.

November 9th: Some hilarious New Interviews with the Conker Cast, special thanks to Dylan for making them. You can also check out some of the other funny ones by Jay there too.

November 7th: Mundorare has up a new article; looks like CLR will be playable on Xbox 360. You will need the hard drive in order to play it though. I hope this will fix some of the main problems in CLR like the crazy load times in every single room. Then the times where it freezes for a second when the characters are talking in cut scenes.

November 5th: I was surfing the web and found these cool looking Asian CLR boxarts. You can check them out over at this site Play-Asia

November 4th: Having problems with your Conker Plush? Check Out the Conker Plush Guide

November 3rd: Many people have been asking me in email if CLR will be playable on Xbox 360. I wish I could tell you the answer, but no one knows yet. All I have heard is that the top-selling and high quality games on Xbox will be backwards compatible.

November 2nd: Hope you all enjoyed the Halloween theme, now it's time for the ghouls to hide way. New fan art added, more sprites, and some more Affiliates too.

October 31st: Trick Or Treat smell my feet give me something good to eat! If you don't I don't care I'll pull down your underwear! Happy Halloween Kiddies!

October 28th: I am here once again, it's me your batty friend. Did you know that Halloween is almost here? I vas born a long long ago. Quite amazing I might say. Halloween will be my birthday! I'm older than your great great uncle's china plates. I think I need a drink, anyway Happy Halloween my little squirrels.

October 23rd: More fan art added! There are some new sprites up too. AMC Monsterfest starts tonight, if you've got AMC that's the place to see all the spooky movies this Halloween!

October 20th: If you have a Conker plushie make sure you read about how to take care of him. Or he may die like your Furby did or run off to Taiwan with another one

October 18th: Count Conkula here again! I have another spooky tip for you my preys! Did you know that there is another way to kill those zombies? Vell here's vhat you do, try running them over with Mr. Barrel for more Halloween fun! It vill save you ze ammo and a few tails.

October 12th: Today is ze day of the Count Conkula. He is over 400 years old and he's hungry for blood! He wants ze villagers, and needs Conker's help. Hurry click here

Come Closer Prey!

October 9th: New ghoulish fan art added!

October 7th: You can preview all of the CLR soundtrack now over at Community Conker

October 6th: We all like Zombies right? If your a zombie fan like me, make sure you pick up Romero's Land of the Dead. The Dead will take over this October 18th

October 4th: Count Conkula here! I have a spooky tip for you my prey, when you are in ze grave yard with the undead. Quickly jump onto a grave stone and aim down at zem. Zis vill save you a few tails, it also makes those zombie squirrels a lot easier to kill too. But remember pray, you must fetch me ze villagers before you leave, or I may get touchy about my ancestors again.

October 2nd: New Halloween Theme! New Affiliates added too.

September 27th: There’s some new stuff up over at Community Conker

September 19th: New fan art added and that's about it. Nothing else new, let's hope Rare's Tepid Seat Questions are answered soon.

September 17th: Community Conker has up even more of the CLR soundtrack for you to preview. You can listen to most of the tunes at their website

Due to many people taking advantage of the Crib Quiz. I have removed the Quiz from the site. Many people were using swear words and ugly words as their names and using other people’s names too. For the people that didn’t use ugly words thank you!

September 14th: Check out these really old videos of what Conker use to be before the BFD makeover. Twelve Tales

September 12th: You can check out my CLR Soundtrack review over in the CLR section Looks like there will be talking Conker plushies after all. They don't come out till 2006 though. More pics and info right here

Remembering 9/11 4 years ago the most horrible thing happened to America. People lost their lives in the world trade center. Families, friends and loved ones were devastated by this disaster. Now the world is facing another terrible disaster Hurricane Katrina. People are dying, sick and homeless. So please just take today to remember those that were lost and no longer with us. May the people of 9/11 and Katrina R.I.P.

$30 was pretty cheap price for CLR, some places online are now selling it for $20. So if your low on cash, and never got CLR. Now's a good time to buy it for a budget price.

September 10th: New Poll and Crib Quiz up. New Affiliates too!

September 8th: Bad news for Conker, price drop in less than 3 months! CLR is now $30 new at most local game stores. Thanks to Gamepro for the info.

September 7th: Looks like there's another Conker plushie coming out soon. This one has Conker in his shorts from the Xbox version. You can check it out over at Troll & Toad

September 5th: Happy Labor Day to you all. I hope you all have a great one. I also hope all the families and my Conker friends that were hit by Hurricane Katrina are alive and doing well.

August 31st: Want to win a signed Conker poster by the entire Conker Team? Check out Rarextreme's Contest going. You can read about it right here

Were back after some crazy idiot deleted this page and changed it. I got it all back so were back in business!

August 26th: New wallpaper up over at Community Conker You can also preview some more of the CLR Soundtrack there too.

August 20th: Good news another cool Conker fan game! Peanut & Zack have released their Zombie Squirrel Shooter, you can download it over at her page right here

August 18th: You have to check out this new fan game GNX Software is working on. You can try out the demo and read more info on the game at their site I've also added some new fanart up too!

August 16th: Conker is loosing once again, Mega Man is winning! Hurry and save him while there’s still time. Vote for Conker at

August 13th: There's a New MSN Messenger Conker Theme Pack you can download now over at Community Conker

August 12th: You can check out the first sales of Conker on Xbox over at Mundorare that’s pretty good, but I'm sure a tv commercial airing would have really helped out sales too. New secrets added too.

August 8th: Back to school tomorrow, good luck to those that go back too. Some new fanart up and some secrets added too. There's also some new cheats added for CLR. Thanks to Josh Gillespie!

August 5th: All Contest prizes were mailed out yesterday! Congrats again to the 3 winners! New stuff at Community Conker too. You gotta get the CLR Soundtrack, it's fan^$!@%#* tastic!

August 3rd: The CLR Soundtrack is now out! You can order your copy over at I have a busy week, so there probably won't be many updates. My dad is coming home from surgery and school starts back next week. So I'll be busy as a bee.

August 1st: Thanks for entering the Contest everyone, here are the three winners that were picked randomly out of a bag filled with names! Congratulations to

1st- Marie Miller

2nd- Danielle Brown

3rd- Sean Kelly

July 31st: Great News were now linked over at Community Conker The Contest is about to end so hurry up and enter if you haven't yet. Today is the last day to enter.

July 30th: New interview with the producer of the CLR Soundtrack Nile Rogers The Soundtrack hits stores August 2nd! Remember too if you want to enter the Contest today is the last day to enter. I will draw the 3 winners on Sunday. So stay tuned to see if your one of the winners.

July 28th: You have to see these Reality of Conker videos by GameStar711. They are hilarious, but offense Reality 1 Reality 2

July 26th: New affiliates, also some new fanart added! Still no CLR commercial? What's up with that? Oh well

July 22nd: Community Conker has updated with tons of new things! There's Conker Sound Pack Check out the CLR Launch Party pictures too. Don't forget to help save the old multiplayer modes! Please sign this Multiplayer Petition

July 21st: Since there are so many people in the contest. I'm going to throw in some more goodies! Each winner will now get some more bonus DVD’s and game related magazine. So if you haven't entered yet, now’s the time. Just click Conker in the middle!

July 15th: You can preview some of the sweet CLR soundtrack over at Community Conker there is also a new interview with Rabbit in the Moon too.

July 14: Tons of new fan art added today! I've also added some new secrets in the Cheats section for CLR!

July 12th: Well it looks like the CLR Soundtrack has been delayed till August 2nd. Check out the boards too, we've got some new things added for you all to do while your visiting.

July 10th: The CLR Soundtrack is coming out next week! Preorder your copy now over at

July 8th: Over 600 entries in the contest! Thanks for entering, and if you haven't entered yet now's the time. Looks like Rare will be developing for the DS too. I hope all you Conker fans in England are ok. I heard there was a terrible bombing going on. Let's hope these terrorists stop!

July 6th: Check it out the Tepid Seat is back up at Rare's site Are you stuck in CLR? Over at Game Xplan there are tons of videos to help you out for all your Conker needs. New sprites added too

July 4th: Happy 4th of July everyone! Check out the sweet Conker mix playing on this page. All in thanks to Joshua Gish! Great job! Now let the fireworks fly!

July 3rd: Just want to wish you all a Happy 4th! Hope you all have a good one. Watch out for little kids screaming on Xbox Live too. One screamed in my ear put a hole in my eardrum. Thanks for entering the contest too, there have been over 300 entries!

June 30th: Mystery Gamer on tonight playing CLR. Read all about it right here If your having a hard time in CLR you can always download some saves. There’s some good ones up over at Codejunkies I uploaded one of my saves there too.

June 28th: I've noticed a lot of people are sending me their addresses. Don't do that! I won't need that unless you win one of the prizes. All you need to do is enter your name and email that's all. There will be a new CLR cheats up later today too. Over in the cheat section.

June 27th: Help save the old multiplayer modes! A lot of people were not happy with CLR not having the old multi modes from Conker's BFD. So if you all can please take the time and sign this petition

June 26th: The Contest has started! To enter just click the picture of Conker in the middle. Please be sure to read all the rules too. Remember all you have to send is your name and email. Don't send me your address, alot of people have been doing that.

June 25th: The Summer Contest is about to start, you can read all the rules and info right here 3 lucky people will win some games and other goodies this summer.

June 23rd: I've completed the remake and played all the multiplayer modes and now it's time for a review! You can read my CLR review right here

June 22nd: Enjoy CLR for those that are getting it later today, I know I sure am! You can read Team Xbox's review now too.

June 21st: Great News! Conker Base is back up. Just in time for Conker too. Good to see ya back guys! There are some new Reviews over at and Check out this sweet CLR interview at TeamXbox

June 20th: CLR is shipping tomorrow in the USA. You can check out all the current reviews on the game right here

June 19th: Happy Father's Day out there to all the dads. Hope you all have a Conkerific day. Yes I know the flash countdown is wrong, it should be 2 days till CLR. It's really no biggie though, the game will be here before you know it. So I don't see the point in bothering Eternal Kimodo to fix it. In the meantime while your all waiting check out this Shoot Da Tediz Game

June 18th: We'll it's here the IGN review of CLR. What did they give it? Read the review here There is also a review over at You'll see my review later next week!

June 17th: I won't be able to make it to the Crib Chat tonight. My grandmother is in the hospital still and is not doing good at all. I'm going back later today to see her again. Please say a prayer for her!

June 16th: Check out The Art Of Swearing over at IGN I've also found out that the CLR soundtrack will be coming out July 12th! You can also buy some Conker goodies over at Headline Entertainment

June 15th: Bad news! Conker has been leaked on the web! That's just terrible, why can't people just wait a few more days? Geez! Anyway enjoy these great new videos and pictures from Team Xbox Be sure to check out this N64 VS Xbox video too.

June 13th: Got some new fan art up! Someone also told me in the Maxim Magazine July issue, they gave CLR a 5/5. I don't know if that's true or not. If anyone has proof please send me a scan of the review. You can now purchase the CLR Guide over at Primagames or you can download it!

June 12th: I just wanted to say thanks. There have been so many visitors in the past few days. I also want to thank for putting this site on it's search engine! CLR is almost here!

June 11th: IGN has released tons of new videos from CLR. There is also a great CLR Preview over at Game Trailers Check out what CLR got from the UK OXM magazine right here

June 10th: There is a great 30 minute video of CLR's Multiplayer over at Xbox Zone There are some more videos up at too. Be sure to check out this sweet Froza Conker Car

June 9th: New CLR Multiplayer screens and check out this Preview Australia's CLR release date is July 7th. New Crib Quiz up too!

June 8th: New CLR Intro! Check it out right here

June 5th: New Affiliates Added below, and some new wallpapers added.

June 4th: Looks like you can now buy Conker t-shirts, and hats over at Thanks to James for telling me about this. You can also preview 2 songs from the new upcoming CLR soundtrack right here

June 3rd: Great News CLR has finally Gone Gold! That means the game is done and ready to ship! CLR will be out June 21st in North America and June 24th in Europe! Not much longer now! :)

June 2nd: IGN has up some new multiplayer videos of CLR on Xbox Live. have up some single player video clips. Rare has also updated with some new CLR Tediz Wallpapers!

May 31st: IGN have up tons of new screens from CLR! There are also some screens and a video preview over at Xboxyde There is also a CLR Soundtrack coming out later this June.

May 29th: Happy Memorial Day Weekend to you all. Hope you all have a good one. Not much new with the squirrel lately, but I'm sure he has some nuts in store for us all next month when he hits the shelves on Xbox.

May 27th: The Boards are back up now! Conker Chat tonight at 7 pm EST.

May 25th: If you go to Gamestop or EB Games some might have a display box of CLR. The Boards are also getting upgraded to version 4. There will be tons of new features so free free to join in when it's back up.

May 22nd: I've moved all the Affiliates below. Now the entrance page doesn’t looked so cluttered. Not too long now till CLR only a month and few days to go.

May 21st: Well I had a great b-day, check out the cake me and my sister had right here You gotta see all these sweet pictures at Fatal Furry Looks like DLMunson had a great time ;)

Check out this amazing new CLR Trailer As Carl the cog would say fan$#@%*&#tastic!

I just found out that Chris is fine, it was all a mistake. Read here at Rare-Extreme He doesn’t have stomach cancer, he's fine. So now I feel stupid for letting everyone know on Xbox Live and wanting to make a get-well card for him. Sorry everyone

May 19th: Today's the big day! I am officially 18, it's my sister's b-day too. I would also like to wish my conker pals Janelle, Maximillion, and Adrian a happy birthday too. Hope you all have a good one ;)

Now on to Conker, there are some very sweet new screens up at Team Xbox Bugga looks so ugly, but in a good way though and GMP well he looks very pooie, CLR is right around the corner.

No Crib Chat tomorrow, I won't be here. I will be enjoying the new Star Wars III at 7pm, I'll be glad to chat sometime over the weekend with you all though.

May 16th: Got my Conker plushie in the mail today, it's pretty sweet. Check it out There are some very sweet new videos up at Conker Base CLR is looking good, but what's with all these armored guys? There all over the place! Ahhh!

May 14th: The Crib Boards are getting upgraded, it's also been confirmed CLR will have swearing. You'll have to unlock it though, that's from the new Scribes. Community Conker has also updated with a new Interview with Steve McFarlane

May 13th: We've got some hilarious new interviews with the CLR Cast! Thanks to Jay for writing those. There's also some new fan art up, and Rare has updated with a new Scribes Also the Crib Chat is still on this Friday! I found out were not going out of town, till next weekend. So I'll be there later today around 7 pm EST. Hope to see you all there! :)

May 11th: New Video Of Vonkriplesac is up over at Fatal Furry Also check out Troal&Toad there's Conker plushies there! Only $12.99 that's a great deal, for any Conker fan. Rare has updated with 2 new wallpapers. Check out the squirrel gang and their sweet outfits I was at Gamestop today and saw the coolest Conker plushie in a tank. If the manager will let me, I'll try to take a picture of it and post it here. There is also a new poll up. Check out the News & Events at the Boards. There will be a lot happening here this summer.

May 10th: New Interview with Louise Ridgeway Community Conker has also updated with a new CLR guide for the first level. Some new pictures too over at Playmagazine

May 8th: First of all I would like to congratulate DLMunson from Fatal Furry for winning the Conker Contest at Team Xbox. Also Happy Mother's Day out there to all the moms. New comics added, new sprites and check out this sweet CLR Ad Special thanks to CodeR3D and Ricky for sharing this over at RX.

May 6th: Thanks for coming to the chat everyone, it was good to talk to you all there. I won't be home next Friday, but I'll at the next one. New Fan art, Sprites, and Comic up. If you don't see all your stuff up, please don't go Conkers. I get tons of fan art, and emails everyday and I can't always post everything up. Xbox 2 is going to be shown on MTV next week! May 12 is the Day!

May 5th: Crib Chat tomorrow 7pm EST. Hope to see you there, make sure you check out the X-Play CLR Preview too. It's looking good!

May 3rd: New fan art added, one up by me. New Sprites up too.

May 2nd: ConkerBase have up some great Singleplayer videos from Giga Games. Everything looks great, but the load times seem very long in the game. Community Conker also has up a new Interview. New Reviews added too.

May 1st: Were getting closer to CLR's date, not much longer now. New fan art added, and thanks again for everyone that came to the Chat. New Game Reviews coming soon, I've got a few I need write up.

Important Message! Someone at DKU is acting like me again there in the forums. The same thing happened last year. This person is posting old topics I made years ago. That person is not me, so I warn you. I can't even get into the site, a friend told me about what he saw there. If you can tell me who this person is I would really appreciate it. Please email me at if you have any information on who this person is posing as me. I am sick of this crap and I want to find out who this person is and what their problem is.

Thanks for your support

April 28th: Sweet Wallpaper up, created by Dj-Imposteur. New affiliates added as well. Remember Conker Chat tomorrow 7 pm EST be there or be square.

April 27th: Has up a ton of exclusive pictures from CLR. Be sure to check out the Bar, Banjo's head is still up too. Gregg is looking very grim. Looks like we get to choose from different weapons too

April 26th: Where is Conker Now? If you haven't seen this Mockumentary from the CLR Bonus Disc, check it out! Right Here You'll see Ryan Stiles, Football stars, Rapper Cam'ron and a few others. New fanart added today and new sprites too.

April 23rd: Gamespy has up a new CLR preview. has up 2 more multi videos. New fan art added today too. No Crib Chat today. I'm moving them to Fridays so come next Friday and join in if you want.

April 22nd: The Crib April Newsletter is now viewable over at the Boards Got some new affiliates today too.

April 21st: has up 3 more New CLR multiplayer videos. The Tediz and Squirrels are shown off. The action is non-stop in CLR! has up 3 New CLR multiplayer videos. The Tediz are shown and they look terrific! CLR is gonna rock this Summer!

April 20th: Check out Great Mighty Poo Remix by Xilentshadow.

April 19th: CLR has gotten the M rating, I'm sure most of you already knew that though.

There's some new fan art today too, remember people no dirty fanart! I will not post those!

April 18th: Conker Base has up a new in-game CLR movie featuring Single player and multiplayer. The video is all in German, but the characters still speak English. You'll also notice a lot of new things that were never in Conker's BFD. This game is going to be a blast!

April 16th: There's a great new interview over at with Robin Beanland the talented guy that does all the Conker tunes. There's also some more new fan art Conker Chat tonight at 7 pm EST. Come join in if you want.

A Big Special Thanks to Eternal Kimodo for the new Conker Flash Countdown below. Now you will know how many days it will be till CLR. Gamespot also has up a new CLR Preview.

April 15th: More New Pictures from CLR have taken over the internet! Rare has up new ones, and a pooptastic wallpaper. Team Xbox also has up some new screens too. All I have to say is Holy $#@! CLR looks amazing!

April 14th: Looks like Conker has a new gun now instead of the cross-bow in the Spooky Chapter. One of my Conker friends calls it a BOOMSTICK! It looks very powerful that's for sure. You’ll be blasting away zombies come this June; let’s hope for a Review in the next issue of Official Xbox Magazine. Will CLR blow away its N64 cousin? We’ll have to see…

April 13th: IGN has up a new CLR Preview. The totally redone Conker's BFD single player is shown and it's looking good. Check it out here Only 2 more months till CLR! Mark those calendars June 21st is the big day.

April 12th: Tons more new fan art added!

April 11th: is Back! After years of the squirrel's official page went missing. It's finally back and Reloaded.

April 10th: New Affiliate Welcome Fatal Furry More New Conker Fan art. New Doom Review Added Too.

April 9th: Team Xbox has up a new CLR Preview! New pictures are shown there too. Check it out right here

April 8th: IGN now has up some nice Single Player CLR pictures, check them out right here New fan art, and comics added too. The Crib Chat is cancelled for tomorrow, sorry folks I won't be home. I'm actually going to play in a Twisted Metal: Head On Tournament.

April 7th: IGN got to play some Old War CLR Multi. There's pictures and tons of info right here I don't like what I read at the bottom on page 2 though. Please Hurry Rare! We need CLR!

April 6th: New Doom 3 Xbox review, is it just another terrible PC port? Or is it the bomb? Find Out right here Conker is getting alot of attention lately too. Gamestop, EB Games and many other games stores are now supporting the little fella. Posters of CLR can be seen in many places.

Exciting News! Microsoft has a Conker website going now! It's a must see right here

April 4th: New Fan art, New Comics, New Berri GTA Vice Skin for the Candy Suxx Model. Also new comments added by Conker fans. That's it, now I'm off to enjoy my Spring Break Seeya!

April 2nd: Were taking today to say goodbye to one of nicest people in the world. Pope John Paul II passed away today. He traveled the world and helped others. No matter what religion you were, he always respected your followings. He is now in heaven up there with God and his angels.

R.I.P Pope John Paul II

April 1st: Did you all like my April Fools Day Joke? Most didn't, I thought it was a good laugh though. Hope you all had a good one. Crib Chat tomorrow at 7pm EST. Be there or be square!

March 31st: Last Day of March! New Fan art, Updated Live & Reloaded section, New Reviews, New Affiliates.

March 30th: Xbox has released a fan site kit for CLR They also have an interview with Mr. Seavor Conker Creator and Conker's Voice. Check that out right here

March 29: Got some new short game reviews coming soon. So stay tuned for those, big surprise later this week.

March 28th: Newsletters are now going to be viewable at the boards in the Guest Board It was just too much of a pain to send out hundreds of emails and put emails all into one message. A lot of people complained about people being added to their AIM accounts and MSN accounts. You don't have to sign up to view the Newsletters from now on, we would love to have you join though.

March 27th: Happy Easter Everyone! Hope you all have a great Easter today. Watch out for that drunk rabbit with the chocolates.

March 25th: Happy Good Friday Everyone! We've got some really good stuff today too. Check out this Flash Conker Showcase created by iisryan. Some more new fan art added too.

March 22nd: Some new fan art added today. Congratulations to those that got 100's on the Crib's Quiz. CLR comes out June 21st, 2005. So please quit emailing me saying it's already out cause it isn't LOL

March 21st: New Crib Quiz! Can you get them all right? Check that out in the specialz, also new Poll. I've also updated some sections in the specialz. The Sing With Poo section looks really pooie now lol.

March 20th: Sig Staff is really coming along good, if your interested in joining check out the Crib's Boards Then go to Art/Design. New Wallpapers added today too. There will also be a Conker Chat today at 1 pm EST. So feel free to come join in.

March 18th: Dang March is almost over, new fan art added and check out the Crib's boards. There's a lot of fun things going on there, there’s also a guest board now for those that want to test the boards out.

March 17th: Ellow lads! Today be Saint Patrick's Day. Can ye find me pot of gold today? Or will ye just be wearing green today. Watch out for ye leprechauns, some be bit cranky today under those rainbows lad.

March 16th: Updated the FAQ. Added more questions people have asked me lately about CLR. Also got some pooptastic fan art up. Check out Robin Beanland's Flumpet He's been using this to make those great tunes in Conker Live & Reloaded

March 14th: New fanart added! Rare has also updated with a new Scribes New Game Reviews added too.

March 11th: Those Conker Plushies are going to be sweet, nice prices on them too Those with the bonus disk also might have noticed the small label called Sumthing Else Music Works They are most likely publishing a CLR soundtrack for when the game comes out. More fan art added to by some guy named Mr. Cribby, who could that possibly be?

March 9th: CLR Bonus Disk Review by me in the Live & Reloaded section check it out. More Fan art added, and new sprite added too. New picture of Count Conkula spotted too. Would you like some vine?

March 7th: Due to the overwhelming amount of fan art sent in each week, only a few selected will be posted from now on. In other news the Bonus Disc for CLR is the best! You'll hear my impressions on it very soon.

March 6th: CLR Bonus Disc Revealed! Thanks to Butterflysmasher, have a look at all the good stuff right here Preorder your copy today at Gamestop and EB Games to receive the bonus disc.

March 5th: Happy 4th Anniversary Conker! 4 years ago CBFD came out on the N64 and made history in gaming! Conker's BFD came out during the end of the N64, but made tons of fans and was one of the funniest games. Conker stills stands above the rest! Happy 4th you old fur ball. Here's to many more great years with Conker. To Celebrate enjoy these great movies! Conker's BFD Promo Conker's BFD Commercial Making Of CBFD Commercial

March 3rd: Conker Dolls? Yes that's right! Have a look here They will have voice chips too. New fanart added today too, newsletters went out today also. If you'd like one just sign up below.

March 2nd: Rare has updated with new CLR renders from the Old War part of the game. Check it out They also have up pictures of the weapons and info on them too

March 1st: The Official Xbox has given the date June 21st, 2005 as CLR's release date. So that answers your question to the release date. There is also a biography on the little fur ball there Conker's 4th Anniversary will be very soon too. New fan art added too, newsletters are going out later this week.

February 26th: Gamespy has up a new CLR Multi Hands-On Preview. Check it out here

February 22nd: has updated with 2 new pages full of new pictures and info. Gregg has been spotted and many other good looking things. CLR Multiplayer Conker: New and Improved Gamestop also has the special CLR preorder deal now too.

February 20th: New fan art! New Crazy Conka Pics! There might be some dead links around on some pages. Rarextreme had some things they were hosting for us, they will be back in the future so don't worry. New Records added too! EB Games also has some special stuff that you can get when you preorder CLR have a look here Now let's all go party

February 19th: Conkerific News! I saw this on the OXM demo it says Next month Rare's cute, swearing, vomiting, and urinating little squirrel will unleash carnage on your Xbox. Is that true? I sure as hell hope so! Poop has been spotted, here's what the Great Mighty Poo will look like. He looks craptastic!

February 15th: Good news and bad news today! The good news is Rarextreme is back! The bad news is according to EB Games and Gamestop CLR will come out 6/21/05. I don't know if this is for sure or not, I wish Rare would let us know the real date.

February 14th: has a very cool exclusive wallpaper at their site. The new OXM March issue does have the same CLR demo from before. So those that missed it can finally play the demo. It's a blast! More fan art added and new affiliates too. Happy Valentine's Day to you all! Hope you all find that little cupid guy, watch out for his love arrows though.

February 11th: New Crazy Conker pictures thanks to Lil Proximo7. There's also a new interview with Mrs. Queen Bee you can check them all out in the specialz. Also have a look at this new picture spotted at Rarextreme's forums. It appears to be the Panther King frozen just like Han Solo was in Star Wars Episode V. Very Interesting Indeed!

February 10th: CLR Demo again? I've seen some posts online and people are saying the new OXM March issue will have the same CLR demo from before. I don't know if this is all true or not, but if so why the same demo again?

February 7th: New fan art added, new comic, also right here is a translated version of the site link below. Special thanks to Jim Bob Joe for making reading easier.

February 5th: New screens have been spotted on this site Specials thanks to quille from RE for finding these great pics. There's also a picture there of Chris Marlow, the voice of the Great Mighty Poo. Now all we need is a picture of the legendary Chris Seavor Conker creator!

February 4th: New Interview with Ken Lobb at IGN Also check this out from Rare-Elite Be sure to read the birth of poo too that's hilarious.

February 1st: New month means new stuff! New fan art added and some new wallpapers added too! There's also a short Oddworld Stranger review by me.

January 28th: Crib Chat tonight at 7pm EST! New Reviews added! The worst game of all time gets a review by me, and boy is it a stinker. Newsletters went out today too. If you didn't get one or would like you just shoot me an acorn in the email box and I'll fly you one back.

January 27th: Tons of new fan art added plus some new sprites too. New Reviews coming soon too! Nice job to those that got 100's on the Quiz! Looks like we've got some Conker geniuses! :)

January 25th: Well seems like CLR is once again delayed according to Gamestop and EBGames I got an email today about it from the game is now coming out May 31st, 2005. Some people don't believe this though, but I think it could be true. In the meantime I think Rare should really advertise this game some more.

January 23rd: New fan art added! Also be sure to take the new poll. I've also made a new Crib Quiz. You can check that out in the Specialz.

January 21st: Thanks to for this lovely high res Boxart of CLR.

Now we can finally see that warning on the side. This game is not for anyone under age 17! I think we all know what that means. Be sure to come chat with all your fellow Conker pals tomorrow night at 7pm EST in the Crib's Chat There’s also a new poll! New Crib Quiz coming soon too!

January 17th: More fan art added, and more wallpapers added. If you want you can now check out my new blog on

January 14th: Some new wallpapers added! Theres also more new fanart added! Also Conker Chat tomorrow night at 7 pm EST. I'll be there to talk to you about Conker and all his crazy adventures right here. So feel free to join in and chat tomorrow.

January 12th: has now also changed CLR's release date to May 17th, 2005. That's just 2 days before my birthday! New fan art added too.

January 10th: New affiliates added on the main page and also yes more fan art! Nothing new with CLR though sorry folks.

January 7th: IGN has now also changed the date on their site as May 2005 as the release date of CLR. If this is all true, let's hope it's for the best. Also some new fan art added up today too. Some were asking me what the song on this page is from. The song playing on this page is from the movie Blade.

January 5th: CLR Delayed again? What? has the date now changed to May 1st, 2005.

Click here for more info.

January 3rd: Tons of new fan art added! Check out all the cool stuff!

January 2nd: 2004 is gone for good! Let's Conker 2005 this new year. Only 2 months and a few days till CLR finally arrives on Xbox.

Fur Will Fly In 2005!

December 31st: Check out this awesome exclusive render Rarextreme has on their site Happy Newyear to you all too! 2005 is coming tomorrow! Here's to another great year of Conker! Now let the fireworks shoot!

December 30th: New Reviews added and changed the look of this page. Fireworks are shooting off too.

December 28th: New fan art added! New Affiliates added! More Reviews coming soon.

December 26th: Hope you all had a Conkerific Christmas! Happy Kwanzaa to those that celebrate it! I'll keep this cool theme up till January. If anyone never found the hidden secrets just email me and I'll tell you where they are! Happy Holidays!

December 24th: Rarextreme has 2 sweet Exclusive CLR shots on their site! It's a must see. Click here Merry Christmas to you all too.

December 23rd: Conker Clause is coming to town! He knows when your drinking! He's knows when you've passed out. He's got some candy canes and some chocolate too. He smells a lot, and farts a lot. Even those Tediz leave too. He's wishing you all a Conkerific Christmas too. So Happy Holidays to you! New fan art added too! :)

December 21st: Only a few more days till Conker Clause comes down the chimney. He sent all the ones on the Mailing list a Holiday letter today and he's got some jolly good fan art added up too.

December 19th: CLR appeared on Xplay on G4TechTV. It's stuff from the CLR demo, but it's still good. For more info click here

Happy Holidays!

December 16th: New Reviews, New Fan art and be sure to check this out from Rarextreme You'll also hear the War music playing from the CLR demo on this page.

December 14th: New Wallpapers, New Comics, New Look for the boards.

December 13th: Ho Ho Ho Conka Clause here! Christmas is on it's way! The best Conker gift to get this year is the demo of CLR! You can find it at your local magazine store or right here Spread some cheer, even to those Evil Tediz and that old fart Bugga.

December 12th: Tons of new fan art added! Some good stuff too, check it out! More game reviews coming soon too. I've got a few more I need to write up before 2005.

December 11th: All new War Conker skin added for the GTA3 Conker model, you can download it in the GTA section in the Specialz. Happy Hanukkah to those that celebrate it too! It started earlier this week!

December 8th: Let's spread some holiday Conka cheer! New fan art added! New game reviews added too!

December 5th: Just wanted to say Thanks a lot! There was over 1,000 visitors yesterday. That's the most there's even been here on one day. Thanks for visiting Conker's Crib :)

December 4th: New comic added, New fan art! There's also another hidden holiday surprise on this page. This one is a lot more harder to find though

December 2nd: New fan art added also new game reviews added!

December 1st: Can you find the hidden holiday secret? It's somewhere on this page hidden. Good luck looking for it!

November 30th: New Christmas Theme! Check it out! Also updated the main page with new links

November 27th: Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving, I sure did! There's more new fan art added! Be sure to check out the CLR Impressions too if you haven't yet.

November 24th: has a new box art of CLR shown at their site, this looks like the real deal too. A lot better than the last one they had posted. It has the characters in their old war looking outfits. Here's the link

Happy Thanksgiving To You All too.

November 23rd: CLR demo impressions now up! Did the demo blow me away? Or was it a disappointment? Read it all right here New fanart added too! Newsletters are going out later today so stay tuned!

November 22nd: CLR release date changes? According to CLR will release March 15th, 2005. I guess there not going for that 4th Anniversary date then. For more info click here Also wanted to say the Conker demo is in the January issue of OXM, not December issue. As soon as I get my copy look forward to reading what I thought.

November 20th: IGN has up some new pictures from CLR! They are a must see! This will be the game of 2005! That's for sure! It looks simply amazing see for yourself Berri, Bugga, and a few others are now shown off and boy they look sweet.

November 19th: Some new fan art added! Newsletters will be going out next week! So if you'd like one, just send me an email below and I'll send you one.

November 16th: Happy Birthday To Xbox! The console turned 3 years old. Just to let you know those rumors going around with a playable Conker demo on Halo 2 are all false. There is no Conker demo on Halo 2. So who ever made up that rumor was pulling some legs. There’s also some great new fan art up too! Make sure you've taken that Conker survey too! I'm sure MS wants to hear what you all think about CLR. If you haven't taken it yet, just click Conker below with the gun and it will take you to the survey.

November 13th: CLR demo comes out soon! Only a few more weeks to go Nov 30th is the big day! So be sure to grab a OXM later this month. Also new fan art added! I've also changed the look of the Specialz.

November 9th: The Wild Turkeys Are Coming Congratulations to the people that got 100's on the Crib Quiz too. New fan art added too.

November 7th: Be sure to take that Conker survey, I've added a button below too where you can take it. Some more new fan art added too! New Crib Quiz up also, and be sure to check out the Crib Chat. I hang out there every now and then. Maybe you'll find me and I'll talk with you about Conker and all his crazy adventures.

November 4th: Microsoft has up a Conker survey! Be sure to fill it out, they want to hear what you think. Here's the link

November 2nd: New affiliates added on the site entrance page. Check them out right here Also be sure to check out this great topic at the Crib's Forums about the CLR weapons You will need to sign up though, if you are not a member of the boards. It's free and you can make some conker buddies. Also quick note the CLR demo is not in the OXM Dec issue, it's only in the Holiday issue which hits stands later this month.

November 1st: Hey it's November! You know what that means it's turkey time! Conker is all dressed up for the celebration! New comic added in the specialz and new look for the site! You'll see some leaves and turkeys all around the place!

October 30th: Conker Live & Reloaded weapon info over at Team Xbox. Click right here to read about the weapons. They are looking very nice! I think the old War weapons look very sweet! I've sent out 3 huge emails for newsletters, if you'd like one just send me an email and I'll send you one. Hope you all have a great and safe Halloween!

October 29th: I am here once again, it's me your batty friend. Did you know that I am 228 years old? I vas born in 1776 and I'm still here. Quite amazing I might say. Halloween will be my birthday! I'm older than your great great uncle's china plates. I think I need a drink, anyway Happy Halloween my little squirrels. Ze newsletters will be going out tomorrow so look out for zem in your boxes.

October 27th: Ze Count Conkula is here! I have some candy for you my friends! New Conker sprites thanks to ConkerTribe! We also have some new great fan art added! Also check out this article at IGN

Conker speeks out! Read what the furry guy has been up to right here

It's Official the demo of CLR is hitting news stands November 30th! The full version is scheduled for release in March. So that means that the December date is incorrect folks! The demo will take about 10-20 minutes to complete. The demo shows off some of the It's War chapter. For more info check

October 22nd: New ghoulish fan art added! Also new poll on the right! Check out this video clip But beware your in for a scare!

October 19th: Count Conkula here again! I have another spooky tip for you my friends! Did you know that there is another way to kill those zombies? Vell here's vhat you do, try running them over with Mr. Barrel for more Halloween fun! It vill save you ze ammo and a few tails. Ah yes, more Bloody good fanart as my father would say. But vait! I'm not finished yet, zere is also new game reviews added too!

October 16th: All New sweet Conker fan art added! New game reviews coming soon.

October 15th: Check out what our friends at Live& have some very good pictures showing off the old CBFD and CLR differences. Click here for the link Nice work Aeroncy!

October 13th: Some new screens from CLR are up at Check it out The dung beatles look better than ever! New picture of Franky revealed too. Rare has really done a fine job on this game. Good work Chris Seavor and the rest of the Conka gang.

October 11th: Somehow those zombies are after Conker. There not in the cemetery though, they got out! They may be slow, but they have quite a bite! Run ones coming! Uh oh look out he's behind you Your doomed! Well not really! New bloody fan art added too!

October 8th: Check out Team Xbox's CLR demo preview right here Also new fan art added!

October 5th: CLR demo coming out in the December issue of Official Xbox Magazine! Mark your calenders, and get ready for some squirrel action! IGN got to play the demo and has some movies up and info about it. Click right here to see all the good stuff.

October 4th: Count Conkula here! I have a spooky tip for you my prey, when you are in ze grave yard with the undead. Quickly jump onto a grave stone and aim down at zem. Zis vill save you a few tails, it also makes those zombie squirrels alot easier to kill too. But remember pray, you must fetch me ze villagers before you leave, or I may get touchy about my ancestors again.

October 2nd: New fan art added! So much art, I'm about to go Conkers!!

September 30th: Rare has updated with all the old CBFD music at their site. Click right here to hear all the great tunes.

September 29th: I've gotten tons of emails asking CLR's release date lately. So here yours answer. It's defiantly going to be March, for Conker's 4th anniversary. Too many official places are saying March 1, 2005. and the OXM mag both say March. So I don't think CLR is coming out this year, maybe a demo though from OXM like they said in the Sep issue. Also Gamespy has up a preview from CLR at TGS. You can read it right here

September 27th: IGN has posted a new CLR preview. Check it out It looks like that December date is bogus! Too many official places say March and OXM said so too. So it's defiantly going to be March for Conker's 4th Anniversary. Also new fan art added.

September 26th: Today is ze day of the Count Conkula. He is over 100 years old and he's hungry for blood! He wants ze villagers, and needs Conker's help. Click here for his spooky wallpaper. Hurry though before it's too late.

September 24th: Spooky Vision is now complete! Gamespot also has a preview of CLR from TGS right here Sounds like they liked it too.

Spooky Vision is coming! All of Conker's Crib will start to look spooky, so watch out!

September 22nd: New fan art added, also new Conker mods at the boards. Welcome Murdoc and Private Conker.

September 18th: Nothing new with CLR lately, hopefully next week new stuff will be shown at TGS. Webmaster of Conker's Land X needs people to join his boards, so if you would like to join his boards at his site click right here

Fake Boxart By Me

September 14th: More new fan art added! New affiliates on the main page too Conker Will be in Tokyo next week too, for the Tokyo Game Show

September 11th: Were taking today to say were very sorry for the ones that were lost on 9/11/01.

September 8th: New fan art added, also new affilites New poll too

September 5th: Happy Labor Day to you all! Some more new fan art added too.

September 4th: Tons more great fan art added! Here's a quick link to all the goodies New comments added by conker fans too

September 3rd: New fan art added! Also if you'd like a newsletter for August, just let me know. I sent out a bunch earlier this week to the people that signed up.

September 2nd: Check out this very sweet CLR wallpaper I found here

August 31st: Rare's Mr. Red Squirrel Conker and Princess Kameo will both be at this years Tokyo Game Show late September. For the complete list of Microsoft's games at TGS click here

Another Cool Thing I wanted to say today, for those that have Tony Hawk's Underground for PS2. I've uploaded my skater file. You get a skater that looks exactly like Conker (no tail tho), and everything unlocked plus all Gaps! Look for it in the Skater Downloads in THUG by ConkersCrib.

August 29th: Tons more new fan art added

August 26th: More new fan art added, one up by me too. I drew it for a friend at school. Also be sure to check out all these mind-blowing screens from the CLR videos at IGN over at our friends at Mundorare

August 25th: IGN has added some more new CLR videos there’s 6 of them. Check them out at their site Also more new fan art added.

August 24th: New CLR Preview by me, you'll see what I think about CLR. You can read it here or visit the Live & Reloaded section to the right. Also new Conker Fans comments. Thanks for all the kind words and being Conker fans.

August 22nd: IGN has up a new preview from CLR. You can read it at here It's pretty much talking about the new video that was out. I know one thing this game is going to rock, it looks great! Chris Seavor and the conker team deserve a whole box of cookies, nice job guys. I'm going to post a preview of what I think pretty soon, so stay tuned.

August 20th: All New Conker Video out and it's very long. Shows off the It's War chapter, and has some different things added that were not shown in the N64 version of CBFD. Watch the clip right here Just look for Conker and it will pop up in a window and play. Special Thanks to Jaggerbit for finding that video. Also some more new fan art added.

August 18th: Mundorare has up some great scans from the European magazine of Xbox, I have no idea what it says though cause it's in French. Here's the link Also some more new fan art added.

August 17th: Been busy as a squirrel hunting for nuts this week. Some new fan art added and also new affiliates on the main page. Right here

August 15th: More new fan art added! Also check out the new poll!

August 13th: New fan art added! Alien VS Predator comes out today in theaters! Hope it's good!

August 11th: Ah yes even more new fan art added!

August 10th: New fan art added and some new tediz sprites added!

August 9th: Some very awesome CLR pictures out! Check them out right here Conker is looking better than ever! He's even holding a GBA SP in one picture.

August 8th: Back to school tomorrow, good luck to those that go back also. Some more new fan art added too.

August 7th: Mundorare has up some very great Conker scans from the new OXM magazine. Check them out here There’s also even more fan art added! Too bad Conker lost against Crono, maybe next year he will win at Gamefaqs Summer Contest.

Last Summer Yoshi beat Conker, now that Crono character is beating him. We must save Conker, vote for him at Gamefaqs

August 5th: New fan art added! Also check out this info at Mundorare

August 4th: IGN is good to us again, another great video clip from CLR. Conker goes lava boarding It looks amazing too!

August 2nd: New month, new fan art! Also check out these nice scans. Just scroll down the page and you'll see them. Here's the link

July 31st: Last day of July, woo time flies. Some more new fan art added. Newsletters went out yesterday, if you'd like one just let me know and I'll send you one.

July 29th: New fan art added and new Conker sprites! Also check out this info Thanks to Conka321 for finding that info. IGN also has more CLR footage this time Bat Conker right here Good work IGN.

July 28th: Just wanted to say thanks everyone for all the support and nice emails I've been getting. It makes me feel great that I have made conker fans happy. I do plan to buy a domain, but I can't right at this moment. Thanks for visiting and all the emails. Newsletters are going out on Friday, so if you'd like one just send me an email below.

July 26th: Some very cool new CLR Renders out at

July 24th: New fan art added, and be sure to check out Mundorare's CLR page with all the info and answers you need to know right here

July 22nd: Updated the FAQ section with more questions people have been asking lately, also new fan art added.

July 20th: Check out these sweet Bugga The Knut pictures taken from the new IGN video clip at Mundorare Also some new fan art added!

July 18th: More new fan art added! I also moved a lot of the drawings to page 2.

July 16th: Bugga is back and bigger than ever, go see a video clip and new CLR info over at IGN

July 15th: New fan art added! Be sure to check out Hunters great Conker tunes at Rarextreme too.

July 13th: Here's a scanned preview from OMX about CLR here and right here Not much new, but make sure to read the developer interview. It tells some info.

July 11th: Even more fan art added! I recently got the new OXM mag, nothing new. They say Conker just might be Xbox's next mascot.

July 10th: New fan art! New Jugga Interview, New section all about Gregg! Check them all out in the Specialz!

July 9th: New fan art added! Also a new interview with Me and Bugga the Knut. Jugga gets interviewed tomorrow.

July 8th: New info from OXM magazine, thanks to Mundorare for the info

July 6th: New records added and also more fan art! Now all we need is some news from Rare. I also got into the Pantsboard at Rare's site. Check it out I'm near the bottom

July 5th: Check out a new affiliate EOW No it's not Earth On Water, its Extreme Online Wrestling! You can choose your own character there, and fight in pretend matches, just like the CWF.

July 4th: Happy July 4th everyone! Have fun, but don't play with those lit fireworks. You may loose a leg like the professor did. Just kidding! Have fun watching those fireworks do their thing.

July 3rd: Check out this scan from EGM magazine Also new fan art added!

July 1st: Still sending out newsletters, so If you'd like one just let me know. Even more fan art added! Be sure to take the poll too.

June 30th: Last day of June! Newsletters went out, had to send out 2 huge ones this time because it wouldn't hold all the emails in one message. There’s also some new fan art added! Wow so many this month!

June 29th: Oh my giddy Aunt! Even more fan art added! News letters are going out tomorrow, so if you'd like one just send me an email.

June 27th: New Comic up today! Also fixed up some pages in the Specialz! If your wondering Reserved is for CLR sections, there will be more sections in the future though.

June 26th: Some very very fantastic fan art up today! It's all a must see! Click here to see all this good Conker fanart! Also check out Conker at IGN You have also got to see this Some Cool Conker stuff there. Thx Xbox

June 25th: My conker buddy old pal Greg is feeling kinda blue. So I'm going to try to cheer him up today! Greg your a great friend and cool guy! Your funny and always make me laugh. Don't be so hard on yourself, no one is perfect. Cause you know Rome wasn't built in a day. So cheer up Greg! This update is for you!

June 24th: New fan art added! Also a new affiliate Manga 02 Rare. Be sure to take the new poll too. Which you can take here or go to the vote caster.

June 22nd: New Wallpapers added! New Records added! More Crazy Conka pics! Also if you haven't noticed Gamespot has CLR marked for Dec 7th 2004! It might be false though. No one knows..

June 21st: A lot has happened in the past few hours, my grandmother is critical condition at the hospital, and my computer monitor blew up. I'm at my friend’s house right now, so that's how I posted this.

June 20th: Happy Father's Day all you Conker people! To celebrate here's a picture of the GMP that makes a great wallpaper. Here ya go franky

June 18th: Check out The 99th Platoon a huge fanfic story written by a group of Conker people together. You can read all the stories at this link Nice work Gappap and the gang! Also some new fan art added!

June 16th: Even More conker fan art added! Updated the banners too if you didn't notice.

June 15th: More fan art added! Thanks for sending in all your great drawings people!

June 14th: Another funny interview with me and the Weasel Guards here Theres also some new fan art added

June 12th: Moved all May's updates below to the Old Updates. Oh and theres a new poll, which I forgot to say a few weeks ago :lol

June 11th: Some more CLR E3 footage at this site here You need Divx to see it though. If you don't have Divx you can get it at their site

June 9th: Even more fan art added up today! New drawings by Eugene, Janelle & Brittany right here

June 8th: Some new fan art up by me and Sonic Jam

June 7th: New fan art, more crazy conka pics, and some cool sims tediz pics added to Tediz Tent.

June 6th: New Affiliate, welcome Birdy's Garden. A site all about Mr. Scarecrow Birdy! Got any Mepsipax? Er um ok..

June 5th: New Fan art by Peanut, and there’s 2 new short game reviews up by me. Links 2004 and Alice for PC. Not the Disney Alice though.

June 3rd: Check out these cool pictures that Coolboy took of some Rare Employees here Thanks to Rarextreme

Thank you all for voting for Conker's Crib, we've now ranked 1st place! Thank you all for visiting and voting for my site! :)

June 2nd: New E3 2004 CLR video from Click here to go to their site It shows off a lot of the awesome game play from CLR's online mode.

May 31st: Some very great fan art up by Peanut and more new records added. Oh yeah and have a Conkerific Memorial Day!

May 29th: New Fan art added, New Record by Manga02! Also if you would like a May newsletter let me know.

May 28th: Got some nice shots of my conker cake from my birthday right here Some very cool fan art up too by Peanut!

May 26th: Some Very high quality Scans from me at Rarextreme Added all the old wallpapers from CLU Got another great comic added by Janelle Also redid all the old buttons on the site ;)

May 24th: Got some more fan art up by Brittany, check out the other great ones too. Newsletters are going out later this week, so if you'd like one send me an email.

May 23rd: Some very sweet scans from Play magazine showing off some new conker stuff. Check them out right here Theres another hilarious comic by Peanut too! Be sure to check that out in the Specialz!

May 22nd: Conker got some awards at IGN for best graphics Most technological excellence and also got 1st place runner up in best action game Way to go Conker!

May 21st: Tons of pictures added to the Live & Reloaded section thanks to Mundorare and IGN for the pics. ConkersBazooka also has a cool new comic up!

May 20th: Check out this Chris Seavor interview from Play magazine, here

May 19th: Today is a very special day it's my Birthday and my sister's, it's also conker fan Adrian's birthday. I'm now 17, getting to be an pretty old chap. New Fan art by Nightwolf and a cool comic cover by Peanut. You can check those out in the specialz.

May 18th: Great hands on preview of CLR at Team Xbox Also Happy Birthday to forum member Ricky! I've got a birthday tomorrow :)

May 17th: Two Hilarious conker comics by Peanut, go check them out right here

May 16th: New Fan art by Nightwolf and Janelle, also a new banner for the boards thanks to MikeHiro for making it!

May 14th: New single player video clips from CLR at

May 13th: Hands on preview with CLR at I've also updated the Live & Reloaded section. Please note Conker Live & Uncut was renamed to Conker Live & Reloaded. Conker has really changed since last year's E3, which is marvelous!

May 12th: Rare has released a new trailer at their site (shows a lot of footage) and also tons of pictures and info! Theres also some new Wallpapers Click here to see it all. Also some info at IGN about online modes for Conker here

Updated the Live & Reloaded section with tons of new pics! Go see the glory of Conker's fur effect and some dandy single player screens!

May 11th: Conker Live and Reloaded is confirmed to be official title. The date is now Fall 2004 at Xbox's site click here for more info Awesome New Conker Trailer Click here for Xbox's Conker page. Short clip of Conker: Live & Reloaded single player here It's kinda at the end of the video clip. Also new fanart by Nigel. More CLR news to come...

May 10th: New section added called Tediz Tent in the Specialz, all about those bad bears. Rareware section coming soon.....

May 9th: has updated their US site with the release date of CLU for March 2005. I sure hope that date changes. Here's the link

May 8th: Looks like CLU is for sale online at this UK Xbox site right here Special thanks to James for telling me.

May 7th: Theres also some new fan art up by Nigel, Also a new scribes up at Rare's site I wish I could get in the scribes sometime.

May 6th: Welcome the new staff member ConkersBazooka, he's joined in with Conker's Crib. He's a real nice guy, and big fan of Conker's. So look for some updates by him in the future.

May 5th: A lot of people have been asking for a promo picture of Berri, well your in luck here's a picture of her

May 4th: More Conker Rumors, New rumor is that Conker Live & Uncut has been changed to Conker Live & Reloaded. If that's true, that means there will be even more scenes spoofed from movies.

Important Message

Someone is still acting like me at DKVine's Boards. The person there posing as me is not me. So I warn all members here and at DKVine that Conker's Crib person is not me. I don't spam message boards. That person there is spamming their boards, trying to make me look bad.

May 1st: To start off the new month here is some more conkerific fan art by Night Wolf & Ashley I'm still sending out newsletters, so if you'd like April's letter just send me an email.

April 29th: A new CLU logo is out, check it out at this topic at Rarextreme Conker looks great too! Newsletters go out tomorrow, if you would like one, you can sign up below the pic of the day.

April 28th: New fan art by me and Janelle go and see all the great stuff right here

Important Message

I know that some people that visit this site also visit DKVine. Just want to let you all know there's a person at DKVine that is acting like me in their boards. That ConkersCrib is not me.

April 27th: New fan art by Night Wolf. Go and see his great stuff right here New fanart coming from me tomorrow

April 26th: New fan art by Brittany Jackson, go see it All of the new stuff is great! Glad to see such great artists! Also a thank you to everyone that has voted for this site. It's now ranked 2 out of 100! Thanks a lot everyone! Thanks for sending your nice comments too!

April 23rd: New fan art up by Peanut & Janelle I also updated the GTA section with a new conker skin version

April 22nd: 2 new Interviews with Marvin and The Panther King right here

April 21st: Finally back in business, new logos added to the main page. The boards are also back open so feel free to join in if you want.

Just to let you all know I probably won't be online for a while, until I get my pc fixed right. I sent it off last week to be fixed, and it's still having the same problems. If things get worse I may have to get a new pc. So don't think I've abandoned Conker's Crib on you all. I've also disabled all signup's on the message board that way there won't be any spam here while I'm gone. Thank you for all your support

April 20th: Conker is also in other games, even in FPS games. Check out this sweet Conker & Tediz model for Unreal Tournament 2003

April 19th: I'm back and my pc is still acting up. After $500 worth of repairs, you would think it would work right now. I'll update later on with something conker related. Seeyas

April 15th: I'm having a lot of problems with my pc, so I'm sending it out to get fixed. There probably won't be any updates until I get it back. So in the meantime check out the affiliates on the main page.

April 14th: Very dramatic fan art up by Peanut! She has to be the best conker artist around! Nice job Peanut! Check it out right here Theres also some rumors from, talking about movie spoofs from CLU.

More Parodies than Weird Al!

While everyone is itching to get a load of Perfect Dark Zero, Rare’s biggest XBOX offering at E3 will definitely be “Conker: Live & Uncut”! Aside from the big Live components, the single player experience has been spruced up significantly! A source claiming to be a tester at Rare told me that the British developer has added some entirely new levels based off much more current films to spoof around with! While he/she wouldn’t give me specifics, the source did mention hot blockbusters like Spiderman and The Lord of The Rings to give me a general idea!

The Hedgehog’s Take-

I can see it now. The Lord of the Bar: Return of the &*%$!

April 11th: Happy Easter Sunday Everyone! Some very good fan art up by Janelle, go check it out!

April 10th: Do you like Sprites? Here's some great ones done by Julie Happy Easter To You All! Grab those eggs, but watch out for those bunnies. I hear their on a rampage throwing eggs across the world!

April 9th: E3 2004 is on the way. Here's a list of the games that Rare will be showing off this year.

Conker: Live and Uncut

Kameo: Elements of Power

We hope to see lots of info and game footage from these games =)

April 8th: Awesome new fan art by Blake Gripling! Conker goes Army style, check them out Soldier! All of March's updates have been moved below. So if you missed out on last month's stuff check them out here

April 5th: Some new crazy conker images thanks to Hendrix. You can check them out right here Also thanks for voting for Conker's Crib.

April 2nd: Did you like my April fools joke? LOL A lot of people actually thought it was true too. Don't worry nothing is being canned, unless it's spinach. CLU will come out sometime we hope.

April 1st: Very sad news today, the new conker game for Xbox has been canned for the USA. A Rare employee stated, "The only way you can play CLU is if you are in another country besides USA or Canada." CLU will still make it's way out in July for Australia.


March 31st: Very Spiritual fan art drawing of Conker by Angela go check it out There's also some new CLU info thanks to Rarextreme Also if you'd like March's newsletter send me an email and I'll send it.

March 29th: Newsletters are going out very soon! So if you would like one send me an email below the picture of the day.

March 27th: Some sweet new secret stuff thanks to Jerod Park, check them out while Birdy goes to get the manual

March 25th: Some very great news today! CLU has a release date in Australia for July 2004! US version will probably be out even sooner! A member at Rarextreme claims to be Chris Seavor, I don't think this is a joke either. He posted with these two icons below that I have never seen before. The conker one is using the fur effect, like in Starfox.

March 23rd: I've gotten a lot of emails lately asking about the Panther King and The Professor Weasel's past, well here's a scan from the Conker manuel talking about the Fabled Panther King Here's Conker's Story right here Special Thanks to the conker manual and my scanner!

March 22nd: Even more crazy conker screen shots added! If you have any screens that are crazy enough to add, send me email.

March 19th: New fan art added! Check them all out right here I also added some new short game reviews.

March 16th: Some good news of CLU! A new video with Ken Lobb at IGN says that CLU the part of remake is most impressive graphically on Xbox. Conker Live & Uncut, the game is the online part, the extra is the remake which is "Graphically the most beautiful thing on the Xbox, said by Officers Club of Revolutionary Armed Forces". The Online part is "Brilliant"

March 15th: Some more fan art! Great drawing of the new conker by Ashley right here

March 14th: Very cool looney toons looking conker fan art from Peanut right here Also check out this Conker's BFD Ad here thanks to Gary for finding it.

March 12th: Some great conker smiley’s for the boards thanks to forum member Inline Shadow!

March 9th: New fan art submitted by Ashley There's also new music for the specialz.

March 7th: New avatars added to the message board, and new fan art added. Conker's Crib has now reached past 80,000 hits wow! Thanks for visiting conker fans!

March 6th: The winner of the Conker's Crib contest is forum member Spawn! He made a huge GIF animation of Conker fighting a character from Mortal Kombat! Nice job Spawn! You've earned yourself a free copy of Conker's BFD. If you want to see Spawns animation and other people's stuff that came very close to winning check out the contest page right here

Thank you all for participating in the Conker's Crib Contest

March 5th: Happy Birthday Conker you old chap! Three years ago you made your appearance on the N64. You've had a pretty bad fur day, but it sure was worth it. Sure N64 is dead, but you conkered it all! Happy Birthday Mr. Squirrel!

The winner of the Conker's Crib Contest will be announced on Saturday! One lucky winner will receive a copy of Conker's BFD. I will still take entries on Friday until 12 midnight.

March 3rd: The contest is getting close to an end, hurry and enter if your wanting a brand NEW copy of Conker's BFD for the N64.

March 1st: Check out these awesome pictures of Tiffany Shepis from the conker commercial. You can see them at her site right here

February 28th: New affiliates added today! You can check them out on the main page.

February 27th: Tired of not having anything new of Live & Uncut? Well Mundorare has a great video at their site with all kinds of action from Conker Live & Uncut at E3 last May. You can check that out right here

February 26th: February Newsletters went out today! If you would like to join the list just sign up below.

February 24th: New short game reviews up! Check them out here

February 19th: Do you want to cheat on all of Conker's games? If you do head to the cheat section Pocket Tales and Diddy Kong Racing cheats are now up for all your cheating conker needs. Special thanks to for all of the cheats.

February 16th: I just don't give up on conker pictures, theres over 100 now. You can see them all right here If you have any you've found that are funny or just down right crazy, be sure to send them in.

February 13th: Happy Valentine's Day All of Conker people! I hope you find your true furry squirrel love tomorrow. Watch out I hear Cupid can give squirrels a bad hair day! Be sure to enter the contest if your wanting to win a copy of Mr. Conker himself

February 10th: More conkerific fanart added

February 9th: New fanart up by Marc and some more pictures from Conker at E3 in the Live & Uncut section. Be sure to enter the contest too, if your wanting to win a copy of Conker's BFD.

February 8th: Some new pictures from CLU at E3 2003 last year. You can check them out in the Live & Uncut section.

February 6th: Conker's Crib is holding a Contest! Read the Contest Rules here If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Good luck!

February 5th: Jugga somehow worked great with the Candy Suxx model for GTA Vice. Go check it out in the GTA section. Also be sure to take the Cribs Quiz, see if ya can conker them all!

February 3rd: New fan art added! Be sure to take the Cribs Quiz too.

January 31st: New look for the specialz and a all new Cribs Quiz added! Can you pass the quiz? Lets see, also more fan art by Hans.

January 30th: Wowsers theres even more fan art added today and the newsletters are going out later today!

January 29th: Some more marvelous fan art added, Newsletters are going out tomorrow, so if you haven't joined yet you can still sign up.

January 27th: More fan art by Peanut and Hans, go check it out.

January 26th: You like those zombie squirrels right? We'll be sure to check out Peanut's new drawing of the zombie squirrel! It's zombtastic! Be sure to vote too in the Vote Caster section.

January 23rd: A lot of stuff today, new affiliate today welcome N-Retro, awesome new Conker drawing by Peanut and some more funny interviews thanks to Bathrooms.

January 21st: Some very Conkerific fan art up today by Peanut, also new records added.

January 19th: Happy Birthday Martin Luther King Jr. even though your not here with us. Let's celebrate with another Interview from the Conker cast.

January 17th: I want to hear what you all think about the new Conker for Xbox. Send me an email and I'll reply to you and we'll post them in the CLU section for everybody to read.

January 16th: Awesome new fan art up by Jose and more screen shots added to crazy conker.

January 15th: Two very conkerific MP3's for you today Chucky Poo and The End Credits You may need to right mouse click and choose save target as to hear them.

January 14th: Nothing really new today, just thought I'd tell you that most of the stuff Rarextreme was hosting for me is back now.

January 12th: It's Monday and I've got some stuff for you! Some very nice sprites by Julie and some new stuff that fans said about this site. Oh and Rarextreme is coming back soon so don't worry.

January 9th: Sorry for not updating lately, I've been busy with school work. Here's some nice shots from Conker's BFD at E3 back in 2000. E3 1 E3 2 Oh and here's a funny looking poster

January 4th: Seems the Official Strategy Guide for CLU has a date, this may change though. Check that out here

January 3rd: It's now 2004, and you know what that means conker is on the way to xbox. Hopefully this 2004 he will finally see the light on Xbox. Speaking of other news check out this here I'm sure that's just another prank.

December 31st: 2003 is now almost behind, lets all hope for a better year and that we finally see Conker on Xbox.

December 28th: Hope you all had a great Christmas, I sure did. There's some new game reviews up today and I fixed some pages with a new background.

December 24th: Conker's Crib wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Newyear. Get your hams cookin and your chimney open for old Conker Clause to bring you some cheer.

December 23rd: The newsletter was sent out today! If you would like last month's just let me know. Happy Holidays Conker Fans!

December 19th: I found out today that was not the real Chris Seavor that posted in the boards. It was someone pulling a prank and the interview was all a lie too. Sorry about that everyone.

December 17th: Anyone play Tony Hawk's new game? Well if you do here's a cool Conker face I made. This is for the PS2 version only Download it Here

December 15th: More funny interviews thanks to Bathrooms and some more crazy conker pictures! There's over 100 images that's a world record!

December 12th: Check out this Interview of the new conker at Gamespot You have to sign up to see it though.

December 11th: Be sure to check out my Grabbed By The Ghoulies Review over at Rarextreme and check out the message boards here too!

December 10th: 2 new wallpapers for your pc and a interview of the dung beetle! Find those in the specialz!

December 9th: New Affiliate Grey A awesome website all about squirrels. Check out the site on the main page! Be sure to join the mailing list, cause very soon there will be a X-Mas conker letter.

December 8th: Check out what I found while on Mad Squirrel Disease That's great and all but it's damaged, so I wouldn't want it.

December 7th: If you sign up at my boards please post, a lot of people join and never post. You don't have to post a ton just every now and then. If you never post your account might be deleted.

December 6th: The Professor's Lab Returns! Check out his lab in ze specialz.

December 5th: New Santa Clause skin for Vice City in the GTA section in the specialz. Conker Chat tonight at 8 pm EST. We'll chat all about Conker.

December 3rd: Check out the snow falling down and some more crazy conker pictures. Send in your pics too and I'll post them up for the world to see!

December 2nd: It's a new month which means more new conker stuff! Check out this cool flash cartoon with Conker in it Perfect Kirby 3.1 There's 2 other parts too. I've also moved all the old updates below. New logo for the boards thanks to MikeHiro!

November 29th: All new interview of the TNT Imp and some new logos for the holidays. Plus my Comic Adventure is now up at Rarextreme. Go check it out here

November 28th: Looking for some great stuff to buy for the holidays? If so check out this link here It's got tons of stuff to buy, and it's run by a conker fan.

November 27th: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you all have a conker rific turkey day!

November 25th: Grab your turkey leg and check out my Grabbed By The Ghoulies Review.

November 24th: It's almost thanksgiving! All members that joined the mailing list will receive a thanksgiving treat tomorrow. If your not on the list hurry and sign up!

November 20th: Dang boy we is going to have a War with them no good Tediz! Read it in the news with the other crazy stuff that happened today. Go on pick up that newspaper right here sonny

November 18th: Sweet new game shark code by Dion. Now you can fight Tediz vs Tediz in multi.

November 16th: Some new sprites today from Julie. Check them out in the icons section.

November 14: New affiliate Sheep Licker's Conker Site. Also new game shark codes by master maker Dion.

November 13th: Awesome new interview by Julie and there's more icons for the message board and smiley’s, special thanks to Mundorare.

November 12th: New comics up by Julie and new records added.

November 10th: A lot of stuff today fans! New game shark codes by the greatest hacker Dion! New section thanks to our buddy Greg Mc Lauren. There's also a game review too.

November 7th: A very cool new fan game by Harlequin and he's also made a sweet screen saver out of one of the conker cartoons. You can find it at this link Right mouse click on the link and choose save target as. If you have any problems, just ask. Be sure to join the boards for some conker fun.

November 6th: Spoofs added to the secrets section and a lot of new crazy screen shots added.

November 5th: Fixed up some stuff on some pages. Looking for 3 affiliates to add to my list. So if you've got a good site, let me know.

November 1st: No more skulls and ghoulies this month, it's all about turkeys and conkers!

October 30th: The first mailing list was sent out today to the conker fans that joined. If you want news and some cool stuff, join in. Happy Halloween to you all too. Watch out for ghoulies!

October 29th: More news on Conker Live and Uncut from at this link Sounds like it's going to be good

October 28th: Some cool multiplayer quotes by Greg Mc Lauren. Check them out at this link

October 25th: New affiliate! Welcome Dizzy Forums a huge place to post about games.

October 24th: Conker has been Grabbed By The Ghoulies, well the Conker's BFD box has. Go ahead grab it off the shelf

October 23rd: Screen shots from my conker model in the GTA section, go see who's in town at Liberty City!

October 22nd: Have the ghoulies grabbed you yet? Well they sure will soon, cause Grabbed By The Ghoulies ships for Xbox in America today.

October 19th: New section added in the specialz, Characters from Conker's BFD. Go on and check it out!

October 17th: New reviews and a cool mid of Batula's Demise Special Thanks for Chris from the boards for the mid!

October 16th: Sweet! Conker's Crib has reached over 50,000 hits wow! Thanks for visiting!

October 12th: Wondering where all the old updates went? Well there all at this link here and at the bottom of these updates.

October 10th: Cool spooky wallpaper for you all at this link here Now Count's castle is in your house!

October 7th: All new spooky crazy shots! Beware your in for a scare! Well not really!

Update 2: Tired of typing in well now when you type in it takes you to

October 6th: Update 1: New Review up and a new affiliate added to the main page!

October 4th: New Live & Uncut stuff info! You know where to go!

October 3rd: It's Spooky time for Conker's Crib! Watch out for zombies and blood sucking bats this month. Look out for killer worms that have razor blade teeth too. Oh I heard Count Conkula was on the loose too.

September 29th: Tons of stuff today! All new game shark codes by Dion, new icons, crazy conker pictures, and all the links are fixed back to normal.

September 26th: Just to let you know there's a few dead links right now, because my account with rarextreme is having problems. A lot of stuff will be gone for a while, until I get my Rarextreme account fixed again.

September 24th: Conker LUC was a no show at X03 last week. Kameo and Ghouiles were there though. Hopefully soon we'll see some new stuff. Rumors are saying that the games graphics are being redone. Only time will tell.

September 23rd: Sorry for all the bandwidth problems this site has been having. We've got some new secrets up today and a new game shark code.

September 13th: New vote caster up! Plus rumors going around that CLU might appear at XO3 with a few other titles by Rare. Oh and BK Grunty's Revenge is out on GBA.

September 12th: New Secret Stuff added!

September 11th: Were taking today to say were very sorry for the ones that were lost on 9/11/01.

September 8th: Only a few more days until the big XO3. We might see a few surprises on the new conker. Also be sure to check out the message board for some conker stuff.

September 6th: Twisted Metal Black: Online review for the PS2. If you want to play me sometime online, my screen name for TMBO is ConkersCrib.

September 5th: New conkerficic wallpapers added for your pc.

September 3rd: All new Toonz section in the specialz go check it out! Special Thanks to MikeHiro.

September 1st: New layout for the main page and some new logos. Happy Labor Day!

August 31st: Want to hear conker news and site updates each month? If you do be sure to join the mailing list. It's right below the picture of the day. Come join the boards too, we don't bite you know.

August 30th: You all remember that crazy conker commercial! Well I found the girl that played in the commercials site. You can view Tiffany Shepis's site here Be warned though this site is not for the kiddies. Happy Labor Weekend o you all! To celebrate lets all conker chat at 8pm tonight.

August 28th: New records up and new stuff by Julie. Also be sure to come chat tomorrow night at 8 pm EST.

August 26th: Some Conker Live & uncut news today from Rarepotica. You can read about it here It sounds like conker is going to look even better than before at E3.

August 24th: Wow many 100's on the quiz! Congratulations to Greg McLauren, Jay, Conker Da Pope. Conker chat tonight at 7pm EST. We'll talk all about Conker.

August 22nd: Congratulations to Nick for scoring a perfect 100 on the Crib Quiz, lets give him a hand. Also some new Reviews up. If you've got any reviews be sure to send them in and I'll post them.

August 20th:Due to the amount of people not supporting this site, I have decided to stop for a while. Only a few support this site, and I appreciate that . I'll only update when someone sends in stuff or when there is more Conker Live & Uncut news.

August 17th: New affiliates welcome Jarra Mono a awesome GTA3 & Vice Site with amazing models. Also new conker GTA stuff.

August 14th: I found something you might like to see. Have a look here

August 12th: Awesome new fan art up by Jade!

August 9th: Sorry for not updating, cause well there has been nothing to update. In the mean time stay cool with the chimp.

August 3rd: Awesome new game shark codes up by Dion. Be sure to try them out, also some new crazy conker shots. If you have any be sure to send them in.

August 2nd: Can you uncensor Conker's BFD? Yes you can thanks to Dion. Go to Hack Shack to see more about it.

July 31st: Well it's the last day of July and we got some awesome new fan art of Rodent by Jade. Go check out this great drawing and post in the board if you wish.

July 30th: Update 2: Made some new banners for the site and fixed up the message board.

July 30th: Update 1: Neo Conker now up for download in the GTA section. Also a drawing up by me. Be sure to post in the message board too for more conker fun.

July 28th: Check out this awesome fake box by Alex Barrella Also more crazy conker shots, if you have any be sure to send them.

July 27th: Check out this funny video You can make your own video too. Also I fixed up the site, you may notice some different things around.

July 25th: I'm now working with my good friends over at Rarextreme as there new artist. I'll be helping them with many projects and features. Be sure to check out Rarextreme. Also if you want to know how Xbox live works here's a awesome video that tells you all about it Xbox Live Feature Video

July 22nd: Clock Tower 3 review and some more crazy conker shots. Be sure to join the message board too.

July 20th: Big surprise today!! I've made a huge forum for all of you fans to chat in. All you have to do is go to this link and sign up. If you have any problems or questions about signing up just ask. Conker's Crib Forum See you guys in the forum.

July 19th: Tons of polls now, you have 5 polls to choose from, lets get voting. Special thanks to Bravenet and Web Enalysis.

July 18th: Wow over 35,000 hits and tons of visits lately. Conker Chat tonight also at 9pm EST. I'll be there to answer any questions on conker. Thanks for visiting and voting.

July 16th: More Conker Live & Uncut news thanks to Ky0kiBakanoConker. Also X03 is coming in September, maybe well see conker there.

July 13: Conker lost to Yoshi yesterday at GameFaqs. Conker still rules though.Here's a little picture I made Conker Kills Yoshi Also we've got some new affiliates.

July 12th: Chat with me tonight on Conker's Crib at 8 pm EST. We'll talk all about conker, be there or be square.

July 11th: Rare has updated with tons of Scribes letters, many little bits of information on the new conker. Hurry and go see


July 7th: I'll let the board stay, please post. If you don't want to then that's just dandy. I’ve fixed up a lot of the site, and added new wallpapers and fan art by limpbizkitpro.

July 5th: Master Conker was the one who started this huge crew of 14 members wow! I hope the BFD Crew continues to grow! I hope we get some more fans too when the new conker comes out. Also the message board is pretty much dead, if none posts in 2 days I'm going to get rid of it. The only people that post in it are me and Chris.

July 3rd: You remember pocket tales right? Well Waddle Dedede has created a awesome fan game called Evil Acorn Adventures. You can find it at this link It's really cool and lots of fun, you'll enjoy it. Also have a happy and safe 4th of July.

July 1st: Oh Giddy aunt it's July! Skully The Sword Master a huge conker fan, in a crew of 11 people & they gather each week at each others houses! It sounds like a lot of fun! Check out their logo here If you have a crew of fans let me know.

June 29: Well June is almost gone. I got some nice requests today also. Expect some new stuff coming in July.

June 28th: Want some secret stuff in Conker well you got some more thanks to Rockon734. Also excellent fan art sent in by Matoonz.

June 27th: Blinx Review and more conker pictures in crazy conker.

June 26th:Wow Conker's Crib has reached a mind blowing 30,000 hits! Thanks fans for visiting! LimpBizkitPro has some new fan art up too.

June 25th: Big treat for you all today! All new Conker Live & Uncut footage thanks to CKY Beastmanonline CKY. You can find that right here You may need to right mouse click and save it to your pc. It opens with Windows Media Player or Divx Player. You can get Divx at this link. Also check out Where's Berri here. Also fixed up the wallpaper section and added some more conker shots.

June 24th: Thank you all for voting for Conker's Crib we now ranked 10th on the list. We are also getting close to 30,000 hits WOW! Also Conker's Castle is back go check it out

June 23rd: Good news I'm also a staff member over at Jinjo Matrix. I'm the resident CBFDExpert Also you may see some ren and stimpy banners around, be sure to see their new show this Thursday. I'd also like to thank Ren's Pix for the great gif below.

June 21st: New fanart added by me of Conquer not Conker. Also there are some new crazy conker shots.

June 19th: New sections added on this page go check them out!

June 18th: Conker Live & Uncut was shown last night on Xplay on tech tv. It aires again today at 2:30 a.m., 4 p.m. and Friday 6/20 at 8:30 p.m. Eastern standard time. To read more about it click here Also I fixed up alot of stuff on the site.

June 17th: Our buddy Macman has put up tons of conker collectables click here to check them out. Macman is a true conker fan too.

June 16th: New conker sites are coming out lately check them out on the main page.

June 15th: Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there.

June 14th: Tons of new stuff today new fan art by ashley and new affiliates and last but not least a gta vice city conker skin in the specialz.

June 13th: Postal 2 review today. Some say it's bad but I like it. You can even make skins too like this one here

June 12th: All new records sent in by Limpbizkitpro and new fan art added.

June 11th: Thanks today to LimpBizkitPro for the new logo on the main page, also I've fixed up some sections.

June 10th:We have some awesome new fan art up by Chupa of neo conker and I gave the fan art section a new look.

June 9th: If you missed out on the making of the BFD commercial go to this link here This site also has tons of other mechanical animals used in tv commercials and even movies.

June 8th: I had the craziest dream last night I dreamed I was Conker and having a bad fur day see for your self here I've also got some new fan art up by me.

June 7th: Wow thanks to all of you we've ranked 13 out of 100 in the Nintendo Top Sites. The hits here are flying too. Also tons of fan art added today go check it out.

June 5th: Tediz are back and now in fan art go check out Kroc's great drawing and a couple of new reviews are in.

June 4th: I just had to review Def Jam Vendetta today it's a great game with tons of wrestling rappers and hip hop music go check out the review.

June 3rd: Ok wise guys here's da score there's a few new crazy conker shots and a couple things added to the live & uncut section. Also guys send in your stuff of conker da squirrel.

June 2nd: Boy oh boy all new fan art added today go check them out!

June 1st: Wow those new wallpapers of conker look great the new models look very cool. All we need now are some new shots of Gregg, Chucky Poo, Don Weazo, and The Experiment and were on a roll.

May 31st: There is a ton of fan art pictures up. I fixed up some of my old ones from last year and we have some new art works by fans. Also go check out my conker live & uncut preview in the live & uncut section. I also got a better message board and moved some of the posts that were new. Come join us and post away. Last but no least rare has some new conker wallpapers go check them out!

May 30th: I'll have a preview up tomorrow on what I think of Live & Uncut. Thanks alot too for those who are signing the guest book lately I really appericate it.

May 29th: Noting really new just added a fake conker online box at the live & uncut section. Never got your copy of BFD click here

May 28th: Well school's out until August! I got some funny pictures for you today thanks to our buddy Macmancubed. Click the links for the picture Mepsipax Mepsipax 2 Also check out Macman's sitehere

May 27th: All new FAQ added on this page go check it out!

May26th: Happy Memorial Day everyone to make things even better the specialz are back early and some parts are reserved for our next adventure on Xbox. I've also got this really cool promo movie for you too right here Enjoy

May 25th: 4 reviews up today and if there is a certain game you would like reviewed just let me know.

May 24th: All new poll today take your pick of your favorite conker game. I'm sure BFD will win, but you never know what may happen.

May 21st: The specialz probably won't be back until June so in the mean time send in your BFD records and any fan art you may have and it will be up when the specialz returns also a few new stuff on live and uncut.

May 19th: Today is my Birthday I'm 16 now. It's also my sister's birthday also. I got a few new games and some clothes I'll post some reviews later on after I defeat these games.

May 18th: New banner for the site the other one looked a little plain so I added some of the conker gang in it. Other great news my birthday is tomorrow and so is my sisters, no were not twins though. Have a quess who's going to be on my cake? Conker of course, I try and take a picture before the cake is cut. I'll also let u all know what I get.

May 17th: E3 is over with and we have all the news we can probably get for now, unless rare sends out some more news on it. Also check out the reviews section I cooked up a few. Also it's my 16th birthday real soon, I can't bloody wait.

May 16th: Today made me very happy seeing so many visits and so many emails from you fans. I'm glad I decided to bring the king back. Have a nice weekend fans.

May 15th: We gots a war to fight boys head on down and check out more live and uncut stuff. The specialz probably won't be back until June and most of it will be different, and some parts will be gone.

May 14th: More Live and Uncut stuff added even a video clip plus more sweet shots.

May 13th:Were back and were early some parts of the site are still under construction like the specialz. I am still working on getting it all to the rarextreme server too. Great news though Conker Live and Uncut is coming to Xbox in 2004. It will have the original BFD remade and also extra stuff that was not in BFD added and it will be also be able to be used with Xbox live. Check out the section called Live & Uncut for more info. More news and updates to come.