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The Staff of Conker's Crib

The Staff Of Conker's Crib

Who's That Guy? He looks like some inbred human squirrel thing!!!

Jarrod aka Mr. Cribby or ConkersCrib or Conker2002

Name: Jarrod

(Said as Jared just spelled a bit different)

Position: Webmaster, News Updater, Editor, Graphics Artist, Site Designer, and Conker Expert.

(In other words I do it all)

My Sister Also has the same B-day as me, except I'm 3 yrs older than her. Pretty cool huh :)

Sex: Male

Lives In: Georgia


*Please don't send me emails asking for my phone number or personal information*

Hobbies: Drawing, bowling, golf, movies, cats, computers, art, electronics, playing games, and posting in forums, and working on Conker's Crib.

Favorite Games: Conker’s BFD, GTA3, GTA Vice, Boogerman, Clayfighters, many others games

Favorite Systems: Xbox, N64, Xbox 360

You may also know me as Mr. Cribby at RareExtreme Forums I'm usually there a lot.

I'm also at many other message boards like IGN, Gamefaqs, Gamespot, and some others.


Other Site Credits

Jonathan Bruntz (First started Conker's Crib back in 2001)

Forum Mods Of Conker's Crib Boards

Biohazard3, FroFroDaJimmyBoy, MikeHiro, Murdoc, and PRIVATE CONKER, ConkersBazooka

Julie Riley (For all her great fan stories)

The Great Forum Members (Supporting & Posting)

Wozza (Thanks for hosting some stuff on the site)

Fan Art Artists (Thanks for all your Conkerific artwork)

Conker's Crib has been online since summer of 2001

Thank You For All Your Support & Visiting

No squirrels were harmed in the making of this website!

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