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Shelbth's Blog
Thursday, 10 February 2011
The Promise Ring
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: My Life - According to Liz
how did your fight gooo
you had one already right?
not yet, feb 27
ooh for ufc?
I don't knwo why but I thought you had one before that hmm
how pumped are you!
pumped but exhusted trying to train and do all the interviews and ufc documents/medicals and then deal with sponsors
I hope you dont have lame sponsors like lubcity
because thats just awkward when thats plastered on your ass hahaha
I can't wait to watch though! Your family must be very proud! That
s a lot of hard work :):)
it is an incredible feeling for me to finally be here, I have been told by different doctors 4 seperate times that my career is over... Im glad I didn't listen
ya no kidding, Im glad that you left ehs how when you did too , and didnt risk blwoing yoru knee completely just to finish the series
that was heartbreaking for me but I knew it was my only realistic option
because of that choice I made last year I am here now
sooo exciting! that's great that youre in a ufc lineup, there are a lot of guys you never hear about from that show, and its so awesome that you were able to make the card!! you can def tell it was a lot of hard work and they believe in your talent
So are you inCalgary right now?
when are you taking off for the fight?
Ive been in montreal for the last 4 weeks preparing for this
Im training with George (tee hee)
hahaha oh mygoodness!! wow i hope you have more pictures to come, that's so exciting!!
He seems like such a nice guy, is he really like that?
Nick Ring is offline.10:13pm

Posted by rebellion/darck_angel at 8:20 PM YST
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Wednesday, 12 January 2011
class break ftl

winter semester sucksss! my schedule is super shitty and I have tonnes of holes in it, and I'm not even taking any 500 level classes :( at least I have 5.. well I'm going to span203 (intermediate) and if I don't like this teacher more than the one I had yesterday I'm going to drop it (the book is like $170!!! and you have to buy it new and nobody wants to buy a used one because you need the code for online testing).

 Anyhow... Bjorn has been in Australia, got back yesterday.  Right after he left I started seeing Dane (English guy).  He's really nice and we went out a few times, had a couple movie sleepovers (we both slept in full clothes hahahaha). We drove to Canmore to get his mail and he came with me to look at showhomes one day. He's a little more sarcastic than I prefer, he just jokes around all the time and as someone who has a few insecurities such joking makes me feel overly sensitive. 

Then I met Eddie and I was really excited to go out a few times with him, as of today it's been one week since we met.  We went to Jamesons for wings and he was very outgoing and chatty.  i really liked that he was half Chilean and half German and raised by his German mum.  He's kind of like an only child because all of his half-brothers/sisters are >30 so he pretty much grew up alone. We seemed to have a lot of similar life stories and we both like to go out and have a good time.  We met wednesday, and I joined him at the Roadhouse Thursday.  He was pretty loaded and I had a few and we went back to his house.  I was hesitant but he's a chubbier guy and really sweet so I asked him waht he wanted and he said "anything" hahahah "that's not what I meant" so he said "whatever you want" I assumed he knew I wanted dating (from our prior conversations and my profile) and we hooked up a few times from then to now.  Then Saturday I picked him up from the bar on my way home and we snuggled and had a sleepover... but I was kind of bummed that he was so drunk and kept bringing up all the crazy stuff they had done that night, including girls he had been dancing with and a reactionary comment he made to a coworker who was implying he was slutty "I fucked two girls in the bathroom, one on the dancefloor, and one when I get home" he said it to shut her up... but was I just the one waiting when he got home? I felt kind of stupid for going out of my way to get him but I enjoyed the cuddle time and nothing happened.  Then we hung out yesterday, we watched a movie and held hands, kissed and snuggled and I felt I had to ask him again what he was looking for before it got too heavy.  He basically said that he hadn't had his party phase growing up because of girlfriends and being religious (becoming a mormon and not going out or partying for two years).  He said that he just started that phase of his life and he wasn't really looking for dating. I understood but it was hard, I felt like we had a really genuine connection, and I was ready to call off my single-and-loving-it phase. I guess it was the hardest because he called our time together 'dates' and held my hand and went out of his way to send me cute text messages.  He had told me he really liked me and was into me too, and I felt a little deceived.  Today I feel a lot better and I apologized for saying a few semi-rude things after the fact. I really had just been off-the-cuff about how I felt used and deceived and I was hurt that he said he wished we had met later because I'm an awesome girl.  I guess this is just one of those things I have to learn from.  today I'm really back in good spirits and I'm thankful it was just one week.  I'll just have to be more guarded next time I suppose.

 Oh, me and Rono went out for shisha on Saturday :) it was really nice to sit and talk to him and know that neither of us was threatened by the other hahaha.  We had a really good long talk and caught up on a lot of things.  I still think of him as one of my best friends, I wonder if he would think that's weird? I wonder if he feels the same? I found out his sister and John are going to have a baby in about 7 months too! It seems like a lot of good things are happening with his family now and I'm very happy that they've had better news since his Grandmother's passing. I'm still nervous for Ron though, he said he jaw surgery is in two weeks, and he actually sounded nervous about it now.  the whole time it was me tha was trying to convince him he should be more worried about it, that he didn't need it, but now that he seemed worried I had to pretend that it would be great.  I reassured him that even if he had his jaw wired shut he would be okay, he thought he would lose about 15 pounds (that's what the doctor said) and I told him all about my friend Travis who had his jaw broken and wired shut twice hahaha.  I missed the Rono

Posted by rebellion/darck_angel at 10:16 AM YST
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Saturday, 1 January 2011
uneasy thoughts...
Now Playing: Inception (film)

At pauly D after seeing Bj outside turning his back and all that garbage, and the "stfu" text that I may have overreacted to (calling him a cunt and a butterface bahaha) we patched thingsup at his combo birthday party with Steve.  It was a double kegger and we had them both finished by 2am hahaha and there were not that many of us. But ya BJ was ripped out of his mind and we talked and things were okay.  Then as the night progressed he started talking like we were dating and when we slept next to eachother in Brad's room (like old times haha) he said "it's just you and me against the world!" uhh we hadn't talked in like over a month and I was for sure already dating other people and moved on.  That shipped has sailed friend! Very awkward.  But then he really wanted to start things up again and he kept telling me how hard it was not talking to me, and I brought up how I had tried to apologize and contact him several times with no reply.  Apparently he was upset I didn't ask more people about him or why he was mad, are we 5 here wtf? I thought I knew so I accepted what happened and respected that he didnt' want to talk to me and moved on with my life.  Anyways we went out a few times and to another hockey game, and I offered to drive him to the airport when he left go to home for Christmas (to Perth).  He originally said he had a ride and the day before he left he called and asked if I would drive him.  I was up pretty early that day and asked if he wanted to do lunch before his flight, he said yes and I motored over to his place to find that he had to still go drop off his stuff in storage, and go drop off his work van down edge of the universe south and then we barely had time ot grab a coffee and food before his flight.  And of course I had to stay with him until he could board, and then when he messed up his visa app.  what a mess.

Italo.  so we had broken up in dec 2009 and then been off and one to February and then sort of just intimate after that but with no string attached.  I think the last time was during the Stampede so July.  and then we fought off and on so there were periods where wer just didn't talk.  I went up for Sonicboom and decided to drop him a line because i thought it would be rude if he found out i was there and didnt even say hi.  But he took almost a full day to reply and I lost my shit, it aggrevated me that he coudln't even respond in a reasonable amount of time to be polite.  So we stopped talking for a few months and out of the blue I decided I wanted to talk to him again when I was in town for the National Rodeo Finals (right near his house).  I had said I wanted to grab a bite to eat, and instead he ate right befor comign and showed up to get me like 45 minutes late (I wasn't driving because my license was still suspended so Shivonne and Kyle had to wait with me).  Then he didn't want to go and sit anywhere and we ended up driving around, like he didn't want to talk the time to talk, just to say hi and drop me off.  In fact he made a point nof telling me he had plans later so we would need to cut it short.  I was really hurt, and I know I hurt him too but it was still hard.  he just kept saying how it was so easy for me to move on, but it wasn't as easy as he thinks.  Its hard to explain but I felt like it would be easier for him to move on if he thought I was, so I always acted like I was fine.  The distance definately helped but I was still lonely too.  That's probably why I reached out to him again, it's nice to know that someone still wants you, but that wasn't what this was.  And I just started crying, I felt so stupid.  I told him I hadn't slept with anyone in the 6 months since we were together, and it was true, but I don't think he believed me.  And I definately never thought the same would be true for him, but I thought it might mean something to him... I don't think it did.

Then I was on Ryu's facebook one day playing games and Italo came on and was really chatty.  he was in a really good mood and was adamant that I wish my mom and step dad a merry Christmas from him.  He didn't do much replying to me after the first 2 minutes but it was nice to talk to him.  I told him that I was coming up for the 30th for a concert and we should get together and patch things up, because there had been so much miscommunication via text and all.  He didn't really say much about it and I didn't think too much on it then, but I wished him a happy birthday in advance, and then looking at his page I realized he was throwing himself a huge birthday party, probably the first he's ever had in Canada (since he's always in Peru for the holidays).  I was a little upset I wasn't invited, but I thought maybe he jut forgot.  I told him to have fun at his party and I signed off (he wasn't replying anyways).  The day before I get in to Edmonton I sent him a text and asked if he wanted to hookup.  Secretly I wanted to get together and seduce him hahahaha but I knew it probably wouldn't work out that way.  He replied and said that he thought we should stay friends but that now wasn't a good time to hangout because he was in a new relationship.  It really upset me and I'm still not totally sure for what reasons.  I freaked out and sent a few rude text messages "Seriously?" "your mother must be so proud" etc. but then I eventually sent a sort of rebuttal, along the lines of "I understand you've moved on but we both agreed it was good to stay friends because we're still important to eachother, so I don't think I can be an invisible friend."  He had always made such a big deal about remaining really good friends even if we weren't dating and it really hurt that now he was ready to just move on and leave me completely behind.  He had said he wanted to stay friends, but he would never come down just to visit me, I was surprised he came down for Stampede but he said that was because he felt he needed to one last time (and it wasn't even totally on friends premise either).  So here I was, in his town again, and he couldn't even be bothered to come see me.  I don't care if other people are there even, but I was just really really hurt.  He didn't reply to any of my texts so I left it.  I got together with Alannah before the show and we all chatted about our lives, and especially about her and Javier's breakup.  I was so happy fpr her they had been together for like 4 years, since she was 16!! I thought that he didn't appreciate her as much as he should, and treated her kind of like she was still 16.  I had secretly thought that she should see waht life was like outside of their relationship, like she had missed something dating one guy for so long through such important teenage years, and now she was partying it up haaard! It made me happy she was doing so well, but I didn't expect that Javier would take it so hard; he talked about girls he was with before her, even in front of her. Then we got on the topic of Italo and I asked if his new gf was spanish hahahaha she said they were and I was genuinely happy they were the same brand of crazy.  Alannah said that she was really jelous, and had freaked out at Kim and Alannah for being friends with me since I'm Italo's ex gf, Alannah laughed and said she had to explain that we were friends for a fair amount of time and went to Mexico together even.  I was relieved that I wasn't the crazy one anymore! I don't even know her name or anything about her and she already knows who I am, what I look like, and is pissed that I'm writing on our mutual friend's facebook walls hahahahahahahah! Aaah how perfect, someone as jelous as he is.  I genuinely think that it's a good thing that he's dating spanish, and when we use to fight I always told him he should date someone spanish because I just wasn't cut out for that type of relationship.  I guess I was relieved and somewhat satisfied, I want him to be happy, I really do... I just still remained kind of hurt that we wouldn't be able to remain friends anymore, and I guess it bothers me that he had found a girlfriend so fast. 

I always seem to jump into relationships and this is probalby the first time I haven't done that, that I haven't looked for someone right away, haven't forced a relationship... it felt good for so long but now I'm getting kind of lonely and I guess the timing was just bad, it looked like he moved on and was happy before I was and I don't know that has ever happened to me.  I am not good at dealign with breakups so I usually kind of overlap the end of relationships with the start of a new one; the backup plan. But this was different... I'm way more upset about this than I should be, but I seem to wait until my ex's have finally moved on and then try to win them back almost knowing that it won't ever happen, and then get rejected and feel like shit (and give them an egoboost about outdoing me, when it appeared originally that I had moved on first).  Sooo stupid.

So Shivonne and I went to see Deadmau5 and Calvin Harris (at a 16+ show) and it turns out it was a rave hahahaha who knew! I think we were some of the oldest people there and definately the only people who weren't drunk or high hahahahah very interesting group of people to observe. It was actually kind of fun to stay sober! Especially since I knew I was going to be the Aunty and Godmother to that special little baby a-brewing! It made me realize though that it was really difficult to sleep on a futon when not wasted hahah, and when thinking about said ex :S

Aaaah I'm so excited for Shivonne and Kyle though!!! It was so out of the blue, she was on the patch and still got pregnant! i knew as soon as she told me, and said that she had told her mom, that she was keeping it.  And at first I was in denial. I'm a pretty selfish person and all I could think aboutwas how much it was going to change OUR lives. And how much it was going to change my life, what about the trips we planned? The drinking we partook in? The drugs we did? What about our partying? But then I realized that this was going to make our lives better, it was going to bring them together, and jut be different -- not bad.  Now I'm so jacked up about the baby, and absolutely delighted and thrilled that I'm not just an Auntie but also going to be Godmother!!! Not that that means a ton these days other than sentimental, which means the most to me :)


I think I ponder on it too much because I wonder if he turned his ringer on for her, when he wouldn't with me... if he added her on fb and started seeing her when we were still seeing eachother off and on... if he goes out with her when he wouldn't with me, goes to see her all the time like he wouldn't with me... will tell her he loves her, when he wouldn't tell me...

was it all a lie? Did he cheat on me? How could I ever know...

Posted by rebellion/darck_angel at 11:25 AM YST
Updated: Saturday, 1 January 2011 6:22 PM YST
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Sunday, 21 November 2010
It Gets Better

It Gets Better

Growing up I remember finding my dads Playboys and secretly reading them after my parents went to sleep, or before they got up in the morning.  Then one day years later in my childhood I came across a hidden stash of my mothers Playgirls (probably all from the 80s) and I remember not being as excited to find them.  I think at the time I attributed it to them being so outdated and having lesser articles and comics (as if that was really the reason), but I never looked at them as much as the Playboys.  And I thought everyone sneaked a peak at their dad’s smut magazines, I mean they were always more readily available than your mom’s right?

My parents knew before I knew.  I remember them approaching me when I was probably 16 or so, and saying “We know you’re gay Shelby” and I denied it, I was in total shock and they kept saying “it’s okay we know, we know! We love you, and we know.” But I denied it even then.

And I remember having a sleepover with my best girl friend, and I could feel that the tension between us was mounting and it all culminated in this one sleepover we had.  We always slept in the same bed, but on this night in particular everything was different, and I somehow was scared.  I felt like she was going to make a move this time and I didn’t know what I would do.  It was extremely subtle but it was there and I was terrified.  I pretended to sleep and nothing at all happened, but at the same time a lot happened.  The next day she said to me that she had felt if anything was ever going to happen she thought it would have happened that night, and I knew exactly what she meant.  Even my mom asked what had happened that night, because in the morning she faced two very muted, very distant teens, where normally there would be two over-poweringly bubbly girls.  We both later came out as queer and I often regret not having embraced it at an earlier age.

When you’re a teenager inundated with media messages I think it’s harder to come to terms with being gay.  I remember reading teen magazines and there being articles (and I mean more than a few) on how having a crush on a girl or woman was normal for teen girls and didn’t mean that you were gay; it just meant you envied that person and wanted to be like them.  I felt sort of relieved by this I guess, because it meant I didn’t have to question myself as different, but at the same time I blame the media for things like that, that kind of tricked me into believing I wasn’t really queer for all those years.

One of my boyfriends just after highschool tried to convince me too.  After our breakup he said he knew I liked women, and I denied the claim vehemently thinking he was blaming our breakup on me being gay… but when I did come out as queer he was incredibly supportive of me and it was then that I realized he told me he knew out of support; because he wanted to help me, not hurt me.

When I came out to my family it was kind of an accident.  I had been on a really bad vacation with a friend’s family and when I got home I was recounting all the details to my mom while we were at a wakeboard festival in our town, and I just blurted out that I was sure my friend had treated me so badly on our trip because I was more interested in dating a girl than him.  My mom almost died in that moment I think, probably because she had been so sure years prior but I had denied it to myself for so long and convinced her too.  It’s like it came without warning and it hit her really hard.  But months later I came out to my dad over drinks and he was absolutely fine with it! The person I feared telling the most, the most conservative of my two parents, completely supported me.  But then forgot I had told him, until I (again?) accidentally outted myself? I guess he had had a lot of beers that night and the conversation had been forgotten until he was trucking a bunch of my friends and myself down to a club for my birthday celebration and I started talking about my ex-girlfriend.  He was upset everyone but him knew until I reminded him of our previous conversation and then he went back to his bubbly acceptance of the fact and asked why I hadn’t brought any of these ladies over to the house haha!

Knowing who you are is the foundation for the rest of your life. 

“You are so much more than your sexual orientation” Adam Lambert

It’s easy to be heterosexual, it’s hard to come out, and to embrace homosexuality, and you’re stronger for doing it.  It gets better.

It Gets Better Canada:

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Posted by rebellion/darck_angel at 1:54 PM YST
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cleaning out the ol' inbox

I was cleaning out my email (cluttered with forwards and club/school emails) and came across lots of hostile or emotional emails from a variety of people; Desiree, Rohw...

Thought I should save these if I haven't already...

From: me
To: rohw
Subject: hurrow
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 18:44:13 -0600

Thanks a lot for coming out for coffee with me today.  I was just leaving Maria's house (well, her brother's house) and I was really upset and I couldn't think of anyone I wanted to call or see but you.  I don't want you to take that the wrong way, I just still feel like you're the closest person I have - and I often worry that, that might change.  I really like that we can get together and just talk about things and it doesn't seem to be too weird. I still really miss you all the time, but I'm trying really hard to not call or message you much, sometimes I have my relapses though; like today.  It sounds horrible, but I felt like crap when you said how amazing your week had been - you really deserve an amazing week, an amazing year, an amazing life - I'm just sad that I'm not really a part of that anymore. 
Anyways I'm kind of rambling, what I really wanted to say was that you can "borrow" Ryu whenever you want, for a day, a weekend, whatever - anytime.  He isn't really my dog anyways, I was thinking about it and I really feel that he is our dog, even though he has always lived at my house.  I guess that's hard to explain but you helped me name him, and raise him, and even now everybody refers to you as his dad.  I don't know if that interests you, but I figure you might want to see him, and I don't have to be around for that.  He's pretty well behaved now too, very self-sufficient and not so "spilly".  Anyways, again, hope you have another really good week - and let me know if you ever want me to drop off Ryu.

From: Rohw
Sent: March 25, 2008 2:06:15 PM
To: Shelby
You don't have to thank me, I enjoy talking to you. And yeah, I still think about you lots too, like when I watch a movie or when I go out for my family dinners, everyone asks where you are. And no matter how far down the road, or how far we've grown apart, you always will be part of my life from all the lessons and memories; and I hope that you stay in touch and continue to be a part of my life.
I had a great weekend, but in the big scheme of things; everything isn't going as well as I'd hope. It seems like I've lost touch with a lot of my friends, school is getting really hard, and it's cramming time. Also the stress of having an unpaid credit card bill, and finding a good summer job is weighing me down. I guess the holiday weekend I just decided to let loose and have my last good time before the hectic last couple weeks of school.
I know things are really hard for you right now, and you're going through a rough time; but just remember that it's all going to pass - and also take a step back, maybe you will realize that it's not so bad. You have a loving family, a loving dog, and friends that support you; also you're turning a new leaf in your life, moving to a new neighbourhood. It might feel like everything is falling apart, but everything happens for a reason, and maybe it's all actually falling into place.
As for Ryu, I don't think "borrowing" him is a very good idea - wouldn't fly with my parents, and he'd probably miss you too much and just whine the whole time haha. But in the summer, maybe we could walk him together and pick up slurpees or something. Besides, he really is your dog; I just helped name him, but I didn't really help too much raising him, except disturb his sleeping patterns haha.
From: Shelby
Sent: November 27, 2008 12:18:46 AM
To: Rohw

I'm not sure what to say, but I thought I should try to say something, to tell you somehow how very sorry I am for your loss. Please know that I care about you so much, and if you need anything at all, if you ever want to talk, anything, please call me anytime and I'll be there.



Memory Can Tell Us Only What We Were
By Richard Fife

Memory can tell us only what we were,
In company with those we loved;
It cannot help us find out what each of us,
Alone, must now become.
Yet, no person is really alone;
Those who live no more still echo
Within our thoughts and words,
And what they did has become
Woven into what we are.

Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2008 02:18:51 -0700

Hey Shelby,
I'd like to thank you for being so supportive for me during these past weeks, I've questioned who I was, who I am, and who I want to be. I haven't found an answer to these questions yet, but if I've learned anything from my grandpa passing away, it’s to spend as much time with the people I love, and enjoy it while it lasts. I am regretting that I didn't spend more time with him, I regret that I never thanked him for how much he's done for me, and most of all, I regret never telling him how much I loved him. I don't want to live with regrets anymore and this is why I'm writing this letter.
It's not a letter to persuade you, it's not a letter to make your life more difficult, because I know how hard it will be for you to read this. I know that you've moved on and I don't know if you were being honest when you said, "I'm not that happy"; but what I do know is that I can see it in your eyes, your mood, and your personality, you are happy with life right now and I don't want to change a thing.
I've had a lot on my mind recently, and was just thinking about life. My goal in life was to be successful in everything I did, to be considered successful I'd have to make the most money I could. Maybe then I could be useful, I could somehow repay my grandpa for all he's done for me. I just wanted him to be so proud of me, I wanted him to see how successful I was, I wanted to buy him a house so he could see how grateful I was. When my grandpa passed away, all these dreams were lost, I lost myself. I really started to question what I stood for, who I was, who I am, and what I would become. I really should've visited him more, but I was so busy chasing my dreams, that I lost sight of what was really important. The most important things in life were right there in front of me, I loved spending time with him; even if we sat there for hours not speaking one word, I loved the comfort of just being around him.
Which brings me to the reason for this letter, I realize now that I still love spending time with you, I love the way you can make me laugh, I love how even though you've moved on, you are still always there for me when I need comfort the most. But to be honest, every time that I see you, it hurts; it feels like I made the biggest mistake of my life, I find myself constantly asking, "In a world full of so much pain, how could I have turned away the only joy of my life?" The more supportive you are, the more it hurts, the more it makes me regret. At first, I didn't want to bring anything up, I was just going to keep it bottled inside because I didn't want to make your life more complicated. But my grandpa has taught me that life is too short to hold back, he's taught me to put love into everything I do, to embrace courage to do the things I want to do, which finally made me decide that I was going to let you know how I am feeling. I've accepted the fact that there's nothing I can do to undo my actions, my life is already full of regrets; but I know in my heart that if I did not tell you how I honestly feel, it would just be another regret on the laundry list I have to live with. I'm throwing everything out on the table here, take it for what you want, I'm just being honest with myself and with you.
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you, or what we could've been. When I cook, I think of how fun it'd be to cook something new and exciting with you. I think about you all the time when I watch movies, about how much I just enjoy spending time with you. Honestly, I miss it all, I miss your touch, I miss your kiss, I miss your loving embrace. Daniel told a story on Thursday night, it went something like this: The last time my grandpa had pneumonia, was the last time he would ever have to see the inside of a hospital. When he returned to the nursing home, my brother went to go visit him with my grandma. My grandpa said, "oh thanks for coming to visit me, sit down I need to talk to you. Do you have time?" Daniel said, "Yeah grandpa, I have lots of time, what did you need?" My grandpa said, "Oh, I was just thinking, I want to go downtown and shop around, I want.. I want... a haircut" Daniel said, "Sorry grandpa, I don't think they will let you out of the nursing home like this, you just recovered from pneumonia, I wish I could." and that's the end of the story. The fact is, my grandpa never did a chance to go downtown one last time, all he wanted was a hair cut. It made me realize how much joy the simple things in life brings. I really wish I had taken him downtown one last time, even though he didn't ask me. I mean, my grandpa doesn't ask for much, he never really asked me for anything, when I bought him stuff, he was always worried about how much it cost. If there's one thing I could've done for him, I really wish I could've taken him to China one last time, or even Chinatown one last time, it must've been so hard for him to sit in that nursing home all day. It really makes me appreciate the small things in life, I look at all the times we've spent together, going to Edmonton, Downy Creek, or even just inside of Calgary, I started to take things for granted. You never asked much from me, maybe spend a weekend here or there, and I thought I was being smothered. I never once just stopped and told you how much I loved you, because I didn't realize how much I really did love you. I loved everything about you, everything I thought I hated, I'm missing right now. I finally realized, that it's not who I am that stops me from doing these things, it's what I thought I wasn't; I didn't think I was the kind of guy who would fall in love.
At first, I was upset that you didn't tell me you had a new boyfriend, or at least I thought. That wasn't it, I was upset because it felt like I was losing your love. It was Monday when I found out you had a boyfriend, and I was torn to pieces, my heart hurt so bad, I was so depressed. I was so hurt because, all I could think of was when you we're telling me a joke a month earlier, about you taking your birth control pills and your phone alarm, at the time I was just thinking, "hmm, why is she taking birth control? I guess it's just for hormonal control." But when Steve told me on Monday, that he saw your boyfriend at the Halloween hotel party, it clicked in my head, I put A and B together and it crushed my world. I started to question you, I started to question everything we've been through. I started to tell myself, "I guess I wasn't that special, how could she be sleeping with another guy that she barely knows or barely sees, he lives in Edmonton.." I didn't know how you guys met, I didn't know where, and I didn't care, all I could see was that he had replaced me. Then my grandfather passed away on Wednesday, and nothing seemed to matter anymore. We had that texting conversation that one night, I realized that your life is personal it's none of my business, I know you're smart and you will make the right decisions in life. One of most painful memories I have, was when you said, "Ron, I don't love you anymore, but you still can't do this". I don't know if you remember saying that, but it was a couple months after we broke up and you were mad at me because I wouldn't drive to Chestermere to see you. Re-evaluating my life I realize that it's not about me, here I am, I am no longer part of your love life and I have to accept that fact. I've accepted the fact that you've moved on and are happy in your life. I want to say that I don't love you anymore, but that would be a lie. All this thinking leads me to the simple answer, "find what makes you happy in life, and live it." I realize that you make me happy, but I can't live it as your love anymore and I think that's why it hurts so much. After writing this letter, I understand now, I have to let go of you to live your life, stop thinking about you as my love, and instead like what I had said at the break-up, as friends.
I think you put it best, so here we are again where we started, as friends. I hope I can be there for you, like you are here for me, I hope I will be a good friend. I hope as a friend, I can still bring happiness into your life. Again, I just want to thank you for being so supportive, I don't think you know how much I appreciate how much you've helped me, and I just wanted to let you know that it's really helped me get through this time. I don't know if there's anyway I can repay you, but if you ever need support, you can lean on me. It's quite sad that it takes the death of one of the most important people in life for me to really take the time to appreciate friends, family, and most of all life itself. My grandpa has taught me a lot, he was the most loving and helpful person I've ever known. As he was the beacon of light of my life, I must be the beacon of light for others, it would cause him grief to see some of the things I've done. But like your poem says, he lives on through me, I must spread his teachings and most importantly his love.
Thanks for your love,
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 10:30 PM
To: Rohw
Subject: RE: Thank You
I know that it must have been really difficult for you to write me that e-mail, and I really appreciate you writing it.  I think it's really important to be honest with the people you care about, and that's why it's hard for me to respond. In the same way as you, I hope to convey how I feel, and my intention is not to hurt you, but let you know where I'm at right now in my life.  After we broke up I was really mad for probably almost two months, I couldn't believe that you would break up with me - even though I knew that I was treating you really bad and subconciously (or not) pushing you away because I was afraid of the commitment we had.  I guess I thought that you needed me, and I know that sounds selfish and horrible but I guess that's what I thought? I don't even know. Then you gave me that letter.  That letter was the hardest thing I've ever had to read, and the nicest thing anyone has ever written/said to me. It totally rocked my world.  From then on, for maybe three months I cried myself to sleep every night - wondering how I could lose someone so amazing, someone who had meant so much to me, and who I had meant so much to... I spent the next couple of months pretty depressed, and while I valued all the time we spent together, every time you would hug me hello (which was new) and goodbye I felt like you were holding on a little too tight, or for a little too long.  I think I cried almost every time I left your house, and I don't know if you noticed, but I was a wreck when we watched Wall-E.  When you called me from your car I was already breaking down in mine, and I had to pull my shit together to drive over to talk to you.  After you left that night I pretended to leave the theatre too and I parked across the way and cried for about a half hour before I could putt it together again and drive. I don't think you have any idea how hard it was to watch that movie with you. I'm not telling you these things to make you feel bad, though I can see how it would look like that - I'm telling you because I want you to know what a huge impact you have on me and how much I care about you.  I almost felt lead on by your long hugs and kind gestures, and it felt like we were dating without all the intimacy.
After maybe 6 months apart I tried to force myself to move on by joining dating websites, and more or less looking into dating girls - I know you've always suspected that about me, and I finally actually accepted that about myself. I talked to some people on there, but I can't say that I was really excited about anyone, no matter how beautiful or interesting they seemed. 
Then I went to Vegas and it was the first break I had from thinking of you.  It was like everything in Calgary reminded me of you and made me think about losing you.  Yet when the whole vegas thing went down all I wanted to do was call you, before even calling my mom.  But I didn't know where we stood, and I didn't know if you would take my call.  I didn't know if you would be there for me at 2am when all I wanted to do was cry my eyes out.  It was really hard for me. Then I came back to Calgary and I was surrounded by reminders of you, and the love I felt I had lost... all I wanted to do was leave again.
I've been really lonely since we broke up, and I can honestly say that I never really actively sought a relationship since.  I met someone who was interested in me, and who it seemed I was almost dating for a while, and then he really hurt me and we broke things off.  It made me realize that I still wasn't over you, and it broke my heart.  Then I met a couple guys in Edmonton over the last couple months, and it seemed like I might not be lonely anymore. But now that I'm in a relationship, and a long distance one at that, I can say that I'm not sure that I am happy. 
I know that it really hurt you to find out that I was in a relationship via facebook, but I had no idea how to tell you and I was scared to.  Like I said, I waited 9 months, but I can't wait forever.  It's felt like forever and I've been so lonely without you... I think you must have known that on some level.
I never claimed you were perfect, and I never expected that you should be, and I think that's why it was so hard on me when you would say things like that I wasn't what you expected, or I had tricked you by the way I was at BP's, and that I wasn't classy... those were all really big blows for me, but the biggest was obviously when I thought you were giving up on me.
The fact of the matter is that I never stopped loving you, and I'm not sure that I'll ever stop caring about you. That being said, I don't know that I can give up on the relationship I'm in because you've finally decided you want me back.  While that's the only thing I've been wanting to here for the last 9 months, maybe it's too late? I'm not saying that to be mean, but I also don't think it would be fair to Italo if I just dropped everything we've worked towards to run back to you.  This is a really hard thing for me to say, but I don't think we can be together now. It breaks my heart to think of everything that we could have had - but my life is already confusing enough and I just can't bear to deal with this right now. I just have no idea how to go on... 
Have you ever heard the song "give back the love" by the Philosopher Kings? It really makes me think about you, about us. I think if you heard it you'd understand.

You're a huge part of my life and I don't want that to change.  I hope you feel the same. No one could ever replace you in my life.  I'm so sorry...
PS: I've been on birth control since we broke up, and I did stay on it so that it didn't mess with my hormones... it wasn't because I was seeing anyone.  I even told you that it felt like a waste of money...
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 10:30 PM
To: Shelby
    Hey, you don't have to apologize, the letter was for me to express my feelings and emotions. Still now I feel so bad for how much I hurt you, it wasn't my intent. I know I've said that you weren't classy, but don't listen to me; my definition of successful was slutty girls, lots of money and nice cars, now I realize that nothing of that matters. I was trying too hard to convey an image of being successful that I had forgot to just take a step back and appreciate things in life. You were beautiful inside and out, I really had thought that I had been tricked into a relationship, only to find out now that I wasn't tricked, that's what I had wanted all along. To be honest, I don't even know what I meant by classy, if you weren't classy, then I sure wasn't either haha. I felt that it was important for you to know the honest truth from me, nothing kept inside. I know it sounded like it, but it wasn't a "come-back" to me plea, I know that you've moved on and I wasn't expecting anything in return but a sincere response since it has been a confusing time for both of us. Like I had said, it wasn't to persuade you to break-up, or make you feel bad. I completely understand your situation, sorry if I had made it more confusing; I'm sure he's a really nice guy and I'd love to meet him sometime! "it felt like we were dating without all the intimacy." I think this is the most important part, I was thinking the same thing and was trying to stop that from happening. I guess that's why it feels like a fresh wound, because even though we broke up 9 months ago, nothing's really changed till now. Again, I really appreciate you being there for the times I needed you the most.


I just listened to that song and I think you're right, I would never give back the love you gave me. Would I undo the past? Not a chance, I think I can speak for you and I both when I say that the good memories far outweigh the bad, and we will carry those with us for the rest of our lives.
What you said when you left, that I had no friends anymore was true; I noticed that I don't really have a lot of friends anymore, all I had was you and you were gone too, that's how lonely I was. I was so hurt that even if you were right, I could never admit it. I don't know if you know this, but the only times I've cried since I was about twelve was when I lost my grandpa, and when I lost you. You probably didn't know this either, but I was crying when I was explaining the situation to my sister. The whole nine months I kept questioning myself, even as friends I kept thinking that we were destined for a relationship somewhere in the future. The truth is, I don't think I can love you anymore now that you're gone. I've been trying really hard to think of you as a friend instead of a lover and I'm really starting to gain some ground, only because I'm convincing myself that we have no future as lovers. What I'm saying is that for me to really move on, I have to let go and leave you behind - I know it sounds harsh, but I don't mean that I will never talk to you again. I mean that I won't be here if you decide you want to start a relationship, I'll leave it at that. I will be here for you if you need a friend, I will be here to bring happiness into your life, I will be here, just not the same way as it was before.
I'm going to try my best to be your best friend, please do the same for me. 
From: Shelby
Sent: December 11, 2008 12:54:14 PM
To: Rohw
I know where you're coming from and as much as it hurts I think you're totally right.  For either of us to be able to lead normal lives apart I think it's best to accept that we can't be together - I know how lingering feelings and hopeful thoughts can make moving on impossible... I've been there. At the same time, I don't want to feel like I'm losing you, and I hope that we can maintain the strong friendship we've had - even if it has to change in some ways...
From: Rohw
Sent: December 16, 2008 9:34:35 PM
To: Ms. Dee
Hey niglet,
I know that I said I couldn't talk to you for a while, but today, it's even worse than ever; I can't study, I can't eat, I can't sleep. I realize that I was being selfish last night, I never meant to make you cry, it's not fair that you should have to suffer because I'm fucked up right now. It's not what you want, and it's not what I want, you are one of the few friends I have left and my days seem so long without talking to you. I kept telling you last night that I didn't know why I was so pissed off, but now I know, I screwed up so badly and it feels like there's no second chance to make things right. I know I've said this before, but I really wish I could take back everything I've done, I just miss you so much.
Last night when I told you that I wasn't going to be able to talk to you for a long time, I went to go throw out your old cards, gifts, whatever I kept of you - I still had that candy g-string you gave me for my b-day at Boston Pizza. I started to think about all the things we've done, everything we've been through, and everything we've built, and I'm not ready to give up on that, I wasn't ready to throw those cards out. My parents and family all love you, even all 30 of my cousins, and my friends, well the ones I have left, think you're great, believe me when I say especially Kyle. I don't go a day without thinking about you and Ryu, and like I've said before, I still think of "fun things" we could do, even though you're not there anymore. When I said you were the best I've ever had, I really meant it, I've never met anyone that could make me feel so important, so appreciated, so loved.
This is me asking for a second chance, I feel so pathetic, yet this is me fighting for something I love; it wouldn't be love if it wasn't worth chasing after. I don't even know how to say this without sounding so desperate, because I am desperate, but I'll be waiting for you. I realize that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but I don't want just anyone, I want you. You waited for me, I was just too late as always, and now I know how painful that must've been, now I'm willing to wait for you. I'm not even sure if you want to be with me anymore but after all these e-mails and talking to you, I can still see how much you care for me, yet still choose to be with him; this guy must really be something special. If you end up getting married to this guy; I'll be there, I'd rather be your friend then your nobody. Writing this, I feel like I've been deprived of my dignity, I really am crawling back to you; but I don't know what else I can do.

Tomorrow I write my last test till January, which I have no motivation to do, but let me know if you want to go for din din or something, I never thanked you last night for dinner, let me make up for it.

From: Rohw
Sent: February 22, 2009 1:47:23 AM
To: Shelby

From: Shelby
To: Rohw
Subject: RE:
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 12:46:18 -0700

Okay. Thanks.

From: Rohw
Sent: February 23, 2009 9:01:02 PM
To: Shelby
I know it doesn't mean much and I know that you don't believe me, but I really am sorry... for everything. You don't have to respond, just wanted to let you know that I sincerely apologize for anything I've done to you from day one, you deserve better than that.
Take care of Ryu for me,

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Posted by rebellion/darck_angel at 12:29 PM YST
Updated: Sunday, 21 November 2010 2:17 PM YST
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Monday, 15 November 2010
Recap on texting desperation ...fml

Nov 13, 3:01am..."Oh this is the ex" not impressed when that's how girls refer to me

Nov 13 11:38am... What are you taking about ? What Girls ?

Lol I'll tell you later. Did you talk to carlo

Carlo who. Nope

Did you wnt to hang out this weekend or no?

You sure you want to do that Lol

Haha no, but when have I ever made good decisions. I don't like ignoring you. So yes or no

I'm doing homework now. So I don't know when I be done or when are you free

I'm asking yes or no

Where do you want to meet up?

I'm not driving but if you wanna meet up today I'm at the rodeo by your house

How did you get here then ? Bus ? Lol

Don't laugh! I carpooled with Shivonne. Should we make a gameplan

I can come by where ever you are and talk for bit or something

Are you sure you want to

Yes . What time is good for you

1:24... I think this is like a few hrs, ill tedxt you. Then you can do hw too

3:08... What did you want to do? I think were getting close to done

3:18... I don't know.  Just chill for a bit?

3:21... K where?

3:35... Sooo... Were done. Are you coming to get me, are we meeting somewhere?

3:36... I'm eating . Right now . I will come get you after I'm done . Is that okay ? 25 m ?

3:37... Where am I picking up from

3:37... Will you drive me somewhere after? I just don't know how to do this.  I'm at rexall place.


4:15... Were just at the husky on w gretzky and 118

4:15... Coming 10 m

4:34... Should I just leave? Are you actually coming?

4:35 I'm here its just that I have to turn around.  There is traffic.


7:05pm (almost an hour and a half after he dropped me off)... I missed having you in my life

7:28... Aww are you sure about that ? I do too . You ar an awesome girl

8:24... Lol thanks for throwing the firend thing at me, I know you think it was really easy for me to move on and it really wasn't. That's why it hurt so much  when you didn't reply or weren't as excited as I was. I hven't dated anyone since you and you were the last person I slept with. Its been hard for me too. I hope you have a good dinner.

8:40... It seemed like it was really easy for you. But I hope we can try to be friends. It was nice seeing you and catching up with you.

8:42... It wasn't. I'm glad you're happy now tho. Hopefully we can catch up again soon

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Posted by rebellion/darck_angel at 12:41 PM YST
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In an effort to make a more comprehensive account of my year I'm going to try and fill in some of the blanks.

First an update, before I forget:

  • Jenny: turns out her phone is a piece of shit, and she's a mumbler.  So while I heard that she slept with a 16 year old in Panama, in actuality that was in Calgs and in January.  Totally separate story from her vacay.  But fuck is she ever spamming me textwise, totally unfair since I can't reply (she has hers disabled so she can send but not receive).  And suddenly she's picking up on bad vibes or different vibes from me and I'm not into her?  She says she's used to something very different and a lot more affection... but WE'RE NOT EVEN DATING YET! For the love of Christ.  She was the one who pointed that out actually, when I made a big deal after I thougth she was seeing someone else and sleeping with minors (lol).  Italo asked if I was seeing any guys, or girls (and laughed) and I told him I was sort of seeing a girl for a bit but she was crazy.  He laughed and asked how and I told him that she was stressing on me for not being into her and not giving her enough affection and we both laughed because that's exactly how I was with him.  To girls I am turning into the man I never wanted to date.
  • Italo: turns out when I get to the 6 month mark without sex I get a little neurotic.  Who knew? Now I do hahahaha.  Anyhow, lost my mind and decided I needed to hook up with him, he was super late, I felt super stupid for giving him another chance... and at the same time super bad because I basically said not having him in my life was easier than dealing with him in it.  After almost breaking down seeing him (okay there were a few tears but no weezing, I swear!) I got laid and since the texts have been far more normal and moderate (aka: way less desperate).  Oh and Italo and I officially broke up around Christmas I think, but continued to see eachother on a casual basis until February-ish? I think I broke off total contact the day of Sonicboom and only resumed contact the day before I went to Edmonton, so maybe the 11th or 12th of November
  • Alan: said hookup.  Hahahahahaha.  Met me and Shiv at Vinyl on Saturday.  We've been tryign to reconnect for months but it never really works out.  It's been a long time since he came down and got a hotel here.  I think that last time was the Westin dt and it was $300!! The room was sooo not that nice, but he's a baller and his heart was in it.  We went out for sushi at that time, purdy cute.  Anyhow, we met up for coffee while I was in Eds for Sonicboom, and he seemed a little awkward when I put my hand on his knee and sat next to him at Starbucks haha.  And perhaps a little agitated that he had to drive so far to see me (seeing as Shiv moved).  This time was a little different as well, he was wasted when he came to meet us (after his football coaching meetings they had some drinks at a hall party).  Then it was the usual hour or so of foreplay before I pressure Alan into finishing bahahaha! He's very committed and to be honest I appreciate it but realistically we're the same animal and I need to turn him on to be turned on too, so when he's spending all his time on me it doesn't give me a lot to do, and all the heavy breathing is tiring! Eventually it just needs to happen so I can go to sleep bahahaha, he seems so disappointed when I say that, but realistically I do not have that kind of endurance when I'm wasted and it's late.  His x5 and house were a lot messier than last time and it seemed like things were breaking down a little.  He seemed really tired, a little distant, not as affectionate.  Not that he was every into pda but this time he just seemed like he needed some space.  He's probably not used to sleeping next to someone but he seems to almost shy away from it. There was a layer or dirt in his bathroom that looked like it had built up over at least a few months, and towels were not longer neatly folded on the black iron rack he had in the bathroom.  It looked like he hadn't entertained in a while.  The table was covered in papers and open mail, and his room was a mess of clothes.  I couldn't believe his car was even dirty, it happens to us all, but for it to be his hourse and car was a little surprising.  It reminded me of my dad a little, just the layer of filth, and I was hoping that he wasn't as lonely or becoming as bitter as my dad.  Reflecting back on it I think it's different because my dad is organized but very dirty, whereas Alan was both unorganized and dirty (and Alan is a doctor who coaches a highschool football team in what little spare time he has). Anyhow, he dropped me off at Shiv's Sunday morning, it's too bad we didn't get to spend more quality time together, then again he's a busy guy.
  • Bjorn: I think I met Bjorn at Michelle, Steve and Sam's house warming party.  I think? It was at that house for sure.  My first memory of him was when the light bulb burned out in one of those 3bulb class circular dealies, and nobody could get that mother fucker open, but after like an hour he turned the glass and screwed it out of the metal rim.  It was really impressive at the time hahaha after like 4 guys wrestled with that thing for the evening.  He seemed really cold and conceited though, just like convinced of how great he was.  Which is weird because as I came to get to know him I found he was very relatable and outgoing.  Anyways, I don't really know how we came to like eachother but I think it was just before the 90s party.  I remember we had a thing for eachother and right around that time Jon and I started hanging out again.  Jon, Bjorn and I all went to Value Village together to get some swag and it was awkward because I liked Bjorn but came with Jon and could tell that Jon liked me again.  Jon, trying to prove he was a good guy, even drove me all the way home to Chestermere.  I thought that some of the other guys and a few of the girls were coming, so that's how that awkward little rendezvous went down, but right before Jon dropped meoff he asked me if there was something going on with me and Bjorn and all I told him was that Bjorn was nice to me and I appreciated it.  I think Jon said something along the lines of how he was being nice too.  Anyways in susequent days Bjorn was working out at the Golds with the boys (visitor pass, seeing as he usually worked out dt, but the guys wanted him to help them with a new "get big" plan).  Jon asked him what was going on with he and I and he simply said "it is what it is" to which Jon was not impressed, nor satisfied haahha. 
  • But from there Bj and I went on a few dates, to Earls, to Cirque du Solei, a hockey game, and I always tried to spend as much money on him as he did on me, so I would buy dinner every second time, or pay for drinks if we went to events.  Things seemed to be going pretty well but I decided I needed to have the talk with him and let him know that I wasn't looking for a relationship.  So eventually I worked up the courage to do so and I was super relieved to find that he had been wanting to have the same conversation with me! He said "no strings attached" and it made me feel like I signed a dirty agreement.  Ewe, we weren't even having sex! Gross.gross.gross.  SO YA had the talk, and then did our 17th ave tour with the ladies that night, to which the boys joined later in the evening.  Once we get to the Roadhouse I'm drunk as fuck and feeling sick so I decided I was going to go out and get some air, told everyone I THOUGHT and went out.  Then after a few minutes Bjorn storms out, finds me casually chatting to some random (who btw was not hot at all) and trying to make the situation less awkward I introduced Bj to said random, and he fucking stormed off! Then I run into him on the dancefloor and he's like "FOLLOW ME" Um go fuck your hat buddy.  I went the complete opposite direction and found the girls.  Bj ended up there about 5 minutes later and was pissed off I didn't listen to him or tell him where I was going.  When we went to leave the club I called him, trying to be a nice person and give him a headsup we were out.  Oh but then I find out he's already at home and didn't say shit! Motherfucker! Keaton is driving all us drunkies home (because Sheri apparently told him it was a girls day and told him he wasn't allowed to go!) and I'm yelling at Bj on the phone while he gets whiney and tries to get me to go to his house... because him acting like my boyfriend and snapping on me and bossing me around is SUCH a turnon I definately want to go to his house after he ditches on the bar and everyone. When we talk next he says that he likes me more than I know and blah blah blah... duh! Obviously I knew that and that's why I was having the "non-committal" convo with him.  Fucking idiot.  We started hanging out again not too long afterwards but I was very careful not to hold his hand or even really kiss him, I needed to establish some distance.  We went to a hockey game and everything seemed really good until we left (obviously loaded on heroin beer) and then Bjorn tries to have the relationship conversation with me again.  Sweet fucking Jesus I todl him before not to have serious conversations with me when we're both loaded (throwback to Roadhouse).  I had told him that I was cool with him seeing other girls if he wanted to, like legit down with it... and it made him mumbly and whiney whenever I brought it up.  He said that when we were out at the bar other girls were always trying to pick him up, and I told him that he should go with it.  He seemed upset by this and said that when we were out he wanted to be with me.  I told him if the opportunity arises to go home with some other girl not to turn it down for me because that's not what I was looking for.  He might as well get it from them because I wasn't going to be doing it.  He seemed fine with me proposing he see and sleep with other women, but then he turns around and says he's not okay if I do the same thing! Excuse me, do I need a fucking hallpass? On the drive back to Chestermere all we do is bicker about the rules surrounding this "non-relationship" and I remark that with all the rules and regulations he's putting on it, our non-relationship sure looks a lot like a relationship.  Bj says that he really likes me and probably wants to date me in the future but for now he doesn't wnat to have to call and text everyday, and check in.  So wait, he can see/sleep with other people and do whatever the fuck he wants with no accountability, but I'm not allowed to hit on other guys or god forbid sleep with them, and I'm just supposed to hangout until he wants to date me? Who said I wanted to date him? Who moves from non-committal arrangement to full-blown dating? That's like marrying your fuck buddy, does not translate well. By the time we get to my house I'm pissed off he's trying to control me and label on anti-label arrangement and he gets all whiney and starts manhandling me trying to get me to hug and kiss him.  Like, uhm sorry buddy you've got me mad as hell and then try to sweet talk me and get all cuddly? Have you ever ruffled up a cat and then tried to hold on to it? That's about where I was at. I again repeated not to talk to me about serious things when plastered, and he made some excuse like that's the only time I want to talk? NO, talk to me when we're sober dumbass!
  • I think the next big event in that non-relationship was when we planned to go over to Michelle and Steve's place to play monopoly and there was a bunch of ppl there watching the game.  Wes shows up a little later than everyone andthere is no chairs so he sits behind the couch me and Bj are on, and starts playing with Ryu (who is sitting in between us).  As soon as I turn sideways on the couch so that I don'thave my back totally towards Wes, Bjorn stops talking to me or making eyecontact with me.  I wasn't discluding anyone so wtf? I talked to Wes a lot after that, and when I wasn't nobody was really talking to me hahaha there was a lot of different convos going on in that room and Michelle and I agreed it was hard to just join in when there were like 5 different convos going and you're just popping in.  Everybody eventually left and Michelle, Steve, Bj and I watched a movie or something.  Then Bj gets a call to go to work at like 1030 and I got him to drive me home.  Somethign similar happened the next time and he was going out to play hockey and said he would come back and get me to drive me home once he was done, Michelle and I were hella tired before he finished so she took me.
  • On another occasion not long after we met up at Michelle and Steve's and then waited for everyone (Nikki, Greg, Andy, Wes) to go to the Bank.  I pretty much invited myself and in turn invited Michelle and Steve (because I wanted to go out hella bad) and texting Greg I said I was hesitant only because lately Bj had been really moody when we went out (and I sort of explained the non-relationship dilemma).  Greg said that Bjorn had remarked to him that it really bothered him when we went out together and I didn't pay attention to him. It was frustrating for me because we weren't in a relationship, and when I'm out I'm all over the place, I love to drink and dance and wander the bar, and most of the time I do it by myself (not even with my girls, so why would I with him? My non-bf? Really...) I said I would try and pay attention to him if that's all it was.  So we're all drinkingand getting ready and taking a group picture just as the door opens and Wes walks in.  Bjorn snaps that Wes should take the picture (and really who am I to argue, I'm not going to make him be in it).  We go to the club and Bj is buying drinks for everyone and I walk up to the bar and try to ask him to get the bartender so Michelle and I can order drinks, he says we're too late.  Wtf? I wasn't asking him to buy me a drink? So we got our drinks and from there it was all a blur hahaha ran into Tanis, jumped between clusters of our friends and danced, wandered, explored the bar with Michelle (and without Michelle).  Didn't see the guys a ton but that's what I'm like at a bar hahahaha I like to mingle. Then Nikki gets pissed and makes Greg leave with her.  Michelle gets mad because Greg apparently ripped her off over some drinks, so I go and talk to her until she is willing to leave the bathroom and then her and Steve leave.  I assumed Bjorn went too because I didn't see him after that, and I stayed and was chillin with Wes and Andy, we're all play fighting and smacking eachothers asses.  Of course then Bjorn walks by and looks hella pissed.  My bad, didn't know he was still there.  I'm not going to chase him though.  Then Wes almost gets in a fight with some guy at the bar and we all go to leave.  I roughhouse with Andy on the way to the car and the lens pops out of his glasses!! I get it most of the way back in and we're driving and Kingsley loses his shit on me and starts telling me to shut the fuck up, totally out of nowhere.  I ask him to talk to me about why he is upset because I don't understand and he continues to lose it on me, says he wants to hit me so bad.  I tell him to fucking do it, and the only thing that calms him down is for me to be completely silent.  I was so mad, what the fuck was that for? I can't believe nobody is on my side here, what was he going off about? The girl he was trying to pick up was driving and she eventually told him to shut the fuck up because he was getting out of control.  Then we get to this house party in Coventry and it's all people I don't know, so I go and sit on the couch next to Andy and Bj, and Bj gets up and walks away as soon as I do.  I didn't think anything of it at the time, but then when the police came and we all got stuffed into the basement to hold up I tried to walk over and talk to Bj (maybe 15minutes into the lockdown) and he hastily tells me "Don't fucking talk to me." Message received.  Once we're allowed out of the basement everyone motions to leave and I walk out, someone asked where I was going and I said I was walking.  About a half a block away from the house (on my way to the Timmy Ho's near there where I had called a cab to) Bjorn comes running after me.  I freak out and tell him that I was really uncomfortable at that party because I didn't know anyone and everyone was trying to fight eachother, and he wouldn't talk to me there so why the fuck was he trying to talk to me now? Couldn't talk to me then, don't talk to me now.  He kept standing in my way and I kept pushing him off the sidewalk; walk beside me or get the fuck out of my way.  I told him to get his own cab and he kept following me and tried to talk to me but I was just so pissed off I was not having it.  Then he brings up, "I know how you feel about Wesley" wtf did you just say to me? Honestly I'm still confused about that, I told one person (Sheri) that I thought he was hot, and that was it. Now Bj is convinced I want to date him? I start laughing hysterically, and point out the type of girls that Wes brings home; yes, clearly I want to date the womanizer Wesley. Somehow he had it in his mind and he wouldn't let it go.  We get to my cab and I tell him not to come in with me and keep shoving him in the parking lot.  The poor cab driver looked terrified of this stilted girl pushing this giant man, but we both got in the cab.  We argued the whole ride, and then somehow it came up that "Oh I heard about you, I know Shelby" I finally got it out of Bjorn that he KNOWS I never date white guys.  He says Sheri and Keaton told him, but I know it's more like Keaton if anyone.  I lose my shit again.  If that's what you want to believe then believe it.  There was no point even in arguing with him on this, I just told him it was true and anytime he tried to say somethign to me I just yelled that he was absolutely right, and to get the fuck out of my cab.  We made it to my dads house and as I went to get out of the cab he asks if I'm going to throw any money his way, (I for sure was going to hve to go in to get it) and by this point I was so mad I just smugly said no and slammed the cab door. 
  • I tried to text Bj after all this (maybe four days later) to smooth things over because we had both bought tickets to see DJ Pauly D.  He never replied.  I asked if he wanted me to leave his sweatpants at Michelle's house (that I had borrowed a few times ago) and quieried him about the amount the cab cost because I wanted to pay him back. No repply, not even after I told him a yes or no and a dollar amount would suffice.  Whatever, I tried. Then Shivonne and I meet up with Ron and Vinny go to go the show, the boys get held up back at the car and me and Shivonne go on without them (thank god).  We see Bjorn and Kinglsey outside of the Mansion (for Garreth Amery) and he clearly turns his back so that he doesn't have to talk to us.  That's fiiiine.  I drink a bit more and text him "That was very polite of you to turn away like that" and later somethng about how he only talks to me abut serious things when he's drunk.  There might have been a third haha but I eventually got the response "stfu" and completely came unglued.  How DARE you! Hahahahahhaha the reply was something along the lines of 'you're a dumb fucking cunt, shut up you fucking butterface" bahahahahahahahaha... end of transmission

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Posted by rebellion/darck_angel at 11:00 AM YST
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Saturday, 13 November 2010
leave it in the past?
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Glee

I'm so confused, I finally decided to contact Italo again, and he is really noncommittal about everything.  I know htat I pushed him out of my life, well slammed the door on him practically.  But I thought if he was game and I was it would work out, then it looked like I was more intereted than he was... I had to pressure him into meeting today (or setting down plans at all) and then he was really difficult to plan around, he kept pushing back the time and then running late and showing up almost an hour after he originally committed to coming.  I was pretty mad, I felt like meeting up meant nothing to him, otherwise wouldn't he have tried harder to get there earlier? I was less than 5 minutes from his house and waited forever... It was really casual, lots of small talk and it was a little awkward for me. He got mad at me for how I stopped talking to him, he said that I was wrong and I had texted him when he was sleeping and had no right to freak out on him for replying the next day when he woke up, but realistically I texted him early evening and he replied in the afternoon the next day.  I tried to explain that it wasn't just the one thing that made me mad, it was everything that built up and that was just to top everything off. 

I had asked him to drive me to West Ed when we were done and he agreed, but as soon as I got into the car he started driving west.  As per usual I had aske dhim in advance if he wanted to do lunch and he said no and then ate right before he came, which made him late to get me.  I was so frustrated like I put myself out there and made myself vulnerable by trying to reconnect with him and its so unimportant to him that he brushes it off and shows up late and pretends everything is okay.  He asks where he should drop me off once we get to the west end and I pretty much freaked out. He says he's got places to be, and I tell him I'm sorry to have inconvenienced him.  He said that I wasn't, he wouldn't have come and gotten me if he didn't want to see me, and yet he's ready to dump me in the West right away. 

We park in front of a Burger King and there's a lot of silence.  He tries to pick up the conversation by asking useless questions about school and family.  We talk about his car crash and I say that it's funny he still got in an accident considering he was so careful not to have sex in it (he said he wouldn't with me because it was bad luck), and then he told me "I'm not saying anything" he knew it would imply to me that he had since slept with someone in his car.  why does he always have to play mind games with me? When I turned away and told him I wasn't surprised, he was a skank, he said he was joking because he wanted to see how I would react.  He asked if I felt uncomfortable and I had to admit that I sort of was.  He told me he was being casual and everything was fine so why wasn't I? I was the one who moved on without a problem so why was I so upset now? I told him that it was hard to see him still, and stopping talking to him before was maybe wrong but made it easier for me keep it together.  He drives me crazy and it was easier to not talk to him than to be stressed out all the time.  He asked if it helped and I had to admit that it did.  I felt really bad after I said it ...really bad.

He said he didn't want to bring up the past, but we did, and it was really hard for me. I started to tear up and he pulled me in and kissed the side of my head.  I just needed that affection, I don't know what I'm doing anymore.  He was the last person I had a relationship with, and he was the last person I slept with... I haven't wanted anything else, I haven't been ready for something again.  I don't think it's that I want him back, but maybe I thought I could just walk back into his life and we could be casual again, we could be affectionate again... I just don't know

Posted by rebellion/darck_angel at 6:40 PM YST
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Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Subject: RE:RE:RE:RE:Hi
 Sent Date: 10/31/2010 11:09:01 PM
  HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?! hahaha I was thinking you might have your phone on while in TO so I was just asking how your flight went, and sorry to miss your call! And then some jibberish :) I'll add you on fb now :D hope you are feeling better cutie!! Call me when you're home lady!

Subject: RE:RE:RE:Hi
 Sent Date: 10/29/2010 8:27:34 AM
  i can not receive texts silly girl. the antacids here are not working, im thinking the weather humidity and heat may be worsening it....only thing i can think of.

you are great. and beautiful.

my fb i NEVER go on but you can see more pics. jenny burthwright. ill be the only one lol. ill add you now to make it quicker. wait,,,,i don´t remember your last name shit. i am feeling great going to the town nearby to shop. how are you babe__ talk soon sweetie...oh ya what did you text_....can´t breathe another moment wo me lol

Subject: RE:RE:Hi
 Sent Date: 10/29/2010 12:12:30 AM
  why is your heartburn so bad? They have tums or antacid there tho right? Take care of yourself silly girl!! I texted you but I assume as you are out of the country you won't get it till youre back haha! Do you have fb or email? Hope you are feeling better chica!! xoxo

Subject: RE:Hi
 Sent Date: 10/28/2010 5:54:58 PM
  i just wrote you an email it erased. i HATE this computer. so this will be short. im glad you wrote. panama is pretty nice so far. have a lot of heartburn so i can´t drink really and its painful. and thats about it.

im in a bad mood lol getting eaten aliVE. you are so cute im looking forward to seeing you. ciao belle

Subject: RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Hi
 Sent Date: 10/27/2010 10:04:37 PM
  Aww I came on to look at your profile while you're gone on vacation! I can't wait till you get back :D hope you are having a fabulous time gorgeous!!

Subject: RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Hi
 Sent Date: 10/23/2010 2:18:22 AM

great meeting you your energy was attractive. looking forward to sunday. goodnight girl.

Subject: RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Hi
 Sent Date: 10/20/2010 2:47:55 PM
  lol i didn't write it hah
just came from van it was lovely. i leave for panama next wed or cld be before that or after nov 2. you are not far from me......perfect then. i will call you today.

Subject: RE:RE:RE:RE:Hi
 Sent Date: 10/19/2010 12:54:33 PM
  hahaha no I live in Chestermere so it's kinda like between the ne and se of Calgs :D I don't have your number!! Call me, 403-383-7098


Subject: RE:RE:RE:Hi
 Sent Date: 10/17/2010 12:07:26 AM
  i live ne there is a great little place in falconridge. thurs lunch??? im in van til tues but you can call me tues night after 9 or wed if you like and we can confirm plans for whenever is good for you.....kinda random and spontaneous but i cld use that. no pressure or strings attached i just wanna meet women w good energy and i feel that from you. you can call me tomorrow if you like while im away.

why are you btwn areas of the city?? girlfriend??

goodnight babe

Subject: RE:RE:Hi
 Sent Date: 10/15/2010 12:32:15 AM
  Fabulous! What area of the city are you in? I'm usually between the ne and se :)

Subject: RE:Hi
 Sent Date: 10/13/2010 10:41:56 PM
  lol hey thanks a lot thats nice of you to say. i like in your profile that you mention you always make a point of writing back. that is sweet. i am down for pho. i like your vibe for sure. ummmm, so

Subject: Hi
 Sent Date: 10/13/2010 9:49:06 PM
  Hey gorgeous! Loved your profile, if you're still on the search for new friends maybe we can grab pho sometime!

Posted by rebellion/darck_angel at 3:34 PM YDT
Updated: Wednesday, 3 November 2010 3:57 PM YDT
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It's lonely at the top

fml.  So I went out on a date with this girl Jenny I met off pof, we were going to go for a coffee but she was super hung over when she picked me up so we stopped at a dive bar in the NE instead.  She got out of the car and was like "what's that noise!?" hahahaha she had left her door open, and the car running... keys in the ignition on her way into the bar lmao.  Whatta mess.  We played pool and had nachos, had a few drinks and then we were really hitting it off so I paid the tab while she was in the washroom and then we went and picked up her dog, got Ryu and took a walk near my house.  It was pretty perfect and we had the bets hug after I walked her to her car.  Less than a week later we hung out and I helped her shop for a dinner party she was having, she said she would invite me but because of the people who were going it would be awkward.  It wasn't a big deal we just hung out and had a great time walking the aisles together at superstore, cruising the liquor store.  I got her to drop me off at Michaels (craftstore) because I needed to pick up some feathers for my Halloween costume.  When we went to hug it looked like she was about to lean in for a kiss, so after a really long tight hug and some swaying I kissed her.  She seemed surprised, it was really cute.  She called me a few minutes after she pulled away and said that I make her nervous and she was really excited about spending time with me.  It was pretty cute and I couldknt' wait till she got back from her trip.  She left for Panama a few days later and was gone for a week.  She called me the morning she left, at 5:30.  I was waaay too tired to take that call, but we chatted a bit on plentyoffish throughout the week.

 I had already confirmed to go to a gay speed dating thing through Queers on Campus (Queer pride!) and I didn't want to cancel because not many girls show up, and I know it's important to keep lesbian interest in the club.  I felt so bad because I had started sorta seeing Jenny and I thougth things were going really well, but I went and convinced myself looking for gay friends was a decent excuse and I went.  I ended up being one of 5 girls there and it was supremely awkward.  Especially since one of them was a girl I had talked to on pof and added on fb who TOTALLY didn't recognize me! Ugh.  I stayed and entertained, sort of hosted I suppose, then I left at 930 (they drug it out as long as the gay men's side which was like 30 guys!). 

Then Jenny came home, and she called.  I was really excited to talk to her, this might be my first legitimate gf!! Then she starts talking about how some guy was creepin on her and offered her 7 grams of coke for a handjob.  I know she had a problem with that sort of thing in the past, coke not handjobs, and she admitted it was difficutl for her to turn it down.  Little awkward but the conversation moved on.  We decided to make plans for Friday, and because she's starting a cleanse we decided to go to the zoo! Then she drops another bomb on me, she slept with a16 year old in Panama.  She said the girl was at the bar and said she was 18, but after they had slept together a few times the girl told her she was actually 16.  Jenny said she was really mature, but that's not even really the issue for me.  Jenny is 28, which makes the girl 12 years younger than her, even 10 when she was lying.  And besides that, you don't know what some stranger does or doesn't have, and what about how excited she was that we were spending time together?  The second I started having an interest in Jenny I stopped physically touching Bjorn when we hung out, in group or otherwise. I try and forget about it, she was on vacation, we aren't technically dating.  Then another bomb. She says she has something to tell me, she's been seeing someone for a while, and they aren't exclusive but they are intimate.  Honestly I can't even remember the rest of the conversation, it was an effort just to stay on the phone.  I just don't know where I'm supposed to go from here.   I don't want to hold hands, walk our dogs, I don't want to watch a movie, go to the zoo.  Who is this person? Is this gay culture? I don't want any part of this. Where do I go from here...

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Posted by rebellion/darck_angel at 3:22 PM YDT
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