Kinesthesia is a philosophy that says everything can be broken down to movement. We, as people, do not truly exist as people, but are merely an elaborate assimilation of various chemical compounds that move and interact with other similar compositions. This interaction is made possible purely through movement.Human speech is a good example of the practical application of Kinesthesia:
Speech is the movement of the larynx, which creats vibrations that are transmitted through air to an eardrum which moves in a particular pattern creating what we percieve to be a voice. Depending on the configuarations of the infinitely complex chemicals in our brain, we react to the artificially translated vibrations resonating in our skull with movement. This movement may be defined with the actual physical exertion of our body, or with the return of similar movements in our own larnyx.With Kinesthesia, the world is brought back to the fundamentals: morality is non-existent, not even the conventional notion of life is accepted with this philosophy because kinesthesia holds that all movement is equal, and that no movement can be ascribed any special significance or meaning. A tree rustling in the wind is equal to a trumpet manipulated by the breath and fingers of a mass of carbon.
One might note the striking resemblence this has to Nihilism. But Kinethesia is much, much different than Nihilism. Nihilists tend to be suicidal anarchists, and I am clearly n--oh...wait, nevermind.
There really are differences between the two. Nihilism recognizes the existence (and inevitable futility) of life. Kinethesia claims life does not exist. Nihilism conceives of a very odd strain of morality, while Kinsesthesia exists outside morality.
The significance of a philosophy such as Kinesthesia lies not in its dogma, but rather its existence absent of validity; the implications behind the possibility are what matter, not the specific, inherent possibility. Kinesthesia demands hypothetical relativism to an extreme rarely treaded by modern philosophy, it is unique in its ability to universally address all questions life poses inside the wandering mind. It encompasses the entirety of our existence with a pure, refreshing simplicity.
In any situation that stresses the importance of movement, time is inevitably thrown into the mix. Our forgotten "fourth dimension" is the second of reality's two ingredients (the first being energy). Time separates movement into comprehensible, fluid occurences. Time and energy are linked so inextricably and so intricately that any consideration of their respective qualities will shift between both entities. I borrow portions of Einstein's Relativity to explain this aspect of Kinesthesia (mainly because I don't understand it myself).