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All in a Moment

by Allison East


In that moment, when Chuck passed Caldwell’s message to her, the bottom fell out of Elizabeth Weir’s world. Nothing left to find… John Sheppard was gone… gone. She tried to maintain her composure for the sake of appearance, but inside she was in turmoil. Her heart was pounding, her stomach was in knots, clenching and unclenching. She felt as though she would be physically ill, and it was only through sheer force of will that she managed to swallow it down.

Luckily within seconds of Chuck delivering that message, the Stargate activated, and Colonel Sheppard and the rest of this team came through. In her joy to see him (and the others) she longed to rush over to him and throw her arms around him as she did once before; but for the sake of appearances, she could not. Any emotional reunion between them would have to wait until they were alone.

The moment of inner turmoil had passed.


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