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Come What May

by Allison K. East


Outside the dawn is breaking,
but inside in the dark I'm aching to be free

Satine's heart was breaking. She was all set to take off with Christian, to leave Moulin Rogue, the life of a courtesan, and the Duke. Despite her earlier misgivings, she was really beginning to believe in Christian's idea of 'All you need is love', that they would be able to live on love and love alone. Christian had really swept her away.

Now that was all ending. Zidler told her about the Duke's ultimatum: if she did not choose him and his ending to Spectacular Spectacular, he would have Christian killed. And from the looks of his manservant, he probably would too. Oh Satine didn't believe it at first—she thought that Zidler was just trying to scare her into staying like he had before. He even told her that she was dying. She thought that was a trick too, but it wasn't. She really was dying.

She hated every minute of it, having to tell Christian that she didn't love him, that she was a courtesan who was paid to make men believe anything they wanted to. She had to put on this act when she felt that she just could not do it anymore.

Inside my heart is breaking
my makeup may be flaking
but my smile still stays on.

Satine was ready for the final act of Spectacular Spectacular before the love-less existance of the rest of her life (such as that may be) when Christian somehow managed to get into the Moulin Rouge to confront her. She saw the Duke's manservant over Christian's shoulder and knew what it meant. She tried to get rid of him before he was killed, but they wound up on stage together. Quickly, Zidler covered for them by telling the audience that Christian was really the penniless sitar player in a disguise induced by madness, and the audience brought it. Seeing that 'the show must go on', Christian turned bitter, 'played the part' claiming that he understood that she was just a courtesan, threw some money at her and stalked down the aisle.

Watching him walk away like that, in anger, in desolation, Satine couldn't stand it. She started singing their song, their 'secret' song "Come What May". It was a gamble, but it worked. Satine got through to Christian, convinced him that she did really love him. They had a spectacular finale to Spectacular Spectacular that not even the Duke could mar. And, just after the curtain closed, it happened.

She started coughing and felt faint, collapsing into Christian's arms. Dear Christian, he tried to reassure her that everything would be all right, calling for a doctor, but she knew it wouldn't. She could feel herself slipping away as she heard Christian sobbing. Slipping away...............


Come What May

Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Everyday I love you more and more

Listen to my heart
Can you hear it sing?
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change
Winter to spring
But I love you
Until the end of time

Come what may
Come what may
I will love you
Until my dying day

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you

And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide
But I love you until the end of time

Come what may
Come what may
I will love you
Until my dying day

Oh, come what may
Come what may
I will love you

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place

Come what may
Come what may
I will love you
Until my dying day


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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Moulin Rouge nor the songs 'Come What May' or 'The Show Must Go On'.
No copyright infringement is intended.