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Forbidden Love, Lost

by Allison K. East


He felt hurt; he felt betrayed… he did not know what he felt. One minute he was enjoying Salia’s company, the next he was utterly shocked to see her change form. She, too, was an Allasomorph. Hence the hurt and betrayal. He felt like he had been lied to. Part of him knew that it had not been intentional, but that did not make it any easier.

Maybe he had been fooling himself that they could have been together, maybe he was just not thinking. Either way it did not matter now. Nothing mattered in that regard. She was destined to rule a warring world, he to stay here. And as much as he loved her, he still felt lied to—even though it was only a lie of omission, the truth obviously not seeming relevant to their time together. But that did not lessen the hurt, the betrayal he felt.



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