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Now Light 1000 Christmas Lights

by Allison K. East


Title comes from the song 'Now Light 1000 Christmas Lights'. Lyrics are at the bottom of the page.


The good people of Washington DC (and the not so good people for that matter) were experiencing something rather odd that Christmas. The big Christmas tree on the White House lawn was lit earlier in the evening with the usual pomp and circumstance—a tad off schedule, but that was to be expected when the President was involved. Supposedly he was lighting it with this grandson, Gus; but when he finally arrived, it was with his youngest daughter, Zoey. Those in the crowd who had experience with small children figured that the boy had suddenly gotten shy or something like that; and the more cynical thought it was a stunt to show how well Zoey had recovered from her ordeal several months before.

But that was not the odd part. That was normal. The odd came later. Much later. Long after the hub bub died down and the crowds dispersed, those in viewing distance of the giant tree were greeted by a strange occurrence. The lights on the tree, which President Bartlett had switched on only hours before, suddenly flicked off. One would think it a power failure of some kind, except that all the other lights in the place were blazing away without a flicker. Then they came back on again just as suddenly. A minor hiccup—or so one would think.

Only that seemed not to be the case. The tree lights flicked off again. And on again. Off, on, off, on, in a pattern that was regular enough to seem not to be just a technical glitch.

This odd irregularity caught the attention of White House staffers as well, those who were not listening to the choir in the lobby. Not knowing what was going on, someone sent a Secret Service agent to check things out, just in case.

The message was passed from agent to agent, and a reply came back in the same manner: “Nothing to worry about. Eagle and Tonka are at the tree.”


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Now Light 1000 Christmas Lights

Now light one thousand Christmas lights
On dark earth here tonight
One thousand, thousand also shine
To make the dark sky bright

Oh, once when skies were starry bright
In a stable cold and bare
Sweet Mary bore a son that night
A child both kind and fair

She named her little son Jesus
Sweet Mary meek and mild
She cradled and she rocked Him too
That little tiny child


He came to bring us love and light
To bring us peace on earth
So let your candles shine to night
And sing with joy and mirth

Disclaimer: The West Wing belongs to Aaron Sorkin, Warner Bros, NBC and Co.
No copyright infringement is intended.

Background courtesy of: Robin's Graphics