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What's In A Name?

by Allison K. East



"Sister Vera was right." Lydia said when Buck stopped talking. "You did grow into a fine young man."

"Why thank you."

"What I really want to know is, how many of those fights did you start?"

"Jeremiah McCloud, I think it's time you went to bed."

"But, Louise..."

"Don't 'but Louise' me. Now."

Buck shook his head as Jeremiah grumpily bade everyone goodnight and turned in. Trust him to focus on the fighting part of the story.

"Actually, I think bed is a good idea," Kid spoke up. "It's gettin' late, and we have an early start in the mornin'."

"Are you comin' in, Lydia?" Emily asked when Lydia made no move to go inside.

"In a few minutes. I'll use the side door."

Emily nodded, hiding a smile. She knew that all Lydia wanted was a few extra moments with Buck.

Buck wasn't complaining. He put his arm across her shoulders and pulled her close as they walked around the side of the house. They needed no words, they were content in each other's company, to just hold each other and kiss when they got to the base of the stairs.

"Sister Vera was right," Lydia commented musingly when they broke their kiss for air.

Buck grinned. "You already said that. That I turned into a fine young man."

"Not only that. She said that the cross you had to bear shaped you into the man you would become. She was right. Every trial that you have gone through, even the ones you haven't told me about yet, made you into the man you are today. The man that I love. I love you, Running Buck Cross."

"I love you too, Lydia." With that, Buck drew her close for one last soul searching kiss before saying goodnight.



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Disclaimer: The Young Riders was a television series created by Ed Spielman.
An Ogiens/Kane Production in asociation with MGM/UA television.