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Given for Nought

by Allison K. East


...or else the price paid for it will have been given for nought.
                           --L.M. Montgomery, Rilla of Ingleside


He hadn't thought she would do it. He thought she was joking, that it was just a way to get his attention, to get him to stop and have that lunch with her that kept getting cancelled. He was wrong. When they had a brief moment of joviality in the West Wing, when the found that the potential end of the world had passed, he saw how wrong he was. He saw the back of an unfamiliar person sitting in Donna's chair, and his heart sank. So did his stomach.

Now, logically, there could have been any number of reasons for someone else to be sitting there. Donna may have simply called in sick; a rare occurence, but it was possible. But in his heart, Josh Lyman knew that was not the case, even before he talked to the temp, Marla, and she confirmed that Donna had a new job. And he would be lying if he said that he never saw it coming. He had weeks of warning just in the series of cancelled lunches that had plagued them. And, truthfully, he had known she was dissatisfied with her work for a while now. That was why he had sent her on that damned CODEL that nearly got her killed. He should have let her go ages ago, he should have encouraged her to find something better for her, something more suited to her talents, something that would challenge her.

But he couldn't let her go. His heart conscricted at that very thought. He couldn't imagine working here in the White House without her; he relied on her too much, and not just in the capacity of her job. He had grown to love her, and now she was gone. She was gone, and now he could not stand the thought of working here in the West Wing without her.

Leo was right, people moved on. Donna obviously thought that it was time for her to move on, maybe he should do the same. Leo was asking him about finding a suitable Democratic candidate for President, someone who was better than Hoynes or Bingo Bob, someone who had a remote chance of beating Vinnick. He had a man in mind. He just had to convince him.

Perheps it was time for a trip to Houston.


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Disclaimer: The West Wing belongs to Aaron Sorkin, Warner Bros, NBC and Co.
No copyright infringement is intended.

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