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She Lost Him

by Allison K. East


She lost him. She knew that the instant Colonel Carter told them what her call was about. As soon as Jack heard there was something wrong with Jacob Carter she felt his attention slip. Oh, he was still attentive to her, he tried to make it seem he was just worried about a friend; but Kerry could tell the difference.

Jack loved Samantha Carter. Loved her in a way that regulations and their current postitions within the Air Force prevented him from acting on. And Kerry could tell that Carter felt the same, despite being engaged to another man. She had tried to move on, and Jack had done the same. But Kerry now knew he was settling with her; and while their relationship had been fun and great thus far, she could tell it would never be enough for Jack.

So Kerry made the decision to end things before they went any further, before their friendship became deeper, more involved. And maybe she would give Jack the nudge he needed to take the step that would truly make him happy.


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