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by: Stacie Marie Covington


List of Characters:

Cathrine Davis—a high school senior who is a cheerleader; Kevin’s twin sister. She is nice.

Kevin Davis—a high school senior who is the captain of the football team; most popular guy in school.

Ms. Davis—Cathy and Kevin's mother.

Steve Ethridge—a high school senior who is on the football team; Kevin's friend.

Brittany Johnson—a high school senior who is the captain of the cheerleader squad; Cathy 's friend. She is a snob.

Ross Johnson—a drug dealer at the high school. He goes to school there, but we don't know what grade he is in.

Mr. Johnson—Ross' father.

Mrs. Johnson—Ross' mother.

Kayla Marx—a shy high school senior; has crush on Kevin.

Ms. Marx—Kayla's mother.

Doug Mitchell—a high school senior who is on the football team; he is a friend of Kevin's.

Ms. Seal—a high school teacher.

Elizabeth Sly—a new person to the school after Kayla leaves.

Crusher Strange—a high school junior who is on the football team; he is a dumb jock. He is a friend of Kevin's and we don't know his real name.

Mike Strange—a high school senior; Crusher's older brother. Mike is on the football team and is a friend of Kevin's.

(School hall before 4th hour. KAYLA is at her locker. STEVE, DOUG, MIKE, CRUSHER and KEVIN are at their lockers, across the hall, getting their books.)

STEVE: Hey man, look at Kayla Marx.

(Whistle and make catcalls, so she thinks it's a joke.)

DOUG: Yeah man!

MIKE: She's gorgeous and smart!

CRUSHER: (Sounding real dumb) Yeah! I could use some help with my Biology.

(KAYLA sees KEVIN in her locker mirror. she gets terry-eyed and easily closes her locker. When she turns around, her eyes meets KEVIN'S, she turns and starts to walk off.)

MIKE: Hey, Kayla! (She stops, but doesn't turn around) I need some help with my arithmetic. You know, 1+1= you and me babe!

(KAYLA runs into the bathroom thinking they were playing a joke on her.)

KEVIN: (Shouting and slamming the locker door.) SHUT UP! Alright.

(The whole hall gets quiet. In the bathroom. Enter Cathy and Brittany.)

CATHY: Are you alright?

(Kayla is talking to herself not noticing the two girls.)

KAYLA: I thought he was different, I thought he cared about other people's feelings. I mean he actually talks to me in 5th hour. I thought ... that's the problem-I thought. That's what I get for thinking!

BRITTANY: Don't worry darling, you have no chance what-so-ever with Kevin.

CATHY: Shut up, Brittany, Kevin is my twin, not yours. Kayla, Kevin just blew up at his friends out there because they went too far. He does care.

BRITTANY: Cathy, we have to get to class.

CATHY: Go on Brittany, I'll be there in a minute. (Brittany turns up her nose and leaves. KAYLA is washing her face while CATHY is talking.) Kayla, listen to me. Those boys weren't trying to be mean. They just went overboard. And as for Kevin, he comes home every day talking about you. I think he really likes you.

KAYLA: You're not a snob. Cathy, you're really nice, and that's why I think that you're just saying that to make me feel better.

(Bell rings. They walk out of the bathroom together like they're going to go to class together.)

(Lunch. KAYLA is at a table by herself and KEVIN and his friends and BRITTANY and CATHY are at the same table.)

CRUSHER: Hey, Kevin, why did you get mad when Kayla walked off earlier?

STEVE: Crusher, we know you're slow, but couldn't you tell she was hurt?

CRUSHER: Why? We were just telling the truth. She does look great!

DOUG: Crusher, we went too far with it.

CATHY: Besides, he likes her.

KEVIN: Cathrine, you have got the biggest mouth I know of. Your nickname should be "Motor Mouth". I just can't stand it when other people's feelings are hurt. Every one knows that. I mean, isn't that why I'm so popular? Besides you guys have to learn what you say and how and where you say it sometimes, right Mike!

MIKE: Yeah, right. (Yells out.) I'm sorry Kayla! (They all laugh.)

DOUG: Kevin, don't give us your "Mr. Sensitive" speech. Cathy doesn't have to say a word, We've seen the way you look at Kayla.

CRUSHER: Yeah! Kevin, you like Kayla, so ask her out.

KEVIN: No! She won't go out with me. She only likes me as a friend—that is if she still likes me.

MIKE: Kevin, you're the most popular guy in school. What girl would say no to you? I dare you to ask her out.

KEVIN: Mike, why did you go and do a thing like that for?

MIKE: Because if you hadn't done the same favor for me, Cathy and I wouldn't be together now. I guess we're all in the habit of doing little favors for each other.

KEVIN: Well in any case that just gave me the nerve up to ask her out. I just don't know when and where to take her.

STEVE: How about my surprise birthday party over at MIKE'S Friday night?

ALL: Crusher!

CATHY: Even I kept my mouth shut about the party!

STEVE: He didn't tell me. We always throw "SBP" for each other. We have since the 7th grade.

KEVIN: Alright, alright! I'll ask her to the party. Steve, when are you going to show up?

STEVE: About 7:30.

KEVIN: I'll be there at 7 OK—even if she says no.

CATHY: Kevin, I don't think that you have to worry about being rejected. I honestly think that she has a crush on you.

KEVIN: I hope so, cause I really like her.

(Bell rings. While KAYLA is at her locker, KEVIN and his friends are at their lockers.)

CRUSHER: Hey, Kevin, look! There's Kayla!

STEVE: Go ask her out, Kevin.

KEVIN: Here?

MIKE: Here!


DOUG: Now!

ALL: (In a low voice) Go ask her out!

(KEVIN goes over to KAYLA, but she doesn't seem interested in what he has to say.)

KEVIN: (Very nervous) Hi, umm, Kayla, listen. There's this surprise birthday party for Steve Friday night and I was wondering if you would like to go — as my date. You don't have to worry about a present, that's taken care of.

KAYLA: (Hurt) What? You stand over there and make fun of me and an hour later you ask me out? Do you think that I'm stupid? I know it's a joke. Stop picking on me and just leave me alone!

(KAYLA slams the locker door and runs off to class before KEVIN can explain.)

KEVIN: Kayla, wait! Kayla!

(He hits a locker and shows some frustration. Bell rings and KEVIN sits in desk behind KAYLA.)

KEVIN: Why don't you take me seriously? I'm not like them. I blew up at them when I saw they had hurt your feelings. Kayla, I really do want to go out with you.

KAYLA: Kevin, stop lying to me. I heard those guys dare you to ask me out. You don't know how much that hurts.

KEVIN: Kayla, without that dare, there is no way I would've had enough nerve to ask you out. Not even a dare could get me to ask you out if I really didn't want to take out. Everyone knows that I can't resist a dare. They were just getting my nerves up and "protecting" my reputation if you said "NO", like you did. I also wouldn't be telling you this if I really didn't want you to be my girlfriend. Besides they really didn't mean to hurt you.

KAYLA: (Stunned) Your girlfriend? Yeah, right. Why me?

KEVIN: Why not you?

MS. SEAL: Kayla and Kevin, stop talking and get to work! The assignment is on the board.

(KAYLA passes back a note to KEVIN)

KEVIN: What's this?

KAYLA: Read and find out. (She adds sarcastically) Or does someone need to dare you to read a note from me?

(The note reads: "Kevin, if you're really serious about going out with me, call me at 7:00 tonight or forget it. My # is 667-4781.")


(KAYLA walks in the door. The phone rings.)

MS. MARX: Kayla, it's for you. It's Kevin. (She pulls the phone away as she adds:) I thought you said he didn't even know you were alive.

KAYLA: I didn't think he did. I thought it was a joke. What time is it?

MS. MARX: 6:50.

KAYLA: Hello, Kevin?

KEVIN: You believe me now?

KAYLA: Yeah.

KEVIN: So now will you be my girlfriend and go to the party with me, Friday?

KAYLA: Yeah, and what time should I be ready?

KEVIN: Well, Steve is supposed to be there around 7:30 so I'll pick you up at 7:00 o.k.?


(KAYLA teases KEVIN about calling ten minutes early. [ad-lib])

(Friday night. 7:00, KEVIN is knocking on KAYLA'S front door. MS. MARX answers the door.)

MS. MARX: Kayla, Kevin's here! She'll be here in a minute. Kevin, I don't want either of you drinking—especially the driver, but if you do get in that situation, give me a call I'll come get you. I trust that both of you will have the since to stay away from the drugs.

KEVIN: Yes, ma'am. There will be no drugs there. That's the only thing that Steve wanted for his birthday—no illegal drugs at his party. This party is a "drug-free" party. And don't worry, I don't drink when I drive and I always drive when I take someone out. I'll have Kayla home by 12:30.

MS. MARX: Good. (KAYLA enters either from the hall, or stairs.) Kayla, have a good time and don't forget that just because everybody else is drinking doesn't mean you have to drink.

KAYLA: I'll have a good time and I won't forget.

KEVIN: You look great!

KAYLA: Thanks, so do you.

KEVIN: (In the car.) Kayla, listen, a lot of people might be shocked because they're not expecting this. They might stare, so if it bothers you let me know, and I'll take care of it. The worst thing you could do is to let them know.

(He's very nervous and doesn't realize that what he's saying is common sense to a eenager.)

KAYLA: (Not wanting to embarrass him and smiling.) O.k. and thanks for the advise.

KEVIN: Well, we're here. Are you ready to go in?

KAYLA: Yeah, I think so.

(They go in and everyone who is sober, stares at them.)

KEVIN: (Not in a threatening or too playful voice:) What are ya'll looking at?

(They go back to whatever they were doing before. STEVE walks in.)



BRITTANY: Kevin, why did you bring her here? I mean I know it was a dare and everything, but nobody thought that you would actually go through with it—especially me. After all, we are dating now. (KEVIN gets a confused look on his face and when she sees it she adds:) Aren't we? I mean what about last Friday night?

KEVIN: What about last Friday night? I took you out — on a favor to my twin sister-had the worst time of my life, and then I took you home. That's it! I don't care what you do, I'm never taking you out again—ever!

(CATHY, drunk, sees KAYLA with KEVIN)

CATHY: Hey, Kayla! You're very lucky. I had to blackmail Kevin so he would take Brittany out. Which reminds me, Brittany, I thought you said that Kayla didn't have any chance what-so-ever with my twin brother. I told you I know him a lot better than you do.

BRITTANY: Shut up, Cathrine! Don't you know when to keep you're big mouth shut?!

CATHY: Nope! I sure don't.

BRITTANY: Besides she still doesn't have a chance— he was dared to take her out—remember?

KEVIN: Oh, really , Brittany. Is that the way it is? Well in that case, Kayla is the only one with a chance—considering that she is my girlfriend. So that takes care of that dare. And anyone who couldn't see that I've had a crush on Kayla since 9th grade is blind. So, Brittany, if I were you, I would watch and listen to people before I open my big mouth. Just in case you don't know whose big mouth I talking about, it's yours!!! (A slow song comes on and KEVIN turns to KAYLA.) May I have this dance?

KAYLA: Sure.

(After the song is over, a fast song comes on but KAYLA and KEVIN are the only ones still slow dancing. Time passes and the party is over.)

KEVIN: (Going up to CATHY) Cathy, how are you getting home?

CATHY: Mom thinks I'm spending the night with Brittany. If an emergency comes up, I'm at Steve's— his parents are gone for the weekend. I'm going to be there tomorrow night too.

KEVIN: O.k. Kayla, I promised your mom I'd have you home by 12:30 and it's 12:00 now so we better go.

KAYLA: Man, time really flies when you're having fun.

KEVIN: You say that as if it never happened to you before.

KAYLA: It's been a long time. I haven't had this much fun since my father died.

KEVIN: That was just a couple of years ago right? (KAYLA nods her head yes.) Is that why you stopped hanging around people?

KAYLA: No. I just needed a couple of weeks to work things out. I mean, my father was killed by a sixteen year old drunk driver. I was fourteen at the time. It was really hard on me. My father's killer was just two years older than me. When I went back to my old friends, they said that if I didn't drink not to even bother saying "Hello" in the halls. After my father was killed because some teenager decided to drink, I'm not about to touch that stuff. That's the whole story.

KEVIN: I'm sorry that's the way it happened, but not everybody is like that. I know a lot of people who are into drinking and drugs, but none of them has ever tried to push it on me—not yet anyway. I know at first I'll say no but if they dare me I don't know if I'll have the strength to say no. Everyone knows that Kevin Davis can't say no to a dare. But I do know that there is no way I'm going to drive drunk or high. It's just too dangerous.

(They arrive at her house.)

KAYLA: You have to find out if you're against drugs or not. If you are—you'll be able to say no, no matter what happens. Well, I'd better go inside. I had the best time of my life.

KEVIN: I did too.

KAYLA: Kevin, did you mean what you said to Brittany earlier—about having the worst time of your life with her?

KEVIN: (Leans over and kisses her.) What do you think?

KAYLA: (Not sure.) Yes?

KEVIN: I don't say things I don't mean.

(They kiss one more time, and they say "Good night". KAYLA goes inside, kisses her mom on the cheek, and goes off to bed. They spend a lot of time together and passing notes in class. On KAYLA's Progress report card she has a "D" in English Literature [5th hour] rest "A's" and "B's". KEVIN'S grades are the same. [They have 5th hour together] They are in 5th hour now.)

KAYLA: My mom's going to kill me! This is supposed to be my best subject.

KEVIN: Why don't you go up to Ms. Seal and find out what pulled your grade down so much?

KAYLA: That's exactly what I'm going to do! Maybe this was a mistake. (At MS. SEAL'S desk) Ms. Seal, how did my grade drop so much?

MS. SEAL: You didn't turn in your homework and you failed three 100 point. tests. You barely got a "D" this time. Kayla, is there anything wrong?

KAYLA: No, there's nothing wrong (mumbling) yet.

(KAYLA is at home talking with her mother.)

MS. MARX: (Yelling) Kayla, this "D" is not acceptable in this house! You that! (She stops to think a minute.) I want you to stop seeing Kevin, until your grades come up.

KAYLA: (Shocked and yelling.) No! You can't stop me from seeing Kevin!

MS. MARX: You are getting too serious too quickly! (She thinks a minute.) Well, if you won't stop seeing Kevin here, I'll send you to the school I went to. St. Marie's in Mississippi.

KAYLA: (Almost in tears.) Mom, you can't do that to us! We love each other!

MS. MARX: If he really loves you, he'll wait for you! Your father waited for me when my mother sent me away. So, yes I can, and yes I do know how you feel. Believe me, Kayla, it's for the best. It'll work out just fine you'll see. (Trying to be Kayla's friend again.) Besides, it won't kill either of you to be apart. You can see him when you come home on some weekends and vacations.

(KAYLA goes over to KEVIN'S house MS. DAVIS answers the door.)

KAYLA: Ms. Davis, is Kevin home from football practice?

MS. DAVIS: No, Kayla, I'm sorry but he's not home yet. But I am expecting him any minute now, if you want to come in and wait.

KAYLA: (Walking in.) Thanks. I know this is a long shot, but would Cathy happen to be home from cheerleading practice?

MS. DAVIS: As matter of fact Cathy is home, she was up all night with the flu, so I told her she could stay home today. (Yelling.) Cathy, Kayla wants to see you!

CATHY: (Yelling back sounding sick.) Tell her to come to my room!

(KAYLA is now in CATHY'S room.)

KAYLA: Cathy, are you alright?

CATHY: Who me? I feel a little better, but not much. But enough about me, how are you?

KAYLA: (Fighting back tears.) Well, first of all, I got a "D" in Ms. Seal's class, and when my mom saw it, she decided to send me to school in Mississippi! So, I'm doing horrible. just want to be in Kevin's arms right now.

CATHY: Yeah, I know the feeling. I just want to be in Steve's arms right now.

(There's a knock at the door.)

CATHY: Come in.

(KEVIN opens the door and goes in the room. When KAYLA sees him, she starts to cry.)

KEVIN: Kayla, my mom said that you wanted to see me and that you were in here. So I came right on in. (He notices a tear rolling down her face. he goes over to her and puts his arms around her.) Hey, what's wrong? Just calm down and tell me what's wrong.

(Since KAYLA is too hysterical to talk, CATHY tells KEVIN what's going on.)

CATHY: Her mom is sending her to a school in Mississippi because she got a "D" in English Lit.

KEVIN: (Trying to stay calm.) For how long?

CATHY: I don't know we hadn't get that far yet.

(KAYLA now tries to speak in between sobs.)

KAYLA: For the rest of the year.

KEVIN: Kayla, can you tell me what all she said?

KAYLA: (Trying to talk without crying.) She said that a "D" is not acceptable in the house and that we're getting too serious too fast and it won't kill us to be apart from each other and that if you really love me, you'll wait for me to come home. That's what happened to her and that's how she knows it'll work out for the best. She said that if we really love each other, we'll get back together. She also said that I could see you when I come home on some weekends and vacations.

KEVIN: I there any way you can stay and still see me?

KAYLA: No, there's not I tried everything, but nothing worked.

KEVIN: Let's go to my room for some privacy o.k.?


(In KEVIN'S room.)

KEVIN: Kayla, I love you and I'll be here when you get back. Just so that you won't forget that I'm here, take my ring and wear it. Don't ever take it off-no matter what, o.k.?

KAYLA: (Nodding her head.) Oh, Kevin, I love you, too! Thanks I really appreciate this. It shows me that really do care. Just please be here for me when I come home to visit and after the school year is out. You know, I feel like you and Cathy are the only ones that accept me. And then I sometimes have doubts about Cathy.

KEVIN: Kayla, listen to me, we're not the only ones that accept you. Everybody accepts you. That day when Steve and the guys were saying how pretty you looked, they were not picking on you, (pause) until you turned around and looked at me. That's when they saw that they were hurting your feelings and kept on to look big. Kayla, they all like you. I was the only one who had enough guts to ask you out—and that was only after they dared me. Besides, they knew how I felt about you, and they knew that if they asked you out, I'd kill 'em. Everybody, but Brittany likes you for who you are and not for who you're dating. Matter of fact, that is the only reason that Brittany hates you. She thinks that you stole me from her. She never had a chance.

KAYLA: Really? Well, I've got to go on home and pack. My plane leaves tomorrow night at 7:00. I still have to go to school tomorrow to turn in my books and get my grades, then I leave. Are you still going to pick me up?

KEVIN: (A moment of silence) Of course! Same time O.k.?

KAYLA: I'd better go home.

KEVIN: Yeah, I'll walk you home. (They leave the room. At KAYLA'S house.) Saying good bye is always the hardest part. (KAYLA turns away, KEVIN grabs her arm. She turns to look at him.) I love you, Kayla.

KAYLA: I love you, too, Kevin.

(They kiss, she goes inside, when the door shuts, fade out. The next morning and KEVIN is picking her up.)

KEVIN: Kayla, my mom said she'd write me an excuse if I skip today so we can be together all day!

KAYLA: Great! Let's go! I have to be at the airport by 6:00.

(They spend all day together while a song is playing. When they get to the airport, it's 6:00. They kiss. MS. MARX spots them and drags KAYLA away. A tear rolls down KEVIN'S face. Fade into blackness.)

(Later that week at a party.)

ROSS: Hey, Kevin, I got something to make you feel a lot better.

KEVIN: Ross, I don't need drugs to make me feel better, I need Kayla.

ROSS: Kevin, come on, Cathy told us what happened. You need something to make you feel better. I have something that will do just that!

KEVIN: No thank you Ross.

(Later at the same party, KEVIN and his friends are in a circle talking enter BRITTANY and CATHY a new girl is with them.)

MIKE: Hey, Cathy, whose your new friend?

CATHY: Everyone, this is Elizabeth Sly. She started going to our school yesterday.

MIKE: Hi, Elizabeth, I'm Mike Strange. Where are you from?

LIZ: Just call me Liz. You name it, I've probably lived there.

CRUSHER: Even Paris, France?

LIZ: Oui. Even "The City of Lights". I have even lived in Rome Italy, "The City of Love".

DOUG: Why do you move around so much?

LIZ: My father's job takes him all over the world. Please don't ask me what he does, because I don't know what he does. He doesn't talk about his work at home.

(Enter ROSS with some drugs.)

BRITTANY: Ross, I hear you've got something new!

ROSS: Yeah, Brittany, here try this. (She hands him some money and he gives her some kind of drug in return.) Hey everyone, try some too? The first is on me, but after that, you gotta pay.

BRITTANY: Hey what about my free one?

ROSS: You already had it Brittany.

BRITTANY: Oh yeah, I forgot.


(ROSS passes it around and everyone takes something from the tray. ELIZABETH goes back for more.)

LIZ: Ross, here give me more of that stuff and also a hit of acid. (Tries to give him some money.)

ROSS: Here you go and it's on me. As for the acid, I don't carry that around with me. Wait a few days and I'll get it for you.

LIZ: Alright.

DOUG: Hey, Kevin, try it. It makes you feel good.

KEVIN: No thanks, I'm trying to stay away from that stuff.

CRUSHER: Chicken!

STEVE: Come on Crusher if he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to, don't push it.

MIKE: He's right, we won't push it. To change the subject, let's play "Truth or Dare"!


MIKE: I'll go first. Kevin, we all know that you choose dare, so here it is. I dare you to take this right here right now.

BRITTANY: We all dare you, Kevin.

STEVE: Don't do it, Kevin.

(KEVIN looks at BRITTANY and then at STEVE. Takes something from BRITTANY.)

STEVE: Kevin, if you're going to take it just because they dared you, then I dare you to NOT take this dare. Think of Kayla, would she want you to take drugs?

(KEVIN takes it. Time passes, it is now Christmas and KEVIN is not doing drugs around KAYLA. They swap presents and then they go to a party.)

KEVIN: Hey, Ross, what's up?

ROSS: Hey, Kev, I have something that you might like, wannta try it? I've also got something for you Kayla.

KAYLA: No thank you, Ross, I don't need that junk.

KEVIN: (Looks at KAYLA then at ROSS) Ross, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't do drugs?

ROSS: I just thought that you'd changed your mind.

KAYLA: Why did he....

KEVIN: Remember, I keep writing you that things have changed. Now there's drugs at every party that you go to here.

KAYLA: (Not suspecting a thing, just curious.) How did you know each other?

KEVIN: He's in my second hour.

KAYLA: I see. Kevin, promise me that you'll stay away from drugs. That junk can kill you.

KEVIN: (Trying to believe it himself.) I know.

(Music, they talk to people. KAYLA is realizing that she made more friends than she thought. They dance. At the airport, KAYLA is crying and KEVIN is trying to comfort her. After she gets a hold of herself, she gets on the plane. The next school day, ROSS and KEVIN are in the school hall.)

ROSS: Hey, Kevin! Here. Oh, don't worry it's just a joint. It's nothing heavy. I would never give you anything heavy, unless you asked for it.

KEVIN: No thanks, Ross. I'm quitting.

ROSS: You're quitting for Kayla? (KEVIN nods his head.) Come on, Kev., for old time's sake. This one's on me. One more won't kill ya.

KEVIN: Alright, Ross, but this is the last time. I'm quitting.

ROSS: O.k., here.

(Show KEVIN writing KAYLA while smoking the joint, and KAYLA reading it, but KEVIN'S voice.)

KEVIN'S VOICE: January 14 Dear Kayla, I'm sorry! I let you believe a lie. I'm going to tell you everything now that it's over. You'd better sit down. I am mixed up in drugs, but I'm quitting now. I'm going into a rehabilitation hospital to help because I thought I could stop on my own. I found out today that I can't do it by myself. I called the hospital today and they said that they could check me in next week. The reason that I'm telling you is because I need you to be there for me. I was lonely and I was also dared to take them. I know now just how much you are against them and I'm using them, so you're against me. I don't want that, so I'm quitting. I'm really sorry. If you can thank of anything to help me, please let me know, just write. I'll mail you my address at the hospital when I get it. Remember, I love you! KEVIN DAVIS. PS Please keep my ring. If you don't want it, I'll understand, but I'm asking you to keep it on your finger. I'm quitting for you. I love you.

(KAYLA puts down the letter [She gets the letter on January 15 and gets out a piece of paper and a pen. The phone rings.)

KAYLA: Hello.

MS. MARX: Kayla,

KAYLA: (Interrupting her) Hey, Mom. How's everything?

MS. MARX: Not so good, Kayla. I've got some bad news that you need to know.

KAYLA: Well, I was just going to write Kevin, so I'm already sitting down.

MS. MARX: Kayla, Cathy just came over and told me that Kevin died last night. He was supposed've stopped doing drugs, but he smoked a joint laced with cocaine. I'm sorry I had to tell you like this. Get an airplane ticket as soon as possible and come on home. Don't forget anything, you don't have to go back.

KAYLA: O.k. Thanks Mom. I'll see you when I get home. Bye.

(A song is playing. The funeral. KAYLA goes up to the coffin and starts to remember some of the times they had together. KAYLA runs out crying. She looks up to see ROSS getting into his car and speeding off.)

(The first day KAYLA is back to her old school. 8:00 a.m. School parking lot KAYLA is wearing a black bandanna around her arm while everyone else has something black on. She sees BRITTANY and LIZ buying some drugs from ROSS. She goes over to him yelling.)

KAYLA: You did! Tell me, why did you do it?

ROSS: What are you talking about?

KAYLA: Why do you deal drugs? Is it for the money? It can't be you're the richest kid in the school. Everybody knows that you could buy a car with your allowance.

ROSS: I don't know what you're talking about.

KAYLA: O.k. are or are you not a drug dealer?

ROSS: If you mean, do I sell people stuff to make them feel good, well yeah. Why, do you need some?

KAYLA: (Shocked.) No! Did you or did you not sell Kevin Davis some drugs?

ROSS: Yeah, so? By the way how is he? I haven't seen him in a couple of days. I usually see him everyday.

KAYLA: (In shock and near tears.) He's d-d-d- he's dead! You killed him! Didn't you hear about it on the news?!

ROSS: I don't watch the news or listen to it on the radio. It's so depressing.

KAYLA: No? But you were at the funeral, I saw you there. Well, anyway it seems like you gave him some bad stuff or something. Listen all I want is to know why you do it, I mean your parents give you everything you need, right.

ROSS: Acceptance.

KAYLA: That can't be all, I mean you're one of the richest people in the city.

ROSS: I can't tell you.

KAYLA: You must tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone. Please tell me.

ROSS: You better not!

KAYLA: I won't. I just want to know why he died. Other than because he was taking drugs. I need to know why the person selling drugs let him kill himself like that.

ROSS: Well, o.k. Yeah my parents give me everything that money can buy. But there is one thing that money can't buy. It seems like to me there's nothing I can do to get them to love me. It seems like to me they don't even know I'm alive except when we have company. If I get in trouble with the law maybe they will see that I am not some play thing they can pull out to show off to everyone. I'm a real human being with real emotional needs.

KAYLA: Well if that's it, you need help. Why don't you go to the school consular, maybe she can help you. If she can't she might know someone who can help you.

ROSS: (Not convinced.) Maybe. And I shouldn't blame my parents it was my decision to start dealing drugs, not theirs. I've been thinking, ever since Kevin's death. I want to quit, but it's not that easy. They're going to try to kill me when I tell them that I quit.

KAYLA: Well I can't help you out there, but maybe, the counselor can.

(In the counselor office, ROSS is nervous, COUNSELOR sits down.)

COUNSELOR: Well how can I help you?

ROSS: I need help. I'm dealing drugs because (Repeats speech he gave to KAYLA.) Kevin died because of my selfishness and I want to stop, but it ain't that easy. A few weeks ago someone got killed because they wanted to stop dealing.

COUNSELOR: Have you thought about turning states evidence?

ROSS: No, I'm too scared!

COUNSELOR: The police can protect you. They don't want you, they want your boss. Tell your parents everything and how you feel. I'm sure they love you and will show it more when they find out how you feel.

(ROSS talks to his parents and the police. He identifies his boss.)

(ROSS and KAYLA are on the phone, but ROSS doesn't seem to care. About two months have past.)

ROSS: I wonder what the best way to die is?

KAYLA: I don't know, no pain I guess, why?

ROSS: Well, every time I think about Kevin and how much I'm responsible, I just wan kill myself.

KAYLA: Don't kill yourself, Ross. That's not an answer. It just causes more problems and hurts the people who love you.

ROSS: But who would it hurt? My parents don't love me.

KAYLA: You have to be patient. They can't change overnight. They're showing their love for you the only way they know how.

ROSS: (Not convinced.) Yeah, maybe. Why don't you go out with one of Kevin's old friends? They all have stopped doing drugs.

KAYLA: Because I'm not ready to start dating yet. Don't change the subject.

ROSS: Well, I gotta go now anyway, buy.

KAYLA: I won't go until you promise not to kill yourself.

ROSS: (lying) O.k. I promise. It was just something to talk about. I'm not going to really kill myself.

KAYLA: (Not really convinced, but not knowing what else to do.) O.k. bye.

ROSS: Bye.

(ROSS sits down and starts to write something and puts it into an envelope marked KAYLA MARX. He puts it into her mailbox. KAYLA is now opening the letter and reading it.)

ROSS' VOICE: Dear Kayla, You're the only one who tried to help me, but what's the use? Not even my own parents are trying to help me. You would figure that a parent would try to help their child get out of drugs, but they said "You got yourself into it, you can get yourself out of it. They haven't said any encouraging things to me, not even "You're grounded". I can't go on living this way. I'm sorry. You lost Kevin because of me, so I'm going to kill myself the same way Kevin died. I just wanted to let you know what's going on. I'm sorry I lied to you about killing myself. I hope that you will learn from our mistakes. I just can't take this anymore. I wish you the best. If my parents ask you anything, just tell them I all I ever wanted was love. Buy. ROSS JOHNSON.

(KAYLA tries to call ROSS to stop him.)

KAYLA: Is Ross there?

MR. JOHNSON: Ross died of an over dose. Do you know why he would do something like that?

KAYLA: He said in the letter that all he ever wanted was love. If you tell me when the funeral is, I'll give you a copy of the letter he gave me.

MR. JOHNSON: The wake is tonight, the funeral is tomorrow.

(At the funeral, KAYLA gives ROSS' parents a copy of the letter. They read it and start to cry.)

KAYLA: (Talking to MR. and MRS. JOHNSON.) At St. Marie's , they kept telling us that the answer to all of your problems is Jesus Christ. That He died on the cross for all of our sins. He can help us with any and all of our problems. And that He didn't only die, but he was resurrected three days latter. I think that I'll ask Him to help me, but first, he has to become my Lord and Savior. Jesus, Please forgive me for all of my sins and help me live my life for you. Please save me from hell. I believe that you are the only true Messiah, and you died on the cross and three days latter rose from the dead. And you did all of this for me. Thank you.

(A voice reads John 3 : 16 )

For God soo loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, for whosoever believeth on Him, should not parish, but have everlasting life. (KJV)



Thank you:
Robin Small-McCarthy
Kendra Romero
And any one else that helped me in some way, shape, or form.

And thanks especially to JESUS CHRIST this play would not have been possible with out You. You gave me the idea.

Thanks to everyone for their love and support throughout the years of creating this play.


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