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Author: Mahlia Belonn
Rating: R or NC-17 for the prudes...
Pairing: Starsky/Hutch (who else!!)
Warning: If you are underage or are offended by two males loving each other, find another sandpit to play in! This is also a sap warning... I hardly write anything but sap... bad enough to rot teeth!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately these two boys don't belong to me, but I will return them in good (slightly used) condition when I am finished! They just wanted to have some fun.
Summary: A day in the office gets a bit too much for Hutch.

By Mahlia Belonn

Hutch wriggled in his chair in an attempt to relieve the pressure in his groin. It was all Starsky's fault. He was sitting there filling in some paperwork, and looking far too sexy for Hutch's peace of mind. They had been together as lovers for two years now, but the passion was still as strong as when they had started. He loved Starsky more than anything, but he also found him to be too much of a distraction when they weren't particularly busy... like now. He wriggled again and was caught by amused blue eyes.
"What's wrong Baby Blue?" Starsky asked innocently.
"You know very well what's wrong. Same problem as always!" Hutch replied.
"We'll be finished soon Babe, then we can go home and solve your problem." Starsky finished with a leer that caused Hutch to wriggle more at the same time that he burst out laughing. Starsky had a wicked sense of humor, but Hutch also knew that he was thrilled by the fact that he still affected him that way after two years. They had both expected the strong passion to settle down after a while, but, if anything, it was getting stronger. They had always been very close, but after Starsky had almost died from the bullets ordered by Gunther, they realized that they were in love with each other. It had been a long, slow recovery for Starsky, but Hutch was always there for him. Their love provided Starsky with the motivation needed to get himself fit enough to work again. That, and the fact that he didn't trust anyone else to watch Hutch's back. That was *his* job!

They had moved in together when Starsky had been discharged from the hospital. Nobody commented on that at the time. It wasn't until Starsky had returned to work and they were still living together that people realized that the relationship had changed. There had been a few people who tried to cause trouble, but most people accepted them. Their tough reputation and arrest record helped them fend off potential troublemakers.

Starsky finished the report he was working on, and dropped into Captain Dobey's office. When he came out again, he headed straight over to Hutch's side of the desk.
"Come on Babe... Dobey gave us an early mark."
Hutch didn't need any more encouragement. He practically ran out to the Torino, with Starsky following close behind. They couldn't wait to get home and shut out the world for a while. In their house, they were free to openly show their love for each other. When outside, they couldn't even hold hands because of the many small-minded people. Inside though, they could act like the married couple that they considered themselves to be. Maybe one day opinions would change and they would be able to publicly show their love, but until then, they would keep their home as their haven.

The Torino pulled over in front of their home, and both men quickly made their way inside. As soon as the door shut, they were in each others arms. Mouths fused, and tongues dueled as they reacquainted themselves with each other. They weren't going to last for long, as they were both too wired after a day at work. Hands quickly removed clothing, and when they were naked, Starsky pushed Hutch back against the door. He kissed and nipped his way down the pale neck towards the firm chest. When he ran his tongue across a nipple, Hutch groaned loudly. He kissed his way across to the other side and did the same to the other nipple. Hutch was rock hard, and needed more from Starsky. He tried to push the curly head lower, but he couldn't get him to go faster. Starsky made his way slowly down the flat stomach. The muscles rippled under his kisses as he made his way to his goal. Hutch was moaning continuously now. Starsky reached the blonde's groin and breathed deeply. He loved the musky smell of his lover, and could never get enough! Finally he kissed the tip of the straining shaft, then licked from base to tip. He circled the head a few times before swallowing Hutch to the root. Hutch screamed and started thrusting as Starsky sucked hard. It was too much for him, and he came explosively. As soon as Starsky tasted Hutch's release, he too exploded.

When Hutch became aware of the world again, he was slumped at the foot of the door with Starsky collapsed on his legs. He looked down at his love in time to see the blue eyes open and look up at him.
"I love you Starsky." Hutch whispered.
"I love you too Babe."
"Do you reckon we will ever make it past the door?" Hutch questioned with laughter in his eyes.
"I don't know, but I think I'm getting too old for the floor." Starsky answered just as lightly.
"Maybe we should move this to the bedroom."
"And maybe we should just get some dinner... I'm starving!"
"I should have known... you and your stomach!" Hutch looked fondly at Starsky before rising to his feet.
"Come on Babe... let's get cleaned up." He pulled Starsky up from the floor before they headed to the bathroom hand in hand. As in *all* things, they did it together.


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Disclaimer: Starsky and Hutch was created by William Blinn and belongs to Spelling-Goldberg Productions. No copyright infringement is intended.