
At level 20, the Drakken Blood is granted the gift of polymorphing, specifically allowing them to manifest themselves into dragon form, granting them all the gifts of the Drakken. They cannot hold this form for long without risk of staying in that form, nor can they do it more than once a day, but the benefits are clear. If the Drakken Blood chooses to remain in drakken form, he or she is called into the parallel dimension of the drakkens where they can live out their lives in peace. Each time a Drakken Blood polymorphs, he or she expends first 5 Vitality points to return to humanoid form, then 10, and 20, etc. If the change back would cost more Vitality than the Drakken Blood has, it goes into Wound. If the change takes more than Vitality and Wound combined, the Drakken Blood will remain in drakken form forever, and is likewise called away.
