
For being alive as long as he has Gunner has a youthful attitude about most things. His devil may care persona clashes with his Jedi Code making him appear rogueish and ill suited to be a Jedi Knight. In reality he is a dedicated and true to himself as anyone is to their ideals. Never fully accepting the code of the Jedi as a law made him more likely to help others without thinking of how it would affect him. Living with the dragons and the loss of his love Kriss to one of those dragons have shaped him into a determined person with the iron unwillingness to see any of his friends get injured on his account. He has come to grips with the reality that people do die, whether fair or not to the way he feels, and that so long as they are remembered by those they knew best, they would never die. This realization allows him to live without fear of falling to the darkside and the strength to be a guardian for all. History: Gunner was born to a Zabrak whore in a brothel on Nar Shadda. From an early age Gunner seemed different from the other children in that his crown horns were much larger that most adult zabrak. The owner of the brothel, a particularly jealous male zabrak threw Gunner out onto the streets at the age of three. There he was taken in by an old blind beggar who taught him to pick pockets, beg, and to fight without eyes. When- Gunner was four he ended up getting the old man a job at a bar called the Gunner’s Stall where the old man acted as a musician and Gunner worked as an errand boy for the owner, the barmaids, and the dancers. Little did Gunner know that most of the people working there were slaves and the owner enjoyed the little boy’s antics and his cheap labor working for food and a place to sleep on the floor. It wasn’t until Gunner was six that Yoda, a Jedi Master, appeared looking for a kidnapped princess from Alderaan. Gunner knew the girl, and that she didn’t like dancing. She was kind and gentle, and not someone you usually saw in a place like this. Gunner helped the small Jedi sneak the girl passed the guards and to freedom, but before they had escaped they were attacked by a trio of lucky guards. Gunner jumped onto one of the guard’s heads and pounded with all the fury of an enraged six year old. Yoda quickly dispatched the other two and saw Gunner’s potential in the force. Yoda took Gunner on has his padawan giving him the name of the bar he had come from. “Gunner Stall we shall call you, for you are a warrior stalled by circumstance.” Yoda had mused as they left Nar Shadda far behind them. Fourteen years later Gunner had made his lightsabers and was given his final mission by Yoda. He was to go to Qatz with another padawan hopeful named Kriss. There they were to guard the young of the Drakkan, the beings that spoke a rare language Gunner had learned to speak, until those young became adolescents and left the nest. When he left Yoda gave Gunner five holocrons to continue his training while he was away. Over the years Gunner and Yoda had not always seen eye to eye, but a mutual respect for each other’s views had grown. Gunner did not agree with all the portions of the code, saying that love was as much force related as anything else and to abandon that portion of your being was an injustice. Yoda argued back, but conceded that Gunner must be true to his heart in the end. The holocrons Yoda gave him were mostly of lightsaber forms and styles, the ones Kriss’ master gave her had to deal with the uses of the force. A warrior and a force user paired to compliment each others talents. Arriving on Qatz Gunner discovered a small metallic dragon’s head that he fashioned into an amulet that he wore around his neck. When the young were born Gunner was surprised to find that they were actually real dragons as much a part of the force as a being themselves. As they lived day do day in the eternal dusk of Qatz Gunner and Kriss began to develop a deep love for each other and this love was fostered for over a hundred and fifty years, though it didn’t seem that long to the lovers. It wasn’t until a fateful day when one of the dragons that was born first reached adulthood and chose to be of the dark side. The large beast was on a rampage and Kriss was the first to reach it. She began to fight it away from the younger dragons while Gunner ran through the dense forest to try and reach the battle. As Gunner arrived Kriss was struck through by a giant claw and fell dying. Gunner caught her and as she died and became one with the force she told him not to hate or give in to despair, for she had loved him more that anything, and for longer that anyone could imagine. Gunner, with tears in his eyes stood, mastered his emotions and took on the dangerous beast that had slain his comrade. Gunner was injured greatly before the battle was over, but in the end, Tiamat, the darkforce dragon lay dead. After that day Gunner memorized the holocrons and practiced every form in them, then began to create his own style. Gunner burned most of Kriss’ belongings in a funeral pyre, but he kept her lightsabers as a keepsake. Gunner’s skills grew over time and he became good friends with may of the dragons. It was almost a hundred years later, though Gunner didn’t know it, that another group of dragons when to the dark side. Gunner killed six out of the seven, but through his wounds and the fatigue of fighting things so much bigger that him that he got clumsy. His close friend Razorhide came to help him, but was injured badly in the battle. The final dragon was closing in for the kill on the large red dragon when Gunner leap onto the black dragon’s back and cut off it’s wings. The black dragon threw Gunner off and grabbed Gunner’s left hand in it’s jaws clipping off his fourth and fifth fingers on that hand. To drive off the beast Gunner crippled it’s left eye and its front left claw. After Gunner healed he created a modified style of fighting to incorporate his crippled hand so he could strike as hard, but with only two fingers and a thumb. After one hundred and fifty years later a ship carrying an ambitious Sith named Darth Sidious landed. The Sith wished to turn all the dragons black to do his bidding and take over the universe. Gunner and the dragons droved off the powerful sith and weren’t bothered by him again. It wasn’t until a hundred years later that a young man with a metal arm and an ewok landed that Gunner learned that the sith had almost achieved his dream, but a rebellion had destroyed it with the help of the last of the Jedi named Luke Skywalker who killed the emperor with the help of this father who at the last moment returned to his Jedi ways and became one with the force. The mercenary Kain Killian was supposed to kill all the dragons, but really didn’t want to. Understanding his position Gunner gave him some egg shell shards for proof and told him that he was welcome to return anytime. Four years later a ship crashed on Qatz and Gunner went to investigate thinking, ‘so many visitors in such a short time.’
