
Well it’s nice to see,

that you’re finally free,

and I’m standing on my own.

And though it’s hard to tell,

just how far we fell,

it’s nice to know,

that you will find your way back home!

But you left me all alone.

It’s good of you to remember, it’s good of you to see.

The torn and twisted visage that once resembled me.

I’ve tried to justify your fear but it’s just too hard to tell

the damning kind of evidence that left me to this Hell.

And I know you’re out there somewhere

and I just can’t wait to see,

the look that comes across your face

when you realize it’s me.

I wonder if you’ll beg or plead

or bargain for your life.

After all the shit you put me through,

It’s the least that I can do for you.

Well it’s nice to see,

my family.

Even though you took them as your own.

And though it’s my life,

and you’re sleeping with my wife,

It’s nice to know,

that I still have a place called home!

Shouldn’t’ve left me there alone.

I broke into your house the place that once was mine,

and wandered through rooms to see what I could find.

I looked at all the pictures of my wife and family,

and in my place was smiling you, staring back at me!

And I know they’re out there somewhere,

and I just can’t wait to see,

the look that comes across their faces

when they realize it’s me.

I wonder if they’ll laugh or cry,

or hug me there outright.

After all the shit you put me through,

that’s the least that I am owed from you.

Well it’s nice to see

the whole family,

has come to see what it’s about.

Though it’s hard to see

my folks pretend to be

the mom and dad,

that you have claimed to never have!

It’s a shame to take it back.

“You stole my life,

you stole my freedom,

you deserve to die.

But I love my wife,

I love my family,

so let them choose,

either you

or I.”

And vengeeance will be mine.

Life at a Glance