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If My Life Was A Book...

The Possible Autobiography Of Gaia Moore
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In The Event Of My Writing A Novel...

I Would Title It FEARLESS...

Actually, if I ever did decide to write a book about my life there is no way that I would be able to fit it all in one binding. the event of my ever writing about my would have to be a series.

My first book would probably be called Fearless because whether I like it or not, I happen to be missing that gene from my genetic make-up and it has molded me into the person that I have become and it has also forced me to live the life I live.

This first book would be an introduction of myself and would probably contain a little background information about my parents and how I basically came to be. I would of course remain very secretive about this very sensitive part in my life and would only allow enough information to make things slightly comprehensible.

After that I would probably talk about George and Ella and complain about that for quite a few pages or even chapters if I could. Then, of course, I would get into the action. I would talk about my first encounters with New York and Renny....Yeah, I'd say that would be enough for a novel...

Book #2: Sam Book #3: Run Book #4: Twisted Book #5: Kiss Book #6: Payback Book #7: Rebel Book #8: Heat Book #9: Blood Book #10: Liar