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Gaia's Laptop

My Electronic Journal
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New York...My Playground

If My Life Was A Book...


Week #3


Sam's face. Sam's bruised face. It came out of that computer at me like a kick to the teeth. And then he had to go and call my name like that.

I wonder if fear feels anything like desperation. Because that's what I felt when his voice came reverberating out of those speakers.

He called my name.

This probably sounds totally inappropriate, but there was a moment there...There was a moment there when I was glad he was calling me. And I can think of only two possible reasons why.

Reason #1. The kidnapper told Sam he was zapping his image to my computer, so who else's name would he say?

But I doubt the kidnapper is giving him any information pertaining to his rescue, so the chances of his knowing he was even being filmed are pretty slim. Besides, he doesn't know about my...talents, or my weird life, so why would he be calling out to me for help? It's not like he'd expect me to be able to come crashing in and kick his captor's ass-which I would do in a heartbeat, if only I knew where he was. So that brings me to:

Reason #2. He's thinking of me. (Could it be?)

Thinking of me insofar as a guy in hypoglycemic shock (or whatever it's called when diabetics need insulin) who may also be suffering a concussion can think.

Like maybe he screamed "Gaia" because Gaia was the first thing that came to his mind.

Gaia. Me. Gaia.

I don't know.

What I do know, though, is this: As long as there's an ounce of strength in my body, I am going to do everything I possibly can to do what that son-of-a-bitch kidnapper challenged me to do.

I'm going to save Sam.

And when I find out who did this to him, I'm going to take the guy down.

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