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Gaia's Laptop

My Electronic Journal
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New York...My Playground

If My Life Was A Book...


Week #3


Top Ten Ways to Embarrass a Kid in a Wheelchair

10. Buy him a pogo stick.

9. Ask him how often he has ro have his tires rotated.

8. Tell him you'd like to borrow his chair to guarantee yourself a good seat for Cats.

7. Attach a bumper sticker that reads Warning: I Break for Orthopedic Surgeons.

6. Totally fawn over him, and tell him how sorry you feel for him.

5. Totally ignore him and pretend he doesn't exist, like everybody else does.

4. One good shove down the handicap ramp.

3. Invite him to visit the top of the Statue of Liberty.

2. Ask him, "You must really feel like a loser during the national anthem, huh?"

1. Say something-anything-of a sexual nature, implying that it's not just his legs that are permanently limp.

I can't believe I am even capable of coming up with these things. It makes me sick. I make me sick.

How am I going to do this?

Why are they making me do this?

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