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Adrenaline Rush Results

Our scene opens up outside of the Monroe Central High School in Farmland, Indiana a few hours before the No Fear Wrestling’s first ever Pay-Per-View event is scheduled to begin. The camera zooms towards Trish Stratus who is standing in the middle of two parking spaces, one marked, “The Pimp” and the other, “Super G”. She is pacing frantically because she is supposed to ‘greet’ the two owners when they get there, as only she can, and neither of them has arrived yet. Trish pulls out her cell phone and begins to dial a number.

Man: (groggily) Hello? What do you want?

Trish: Super G, what are you doing? The Pay-Per-View is to start soon, and neither you nor Pimp is here! Where are you guys at?

Super G: It’s The Pimp

Trish: Nevermind that, where are you?

Super G: I’m in bed. What are you wearing?

Trish: I don’t have time for this! Wake up and get over here to get this show started.

Super G rolls over and begins scratching himself before rolling out of bed.

Super G: Why is it, that if I have a deadline to write for, then I must do it, but if everyone else has one, they slack off?

Super G begins getting dressed in his standard commentating attire and heads out his door towards his 1998 Pontiac Sunfire before starting it up and heading towards Farmland. The scene changes to the backstage area. Acid is seen walking down the hall, in his black suit. In the background, explosives are heard going off, most likely the beginning of NFW's show. Crew members are rushing around trying to get things perfect. Acid walks further until he sees Marius walking slowly his way. The two both stop and stare at one another.

Marius- So...Acid vs. TNT for the Universal Championship. I hope you know how important this match is. More importantly, I hope you're ready for what happens afterward.

Acid Magee- The Universal Championship is as good as mine, Marius. I'm not worried about this match, no matter how important it is. *pause* But what happens afterward? The only after-effects I know of are glory, respect, honor..

Marius- Y'see, the truth of the matter're probably not going to get past TNT. But let's say, that in some far fetched dream that I'm sure you have in your DO beat TNT and become the NFW Universal Champion.. Then you'll have to wonder...who's next? That's the thought that should be haunting you right now.

Acid Magee- First off, TNT is a simple rock resting in this grand canyon of wrestling. There is nothing special about him, nothing great about him, nothing to make me worry. As to who is next.. Yea, I've thought about it. But the worst I can be faced off against is you Marius.. and honestly? I'm not to worried. *laughs*

Marius- Yeah I know...I think I've heard that before. Eric Draven wasn't too worried, and he fell. TNT wasn't worried, and he fell. Venome isn't worried, and he's going to fall. If you win, I will be there waiting... Venome will be there waiting... Reality Check will be there waiting

Acid Magee- Eric Draven was an idiot, a man who wanted to be something great, but was not. The same goes for TNT, and I will prove that tonight. Venome I haven't had the pleasure of beating, so I can't say much about him. And Marius.. *laughs* Marius, you will be one of the only guys worth my time.. But no worries.. You'll get beaten too.

Marius- You better pray that tonight TNT whoops your ass. I'd hate for your first reign as Universal Champion to be the shortest in the history of this business.

Marius walks away and Acid stares at Marius, almost looking determined to shoot fireballs out of his ass. Acid continues walking in the opposite direction of Marius as the scene fades back to Trish in the parking lot on her phone with Super G.

Trish: Are you on your way?

Super G: Yeah. Let The Pimp know that I’m on my way.

Trish: He isn’t here either!

Super G: I’ll stop by his house then on my way over.

Trish: He isn’t there either.

Super G: Nah, he’s probably just on his computer and not answering his phone.

Trish: No, I was there, and he’s not.

Super G: How do you know where The Pimp lives, and what were you doing there?

Trish: Well, remember last night?

Super G: Yeah, the three of us went to a bar; got shit-faced and then after we dropped off The Pimp, you and I stayed up the whole night talking.

Trish: Yeah, well, shortly after you and I said, “goodbye,” The Pimp called me up and…

Super G: … Said, “Let’s fuck!”?

Trish: Well… yeah…

Super G: You horse-faced bitch!

Trish: I’m sorry… (a very loud noise is heard in the background)

Super G: What’s going on?

Trish: I think The Pimp just got here.

Super G: Ok, I’m only a few minutes away.

The camera pans away from Trish hanging up the phone with Super G towards The Pimp who is driving through the parking lot with his music blaring in a 1978 rusted out Chevette. He is screaming loudly and it appears that he is holding a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand and drinking from it as he continues to wrecklessly spin the car around the parking lot. Trish runs towards the car and begins screaming at him.

Trish: Pimp, what are you doing!

The Pimp: I’m The Pimp!

Trish: Ok, The Pimp, what are you doing?

The Pimp: I just don’t give a fuck anymore! No one gives a fuck anymore!

Trish: That’s not true. A lot of the superstars give a fuck. Marius, Acid, TNT…

The Pimp: Fuck Marius! Fuck Acid! Fuck TNT!

Trish: What about the rising stars like David Jacobs?

The Pimp: Who the fuck is David Jacobs? Is he the guy that wears the mask and cape and talks about his little pee pee?

Trish: No, that’s your co-owner, Super G.

The Pimp: Oh. Even so, I’m The Pimp, Bitch!

As The Pimp downs his last swallow of Jack Daniels, Super G pulls into the parking lot and attempts to get The Pimp to stop his car. Instead, The Pimp’s car goes swerving into the field where Rich Anderson is standing, admiring himself. Super G continues to chase him, but cannot get him stopped until they both collide trapping Rich Anderson in between the two cars.

Super G: That’s not going to be good for the insurance company.

The Pimp: That is sweet. I guess we should pick up that body and put it with all of the rest that we’ve killed off.

Super G: Nah, let’s just leave him here with your car and get some coke to wake up.

The Pimp jumps into Super G’s car and the two of them pull away from the scene as Trish continues to run after them screaming. The Pimp and Super G begin driving down the highway towards Muncie as Super G turns on his radio and puts in a CD.

CD: Alo, salut, sunt eu, un haiduc, Si te rog, iubirea mea, primeste fericirea. Alo, alo, sunt eu Picasso, Ti-am dat beep, si sunt voinic, Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.

The Pimp: What the fuck is this?

Super G: It’s that song from that Numa Numa guy on the internet.

The Pimp: That doesn’t explain why the fuck you are playing it.

Super G: It’s catchy.

The Pimp: Turn it off.

Super G: Ok, put something else in.

The Pimp searches through Super G’s CD case which consists of mostly really crappy stuff until he finds a CD that he burned for Super G and puts it into the CD player.

The Pimp: Oh, hey, turn here, this is your off ramp.

Super G: No, it’s not.

The Pimp: Oh, ok, you’re right.

Super G: I know how to get to Dave’s.

The Pimp: Do you think it’s a good idea to put Dave’s name in the results?

Super G: No one knows what Dave does.

The Pimp: They will by the time you get done writing this scene.

Super G: But they still won’t know how to get in touch with him. It’s not like I’m going to tell them his cell phone number is 740-555-1212.

The Pimp: You’re a fucking moron.

Super G: Ok, we’re almost there.

The two of them pull into the driveway and get out of the car as they head towards the door. Where they are greeted by a man who could probably best every one of the wrestlers in a street fight.

Dave: Hey guys, what’s up?

The Pimp: We were wanting to get some stuff.

Dave: How much?

The Pimp: I don’t know, (turning to Super G), were you wanting to get some too?

Super G: I don’t know.

The Pimp: Well, I wanted to get a 50 either way. So, if you want to throw in some, we could get a ball.

Super G: Sure, we can do that.

The Pimp: (back to Dave) Yeah, we want to get a ball. You got that?

Dave: Well, my guy, is supposed to call me back. He should be able to get it soon.

Super G: How long is it going to be? We’re supposed to be somewhere else.

Dave: Well, I’m sure I could call Bill, he’s probably got some.

Super G: You’re brother Bill?

Dave: Yeah.

The Pimp: No, that fat-ass rips us off every time.

Dave: I told you guys not to go through him unless you went through me first.

The Pimp: (back to Super G) What about that Mindy chick you know, the one you fucked?

Super G: Mindy lives in Richmond, and we’re already late. I think we’re actually missing the first match.

The Pimp: The ‘Gay Firing Match’?

Super G: Yeah.

The Pimp: They’re all gay, and they’re all fired.

Super G: Works for me.

Dave: Dudes, if you hang tight, he’s going to bring me some stuff over.

The Pimp: Yeah, we can stay.

The three of them begin to sit down and watch some TV as they laugh and joke around with each other. After about a half an hour, Dave gets up to answer the door. Soon, he returns with his scales and a bag of some powdery substance.

Dave: If you guys want, I’ll sell you 2 balls for $130 each with no front.

The Pimp: What do you think, Soupa?

Super G: Yeah, I guess we can do that.

Super G and The Pimp hand Dave $260 dollars as he hands them back a bag each of this substance before they exit the door back towards Super G’s car. Super G hands his bag over to The Pimp and starts his car beginning the drive back to Monroe Central.

The Pimp: How big of a line do you want?

Super G: I’m tired as hell, cut it big.

The Pimp: Ok.

The Pimp shakes out some of the substance onto an empty CD case and then places it back into an empty Eclipse breath mint container.

The Pimp: Your stuff is right here.

Super G: You got a blade?

The Pimp: Yeah.

The Pimp places the container into the middle console area of Super G’s car and begins to take his razor blade and crushes and chops the substance.

The Pimp: You want a pre-gum rock?

Super G: Sure.

The Pimp: You know what’s great?

Super G: What?

The Pimp: So far, we’ve got seven pages of text, and not one single wrestling match from the card is done yet.

Super G: That’s not true. We fired all of those people in the first match.

The Pimp: (imitating Super G) Fosheezy!

The Pimp hands something to Super G which Super G takes and begins to rub against his gums before The Pimp does the same thing.

Super G: I’ve got a dollar in my pocket.

The Pimp: There should be a straw in your box.

Super G: Oh.

The Pimp hands the straw to Super G and holds the CD case up so that Super G can lean down towards it while he is driving. Super G leans down with the straw in his hand which is pressed against his face and breathes in deeply. Super G begins to cough and rub at his nose before taking his finger and wiping some of the powder from the case and applying it to his gums. The Pimp repositions and does the same thing himself.

The Pimp: (coughing) Damn! I thought you were just being a pussy when you started coughing, but this shit is really good.

Super G: Yeah, I feel really good. And I’ve got some numbness already.

The Pimp: So, how late are we now?

Super G: I don’t know, but my phone is ringing. Who are you? Oh, it’s Trish. (to phone) Hello, Trish, how are you this wonderful day?

Trish: (on speaker phone) I’m fine, where the fuck are you?

Super G: We’re almost there, we’re in Parker City right now.

Trish: I don’t even know where the fuck that is.

Super G: It’s ok, I’m high.

Trish: Oh, great, you’re supposed to be running a show, and the two of you are out getting high. Well, you’ve already missed 2 matches and now we don’t know what to do because Rich Anderson is crippled from your cars smashing into each other.

The Pimp: We didn’t kill him?

Trish: No.

The Pimp: That should be an easy win then for JC Ice.

Trish: You guys just don’t get it, do you?

The Pimp: I get it all the time. I got some last night even from some skank ass bitch with the smelliest shit ever.

Trish: You were with me last night!

The Pimp: Damn, bitch, you need to douche.

Super G hangs up the phone as the two of them are laughing like crazy.

Super G: Can you light me up a cigarette?

The Pimp: Yeah.

The Pimp lights up two cigarettes, one for each of them as they pull into the parking lot. The parking lot looks surprisingly full for something that occurs online and the two of them get out of the car and walk towards an ambulance to which EMT’s are carrying Rich Anderson to on a stretcher. The Pimp walks over to the EMT’s who are wheeling Rich Anderson and pushes them out of the way while Super G grabs the other end and they begin to push him into the arena.

The Pimp: Sorry, we need to borrow him for just a second, or three.

Super G: You know, I was wondering. Trish said we missed two matches. What was the second match we missed?

The Pimp: Oh, the Justice vs. Reality Check match?

Super G: Yeah.

The Pimp: Well, I have it on good authority that Justice wasn’t going to make it tonight.

Super G: Marius tell you this?

The Pimp: Yeah.

Super G: Remember that time when the dumb fuck invited us over to his house?

The Pimp: And we got trashed and then trashed his house?

Super G: And his car?

The Pimp: And the pool?

Super G: And then you made out with those two fourteen year olds?

The Pimp: I didn’t make out with fourteen year olds.

Super G: Yeah, you did, I was there, I remember.

The Pimp: No, they were 15.

Super G begins laughing hysterically until The Pimp cuts him off.

The Pimp: You can’t laugh about it, cause you were trying to make out with them too, but they turned you down.

Super G and The Pimp get to the ring where JC Ice is already standing looking confused as to what is going to happen in his match, and how he will be able to fight for the South American championship now. Super G stops outside of the ring while The Pimp goes over to get a microphone.

The Pimp: Our next match is scheduled for one fall for the South American Championship! Introducing first, the man, the myth, the legend, the hottest athlete in the business today, JC Ice! And his opponent, “Crippled” Rich Anderson.

Super G takes the roller and pushes the stretcher that is carrying Rich Anderson into the ring while he is still strapped down and then Super G and The Pimp push Rich into the center of the ring before calling for the bell. After the bell sounds, JC Ice goes to cover Rich Anderson. 1… 2… 3…

Winner: JC Ice [Pinfall]

The EMT’s rush back into the ring and get Rich Anderson who is screaming in pain and begin to wheel him back out as confetti is flying throughout the arena and The Pimp, Super G and JC Ice are celebrating as the third member of No Fear has the first belt presented by No Fear Wrestling around his waist. The celebration continues for several more minutes before the three of them retreat to the announce table and put on headsets.

JC Ice: Man this feels great!

Super G: I’m sure it does.

The Pimp: We’re proud of you. Once we put you in the elite stable in this industry, No Fear, we knew you’d be able to carry the torch for us.

JC Ice: Yeah, you boys are my dogs.

The Pimp and Super G just look at each other and laugh as the competitors begin to come into the ring for the next match. After both competitors enter into the ring, the lights begin to dim and a pair of caskets begins to head down the ramp towards the ring. One casket is placed on each side of the ring as the lights come back on in the arena.

JC Ice: Why are there two caskets?

Super G: Well, originally, this was supposed to be the first ever triple threat casket match. That was before we determined that Blade and Slick were both gay and couldn’t face David Jacobs. We actually didn’t know what we were going to do until Big Bot challenged Jacobs in this match.

The Pimp: And since we already had two caskets, we decided to keep them both.

The bell rings, and without hesitation, Jacobs comes after Big bot with a fistful of chain and strikes him against the side of the head with the chains. He continues to mount on top of Bigbot giving him numerous punches to all areas of his body. He pauses for a moment to get off of Bigbot in order to throw taunts towards both Bigbot and all of the fans in the arena.

Super G: I never expected the match to start out this way.

The Pimp: I never expected to be coming down off of my high this quickly.

JC Ice: I never expected you guys not to turn on me yet.

The Pimp begins to cut out a few more lines as the match continues in the ring. Jacobs has Bigbot by the hair and is pulling him up from the ground before he Irish Whips him into the ropes. Bigbot comes back off of the ropes to welcome a devastating clothesline. Jacobs begins to kick Bigbot on the ground, but Bigbot grasps Jacobs’ foot and pulls him to the ground before he mounts on top of Jacobs in order to brutally land fist after fist into Jacobs’ head. Jacobs eventually pushes off Bigbot but not before being busted open and bleeding profusely through his forehead. Jacobs quickly attacks Bigbot and whips him into the ropes again delivering a spear to Bigbot on his return.

The Pimp: I expected this match to be a little more brutal.

JC Ice: I think the match is fairly brutal already.

Super G: Hey, Ice, get up and slide a chair into the ring.

JC Ice rises from his seat and places a chair into the ring which is quickly grabbed by Jacobs who makes quick use of it crashing it against the skull of Bigbot. After beating him continuously, David Jacobs begins to roll the unconscious Bigbot towards the casket towards the ramp as he screams for it to be opened up. As he gets to the casket and it is opened, he is shocked to find that Shaun Garrett is lying in it wearing a purely feminine looking white lace ensemble. David Jacobs looks in horror at what he is seeing, and what we are all seeing as Shaun’s miniscule balls are hanging out the sides of his little outfit.

The Pimp: Oh my God! That’s horrible!

Super G: I think I’m going to… (makes wretching noises)

JC Ice: What happened, what did I miss? I was polishing my belt.

David Jacobs turns around towards the announce table as to ask the owners what is going on but is given stupefied looks from everyone at the table except JC Ice who is still polishing his belt. Jacobs turns around again and Shaun is now outside of the casket and is sexily approaching him in the ring. He walks gracefully over a semi conscious Bigbot who turns and pukes over the side of the ring into the casket.

The Pimp: The casket is moving!

Super G: Who is that in it?

Just then, from the other casket, out pops Shaun’s tag team partner, Mark White dressed in an equally horrifying outfit, but orange. David Jacobs turns around to get away from Shaun but is caught by the open arms of Mark. Mark, without hesitation, plants a deep kiss directly on the mouth of David Jacobs.

Super G: He should’ve known better than to have made fun of these two a while ago.

The Pimp: I can’t imagine how someone would combat against two grown men wearing such outfits.

Jacobs drops to his knees and begins to dry heave in the center of the ring as Mark and Shaun grab each other by the elbow and begin to skip in a circle in the ring before releases in other into the ropes. As the come off of the ropes they both head towards Jacobs who is on his knees. Both of them allow their balls to collide against the separate sides of Jacobs’ head.

The Pimp: What the hell kind of move is that?

Super G: I don’t know, but it’s sure a lot scarier than our tag team move.

The Pimp: I guess compared to our Fear Factor; that was the Queer Factor.

Super G: I knew that line would come in handy sometime. I think I’m going to do another line of coke.

The Pimp: (to JC Ice) You want one?

JC Ice: No, thanks.

The Pimp and Super G lean down and inhale deeply against the table before quickly bringing their heads back up.

Super G: That makes this much more bearable.

The Pimp: I agree.

David Jacobs looks stunned in the middle of the ring after just having two separate sets of balls smacking against his face. At this point he begins to walk around the ring dazed until he is pushed out of the ring by Bigbot landing into the casket which Bigbot puked in earlier. The casket lid is shut.

Winner: Bigbot

Super G: That match made me so sick, that I can’t bear to watch the casket now be destroyed with David Jacobs in it.

The Pimp: Me either, so next week, at Fear Factor, it will be Mark White vs. David Jacobs.

Super G: Maybe we should get Naked Mideon and Michael Cole to commentate next time then.

The gym lights dim slowly and the crowd begins to silence. "Falling Away from Me" by KoRn blares over the PA and the small crowd are on their feet. Marius is coming through the crowd, stepping down the bleachers and greeting fans on his way to the ring. The veteran's attire is somewhat different. He is wearing his normal short-tights with flames, etc. However his mid-back length black hair has been cut to just-shoulder length. His hair is layered and pulled back in a ponytail. The veteran is wearing an "Anarchy Rulz" t-shirt, which has an R.I.P K.C. Michaels picture on the back. Marius dances around in the ring, as Venome begins to come towards the ring.

The Pimp: This is the most anticipated match of the century.

Super G: I thought that match was me vs. you.

The Pimp: I told you, we can’t do that match.

Super G: I know.

Marius and Venome look into each others eyes, and then out to the frenzied crowd. Marius taunts the small crowd as Venome makes his move. Venome locks up with Marius, and for a few moments, the two seem like the unstoppable force versus the immovable object. Venome slowly gains the upper hand, forcing Marius down, and then slinging him into the turnbuckle. Venome follows up with a vicious clothesline, dropping Marius to the canvas.

Super G: It looks like Venome is getting the early upper hand between the two of them.

The Pimp: You can never count Marius down though, he has a tendency to come back.

Marius slowly gets up. Venome tries to grab Marius by the hair, but Marius sweeps Venome, knocking him down. Marius quickly capitalizes with a side ankle lock, trying to wear down Venome's right leg. Marius lifts Venome up, and hits him with a serious of thunderous rights, but Venome only reels. Marius seems frustrated. The veteran follows up with a stiff clothesline, but again, the 7 foot legend only reels.

JC Ice: Look at the sheer force between the two of them.

Super G: Did JC Ice just make a comment?

The Pimp: Shut up and do some more coke.

The 6'9" icon then hits the ropes and decks Venome with a flying clothesline, forcing him to the mat. Venome quickly recovers and is now back on his feet. Venome and Marius again lock up, and again are at a standstill. Venome begins to force Marius down, capitalizing on his height advantage. Marius slowly makes his way back up and the pushes Venome sharply into the ropes. Venome bounces back and Marius continues with a powerslam. Again Marius works on Venome's leg, this time with a reverse figure 4.

Super G: I wasn’t thinking we’d see any kind of Tommy Stewart-like technical moves in this match.

The Pimp: You just can’t let it die can you?

JC Ice: Are you still bitching about the Miami Screwjob?

Venome slowly gets up. Marius attempts to sling Venome into the turnbuckle but Venome counters and slings Marius instead. Venome begins destroying Marius with a number of rights and lefts, ultimately knocking Marius down. Venome then follows up with a series of stomps to Marius head [crowd responds in horror]. Venome lifts Marius back to his feet, but Marius' eyes are rolling back in his head as he is slipping in and out of consciousness. Marius is now busted open, as Venome continues his assault with another series of punches. Venome swings a nasty right hook, but Marius parries and follows up with a right cross landing on Venome's jaw. Marius follows up with a roundhouse kick to the side of Venome's right leg. The kick lands with a sickening thud. Marius excersizes his mixed martial arts expertise with another series of low-roundhouse kicks to Venome's right leg. Venome attempts to throw a jab, but Marius catches the punch mid-air and gets Venome into an arm lock. With the arm lock in place, Marius crushes Venome's right leg to the canvas with a stomping sidekick. Marius finishes the maneuver with a punishing right hook, sending Venome to the canvas.

Super G: What a dynamic exchange!

The Pimp: I seriously should have beaten him.

JC Ice: Who cares? That fed died because of poor ownership, chalk it up to that.

Marius scales the turnbuckle and signals the crowd [crowd pops]. He soars through the air and crushes Venome with a flying body splash. Marius lifts Venome up, and shocks the crowd as he lifts the legend up over his head attempting a body press drop. Venome slides out just in time and attempts the move himself, hoisting Marius in the air. Venome's right leg is visibly shaking as he tries to shift the weight to his left leg. Venome tosses Marius to the mat with a thud [crowd cheers]. Venome lifts Marius up and tries to hit a german suplex, but Marius counters with a reverse neckbreaker.

Super G: I actually have to agree with Ice, just let it go man. Besides, we did kill Lance Storm afterwards, and no one has heard of Tommy Stewart since.

The Pimp: And they never will.

JC Ice: What’s that supposed to mean?

Marius is now up and he and Venome continue to brawl. Venome goes for the lock up, but Mairus evades and goes for the go-behind. Venome tries to muscle his way out and eventually gets Marius into a side arm lock, which Marius flips out of [crowd pops]. Marius gets Venome in a modified arm lock of his own. Venome counters with a bone shattering elbow to Marius' head, sending the veteran to the mat. Venome goes for the cover. Ref counts...1...2...kick out! Venome lifts Marius up and quickly pulls Marius into him, attempting to again send him down with a stiff elbow, but Marius counters with a forearm block. Marius throws a nasty elbow to the side of Venome's face.

The Pimp: Whoa! Almost thought Marius was out there.

JC Ice: No, what did you mean earlier?

As Venome comes back around, he is again met with an elbow, but this time, Marius has thrown his hip behind it and connected right at the base of Venome's jaw. The camera switches to slow-motion, as Venome's head is forced in the direction of the strike, as he spits blood from his mouth. Venome grabs the ropes to stop himself from reeling. As Marius approaches, Venome snaps around and attempts a clothesline, but Marius evades and drives his foot into the back of Venome's right knee, which has been destroyed all night long. Venome quickly snaps back making it easy for Marius to lock in the standing dragon sleeper, hoping for a tap-out. Venome refuses to tap. Marius then throws his weight back for the End Game, planting Venome's head to the mat with a sickening snap. Marius goes for the cover. Ref counts...1...2...3!!!

Winner: Marius [Pinfall]

Venome slowly stands up as "Falling Away from Me" by KoRn explodes over the PA. Marius and Venome stand face to face, and shake they have had a great match, and finally after over 3 years they have finally been able to meet in the ring. Walks away, taunting the crowd and pointing to the Anarchy Rulz logo.

The Pimp: Soon, we will have the first match up for the Universal Heavyweight Championship.

Super G: What a match it should be. Acid Magee vs. TNT with the winner to immediately face Joe “Reality Check” Kratz.

TNT begins to head out to the ring but is not even halfway down the ramp before Acid comes in behind him and nails him with a double axe handle, sending him to the ground. Acid picks up TNT by the shoulder and rams his head quickly into the steel steps surrounding the ring. Acid wastes no time before picking up TNT and giving him a scoop slam down onto the steps.

Super G: I have to say, I like Acid’s take charge attitude here.

The Pimp: He’d just better be careful with this approach.

JC Ice: Well, the bell hasn’t sounded yet, so he can still pretty much do anything.

As if he can hear what Ice is saying Acid picks up the steps and empties their entire force onto TNT’s cranium. TNT reels backwards as if in a coma where he’s died and gone to heaven. TNT has no time to collect himself before Acid comes at him and clotheslines him over the banister.

The Pimp: This is not a pinfalls counts anywhere match, this must be done in the ring.

Super G: Like you’d do any different?

As Acid goes over the banister, he is caught by a boot to the bottom of the jaw by TNT who appeared to have done that not out of instinct but out of pure dumb luck. Acid begins to fall backwards as TNT still lies on the ground in a semi-conscious haze. Acid regains his composure quickly as TNT is now starting to actually move on the ground. Acid pushes a fan off of their chair and is immediately pushed back by the fan. Acid turns and pushes a different fan off of their chair and grabs it before wielding it to use against TNT.

Super G: I don’t think these two will ever get back into the ring.

The Pimp: Yes they will.

The Pimp gets up from the announce table and rushes over to stop Acid from hitting TNT a second time with the chair. Acid turns to yell at The Pimp but The Pimp ignores him and stands in front of TNT in order to make sure that any more blows that Acid could give went to him. (God, that is too funny). The Pimp helps TNT into the ring and props him up into the corner to see if he can still participate in the match after all of Acid’s underhandedness. Acid comes back into the ring but drops the chair knowing that he will now be disqualified from using it. The Pimp turns towards the official and lets him know that the groggy TNT said that he still chooses to participate in the match even though he has lost a great deal of blood. The Pimp returns to the announce table as the bell rings.

Super G: Hardly much of a point to start this match now.

The Pimp: I talked with TNT and he said he wanted to continue. I wish we’d stopped that a long time ago, then maybe we’d have a better match, but it’s too late for that now.

Acid lunges after TNT as he is propped in the corner. TNT ducks and Acid hits the turnbuckle. TNT quickly gives a standing dropkick to the back of Acid and as Acid begins to rebound off of the turnbuckle, TNT rolls him up for a pin 1… 2… kick out! TNT begins to take the offensive as he locks up with Acid in order to whip him into the ropes and delivers a knee to the gut on Acid’s return.

Super G: I was wrong, it looks as if TNT can participate in this match.

The Pimp: I’m surprised he’s doing this well, he looked really groggy when I spoke to him.

TNT comes off of the ropes with a knee to Acid’s forehead which sees Acid writhe in pain in the center of the ring. TNT helps Acid back up and begins to deliver several chops and punches before delivering a snap suplex. Acid grabs at the middle of his back but is quickly interrupted by TNT kicking at his side. TNT helps Acid up again but is given a quick Ric Flair thumb-to-the-eye for his efforts. As TNT is blindly struggling around the ring, Acid removes the top turnbuckle and leans against it as if he is hurt. TNT, regaining his composure, and seeing Acid appearing groggy leaps for him but Acid moves away connecting TNT’s already exposed head to the top of the ring post. Acid then takes TNT and begins to repeatedly strike his head off of the exposed turnbuckle.

Super G: I can’t believe this, Acid is trying everything in and out of the book to win this match.

The Pimp: It’s great, isn’t it?

The ref attempts to break the two of them up but accidentally sends TNT crashing to the mat. Acid goes to cover TNT and with the ref out of position and unable to see, Acid grabs the ropes in order to give him extra leverage 1… 2… 3…

Winner: Acid [Pinfall]

As soon as Acid grabs the belt away from the referee, “Falling Away From Me” begins to play through the arena as Marius emerges from behind a curtain. Marius steps out of the way as “Reality Check” Joe Kratz begins to smile as he watches Acid holding the Universal title. Acid exits over the top rope as he leaves the opposite way of Anarchy Rulez.

JC Ice: What a great way to end the night.

The Pimp: I can think of a better one.

Super G: (nose covered with powder) Meeeee tooooo!

Just then, Super G turns around and sees a police officer standing beside him.

Officer: Excuse me, are two of you Super G and The Pimp?

JC Ice: Yeah, it’s them two.

The Pimp: You sellout!

Officer: You two are under arrest for murder in the first and second degrees, possession of a controlled substance, wreckless driving, driving while intoxicated, unlawful possession of dead bodies, kidnapping, statutory rape, and parking in a handicapped spot.

The Pimp: In times like this, run!

The Pimp and Super G begin to run away from the Police Officer as the camera fades out.

JC Ice: (as Outlaw) DAMN!