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Operation: Hijack the Hottie(s)

The Mission
The follow is the second half of the final report of the mission:
Day Two:
12:00am (England Time)- Team Alpha, rested and ready, meets at bus terminal to take them to Target 2's apartment building to begin Phase 2.
1:00pm- After three wrong stops, Team Alpha finally finds JRM's apartment. They separate and change in a public restroom.
1:05pm- Bubbly Chipmunk, diguised as a hot dog vendor, leaves restroom and begins to watch for JRM.
1:10pm- Treefrog, dressed as a scantily clad supermodel, leaves restroom and begins to watch for JRM.
1:20pm- Bubbly Chipmunk radios Purple Cheetah and tells her which apartment is JRMs. Purple Cheetah leaves the bathroom dressed as a French exterminator.
1:25pm- Purple Cheetah makes her way up to JRMs floor. Zipping open her jacket, she released 3 trained squirrels, who get into his apartment through a window.
1:27pm- Using Purple Cheetah's handy-dandy traquilizer gun, the squirrels apprehend target and unlock the door.
1:30pm- Purple Cheetah carries Target 2 quickly down to the ground floor in her exterminatory supplies
1:50pm- After fighting the pack of men off with a stick, Treefrog pulls up in a blue mustang convertable wearing her black catsuit. Bubbly Chipmunk and Purple Cheetah put JRM in the pack and change into their catsuits.
3:00pm- Team Alpha meets in Bubbly Chipmunks's hotel room and celebrates the completion of Phase 2 and Operation: Hijack the Hottie(s).
10:00pm- While Team Alpha is celebrating JRM manages to get his gag out of his mouth and talks Seanie B into rebeling against the Team. Sean is hestitant because he has fallen in love with Bubbly Chipmunk, but eventually gives into JRM's plan.
12:30am- JRM persuadesa hyper Treefrog (from celebrating) to let him go. He inturn lets Seanie B go. The two men get the Team hyped up on pixie sticks.
1:30am- The three agents hit a sugar low and pass out on the counch and floor. JRM and Seanie B phone the police.
2:00am- UnconsciousTeam Alpha is arrested and taken to jail.
1:00pm- Team Alpha meets with Johnny Cochran (friend of a friend).
3:00pm- Court Trial, Johnny get Team Alpha out of parole with 500hrs of community service.
6:30pm- Team Alpha flies back to the USA. On the flight, they begin planning theirnext mission and new codenames.
What does this have to do with Ronin Warriors?