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It's been so long....i'm really sorry but then again nothing has really been going on and no one comes here anymore.

Anyways....its a new year and once again, LD is at school studying very hard. Jim is off having a great time in New Zealand, Matt is up at Storrs now and i'm still up in Boston. On the music front I haven't been writing much mostly because of lack of inspiration and laziness. BUT...and it's a HUGE BUT...Jenn and I (mostly Jenn) have been working on the greatest thing ever, something that everyone is gonna love, well mostly us and our friends, yes folks, THE LD-VD: LIVE AND MORE FROM REGION 15'S FINEST. It contains 2 music videos for "seriously" and "emerson" and about 5 live performances from a show we did at empress right after "e" came out. The videos are hilarious and the live videos rock, cause we are the best live band in CT bitches. haha. Basically its almost done, we're just working on the packaging and design and then we want to have some sort of premiere then it will be available for all our fans, all 7 of them.

that's it for now...for more personal and up to date news check out and mike's is good too


Matt is an amazing drummer, the best I know at least. He plays a Yamaha set with Zildjian, Paiste and Sabian cymbals, a pearl snare and Vic Firth sticks. Matt enjoys kicking Neil's ass in Madden, hanging out with girls, and being an all-around good guy.

Neil attempts to sing and play guitar. He uses Gibson, Fender, Brownsville, and No-Name Guitars. Neil uses a Marshall Cabinet with some old Fender head. Pedals include an Ibanez Smash box and a Boss Phaser. Neil likes playing Def Jam Vendetta on PS2, food, reading books, playing basketball and watching TV. Neil only likes these bands…for the moment: Big D and the Kids Table, Waltham, AFI, Damone, Zebrahead, 2 Skinnee J's and Finch.

Jim plays bass. He uses Warwick and Fender basses, SWR cabinets and whatever head he can find. Jim has an intense 311 obsession, yet listens to all kinds of music. In his spare time he likes to chill with friends, skate and get drunk. Finally, and maybe most importantly, he avidly supports the Table Sport All-Stars.