The Power of Friendship. The Power Of The Sentinel.

Friendship:The Jim/Blair FanlistingSentinel FanlistingSensitive:Jim Ellison Fanlisting

Ainm's Area-*WARNING*:Does contain some slash(male/male)fiction
Angelee's Corner-I HIGHLY recommend you read her fiction! *WARNING*:Contains slash(male/male)fan fiction
The Sentinel Fan Fiction
Daydreamer's Den-Conains fan fiction
The Sentinel Wallpapers-Her wallpapers are great!
Garett Maggart-Great website all about the actor that portrayed Blair Sandburg!
Fan Fic and Wallpapers-You should check this site out! *Warning*:The Sentinel fan fics are slash(male/male relationships).
The Sentinel-You should defianlty check out her fan fiction and song video!
Angelee's Fan Fiction-Defiantly check out her Sentinel fiction! *Warning*:Contains slash(male/male) fiction
The Light That Shines From Within Fiction*Warning*:Contains slash(male/male) fiction
Saul's Sentinel Slash-*Warning*:Contains slash (male/male) fiction
Wolfpup's Den-Conatins fiction, links, more!
Angelise's Slash Fiction and Wallpapers-*Warning*:Contains slash(male/male) fiction
Swoop's Senyinel Lair-Contains episodes, music, ect!
Wallpapers and Fiction
Sentinel Slash-*Warning*:Contains slash(male/male) fiction
Clawmarks-Has fiction, links, more! *Warning*:Contains slash(male/male) fiction.
I Fought The Law by Charlie and Andie Charleville-A great Sentinel/Magnificent Seven crossover story!
A Feast Fror The Senses-Has great fiction, music videos, ect! *Warning*:Contains slash(male/male) fiction
Gil Hale's Literary Leaflets
Crystal's Zine Fiction-*Warning*:Contains slash(male/male) fiction
The Sentinel Holiday Stories-Defiantly worth checking out!

Sentinel 10th Anniverary

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