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Whatever one's ethnicity or political persuasion, the events of September 11, 2001, terrified and enraged, thousands of pain centers caught in the act of eating flaming death.

Amid economic hardships, a jury-rigged Presidency and environmental nightmares, the resultant groundswell of patriotic fervor now seems as inevitable as looting in Oakland or bonfires in Waco.

Perhaps chief among the nation's obsessions and fetishes is its fondness for Old Glory.

Dewey-eyed infatuation with this particular yard of tricolor fabric is nothing new, of course. We've flown it from our Explorers like the insignia of a favorite football team, plastered it to our bumpers like pissing Calvins and No Fear, sung choruses in its honor, and looked upon its rapid oxidation as a crime ranking somewhere between drunken driving, sale of narcotics and rape of thy neighbor's grandmother.

Is it just me, or does debate over the phrase "One nation, under God" seem somehow beside the point?

My problem's not with God, but the Pledge itself. In swearing our blind and undivided loyalties to the interests of one nation at the expense of the rest of humanity aren't we guilty of committing the very sin of which we accuse others?

Kamekazi baptists are scary as Nips when you see one in the clouds.

Blind loyalties not only exclude and damn others based upon geography and association, but fly in the face of some of Jesus' best parables.

"Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, word of God." - Romans 12:2

Concurring Opinion

*** Stationery Thoughts ***

*** Buggy Bumpers ***

*** LefTees ***

"God Bless Afghanistan"

[To the tune of "Our Country 'Tis of Thee"]

God bless Afghanistan,

Korea, Pakistan,

Iraq, Iran.

* * * * *

We call them terrorists,

We ball and bare our fists,

All you Europen pacifists,

You are on our list.

Worth Further Investigation:


get this gear!

get this gear!