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Gettysburg: A Battle Overview

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Here we go! A day-by-day description of the battle. Maybe you'll find it interesting; Never know.
Day By Day

  The Battle of Gettysburg began July 1, 1863 when Confederate Troops
started attacking Union Cavalry (that were on McPherson Ridge – 
West of Gettysburg).
 The Union drove the Confederates back, but then were themselves 
driven back by reinforcement Confederates. 

( Cemetery Hill [night] )

  Union troops gathered on Cemetery Hill [pictured above and middle( after 
the capture of thousands of their men )], and Union troops kept their defenses
up with much effort through the night, while most of General Meade’s army arrived 
and took their places.

( Cemetery Hill [day] )

On July 2, Lee tried an attack on the Union flanks, but he did not prevail. 
The Union troops held their ground, and they would NOT let the  Confederates
get through. 

( Gettysburg Field )

July 3, 1863 – General Lee decided to attack the center of the Union Soldiers on
Cemetery Hill.  This didn’t help anything either.   And following Picket’s Charge, which 
resulted in the most casualties in any single assault during the civil war (Pickett lost 
10,000 men in less than 1 hour.), the  Union eventually prevailed and Lee retreated 
on July 4.

Above (centered): Confederate Troops and Union Troops 
collide in a ferocious battle; bullets raging, bodies dropping, and commands being ordered.

The Basic Outcome 
Total Casualties 


This total amount of casualties, was even more than the amount of death's in the entire Vietnam War.



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