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Personal stuff

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Okay this is where I describe a little about me. Well now, Im eigteen and very very weird. I am reffered to as two main me's... Jesus, or the most often one, Anti-Christ. I like to be Evil, but im nice to lots of people as well..In an EVIL way. I have few, but great friends. Most are from the state college area, but the others are closer to me... niot to mention the few scattered about in college. I am dating a wonderful grrl by the name of Heather, whom I love very much, I hope to be with her for a very long time. Im trying to find work, but no one is hiring, nine places have not gotten back to me, this or they really dont like like me (whats not to like?, kidding) My favorites include; Anne Rice as author, Orson Scott Card is next. Rocky Horror Picture Show as fav movie, Trigun is my fav series. Black as favorite color. Hot Topic as favorite store. Favorite style of music is Punk, Hardcore and VASTish type. Favorite bands, are AFI System Of A Down, and VAST. My favorite vocalist is Jon from Vast. Bassist, Geoff from AFI. Guitarist Mark from AFI as well.

Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of

Alone, in the deepest of forest is where I long to be. Silence, the greatest healer of all, except bein with some friends.


This is the tube of wonderful known as Heather, and I from Chad, and Beck'ys wedding. I love you more than youll ever know...


Its ME, Im not much, But Im proud.