The Clementine Crisis by Jack
There?s a deep dark secret in the citrus community that is finally beginning to come to light. Never heard of Clementine? Few have though they are, in fact, a member of the fruit community. The very existence of this vile fruit fusion was caused by manipulative scientists. Why, you ask? This deformed race was meticulously created to have skin that's easy to rip into and shed. Originally, just a hybrid of the tangerine and Seville or bitter orange, this is one experiment that went horribly wrong. Their creators even strove to keep them from reproducing and finding true happiness by breeding them specifically to be seedless. Rejected form orange society as the black sheep, the never-mentioned cousin, they are forced to establish special colonies where their "differences" will be ignored. I ask you America, how would you feel if you were brought into the world for the express purpose of being destroyed? We must do our part to end the racism that laces the orange world, and the only way to do that is to spread awareness. Don't hate! Congratulate!

Facts about Clemetines:

  • First created: 1902
  • Genetic Makeup: Crossbreed of the tangerine and bitter or Seville oranges
  • Maker: Father Clement Rodier, a French missionary
  • Hometown: Oran, Algeria
  • Nicknames: Zipper oranges, kid glove oranges, gene trash