Oranges and the Moral State of America by Pepper

Oranges and orange products are a large part of the economic structure of America. Now I don?t know a lot about the stock market, finding it boring and pointless myself, but I do know that oranges play a part in it some how. Orange juice in some form, along with pork bellies, played a big role in the rags to riches story of Trading Spaces. Basically, all of this rambling leads to my single point. Orange abuse is immoral. Shareholders capitalize off orange abuse. Shareholders make up America. America is corrupt because it is built on the backs of the suffering oranges. No country in the world shall be able to say with utter truthfulness they are a nation of Freedom until the day when there is a nation where no one capitalizes off of immoral income sources like prostitution, orange abuse, sweatshops and products that don?t work (in the immortal words of Neil Gaiman ?even after you?ve given them a good thumping?). No country shall truly be the promised land of freedom until we, the people, free ourselves of the fetters of capitalism and greed. Is greed not one of the seven deadly sins? Are the 1st world countries of our planet and therefore the world economy not built on a so-called sin? And is this not punctuated by the heartrending cry of the oranges? America sends humanitarian aid to third world, war-torn countries. But who is to say that even a few pennies of those billions of dollars spent on aid did not come from oranges abuse? Frightened mothers may blame the sad state of society and the world on Marylyn Manson (definitely an orange abuser), violent video games and communism. They blindly turn away from the wholesome Sunny Delight and Tropicana products they pop in their baby?s mouths in a futile effort to shield them from the evils of the world. Such bitter irony that in an effort to protect their children they end up throwing the evil in their cherubic faces. Rather like having to tell kids what sex is to keep them from having it. Only once you are exposed to orange abuse, you never return (unless you are a true embodiment of evil).