Long has People Against Orange Abuse preached in broken syntax about the evils of the orange abuser. And long has this figure gone faceless, an unidentifiable evil, a nameless fear. No longer shall the crusade remain a myriad of words, whispers in the dark into the ears of those brave enough to believe. Here is photographic evidence of the entire process most common to the cult of the orange abusers. Here is the face of the purest evil known to the face of this sweet and motherly planet. Here, finally, is a glimpse of a terribly beautiful thing, terribly beautiful in it's evil, a train wreck of epic proportions. This is truly the most graphic, horrible, and disturbing place on this web page. Turn away if you are weak of heart, constitution or faith in humanity. Hereafter this disclaimer, this page is rated NC Moses. You have been warned.

Here The Orange Abuser selects a ripe, voluptuous orange from the bowl (the bowl is behind the refrigerator and cannot be seen). Then the Orange Abuser gets a sharp sharp implement of destruction from the drawer.

With the smirk of dementia upon their face, the Orange Abuser prepares to slice into the beautiful, tender flesh of the orange. It has prepared itself for this ever since it was plucked from the mother tree, but still I could hear it's heart crying out with mortal terror, as the knife was poised over it's rotund body.

Face contorted with the effort of cutting through the skin (since Orange Abusers are weak, spineless folk), The Orange Abuser has almost halved the orange. The Orange Abuser's son watches impatiently, waiting for his gruesome treat. Oh the youth of today! What has gone wrong?

Notice the calm, numbed expression on the Orange Abuser's child's face. He has seen such horrors before and has been taught they are right. Such gore no longer affects his tender mind.

Sucking the flesh and blood of the orange with complacent glee, the Orange Abuser wickedly delights in continuing the torture of the orange, despite her child's seeming satiation.

Seeming satiation indeed! The child greedily grabs another slice of the beautiful flesh and devours all but the delicate, smooth skin! Nearby, the corpse is almost unrecognizable save for the glowing orange color still present in its raped and brutalized remains.

Her son busy with his own desecration of the dead, the Orange Abuser prepares to cannibalizes her own piece of the fruit. Notice the desire and anticipation in the Orange Abuser's eyes. The evil glow of the dark, glazed eyes. I cringe with horror, and retch in the corner of my room as I analyze these crime photos.

Tripping the orange blood, high on the apparent ecstasy of draining the orange blood like a vampire, a dark creature of the night, tokeing the fragrance as if it were the smoke of  the misunderstood drug marijuana, the Orange Abuser and her child indulge in their terrible prize.

Hark! Another child appears! Inspired by her mother and brother's bad example, she innocently reaches for the carved, bloody flesh. 

Clearly the youngest child can only earn the love of her parent, The Orange Abuser, if she eats of the beloved fruit. Her mother smiles proudly as she crudely desecrates the late orange, while the young child's brother moves on to a lesser fruit.

Left with an incriminating plate of inedible remains, the Orange Abuser tries to plan her next move as a bystander stares in disbelief and curiosity. Something must be done to hide the evidence!

The Orange Abuser cleans up her heinous crimes against oranges, no humanity, nay the world, nay nay again I cry, AGAINST ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THE UNIVERSE AND ANY OTHERS THAT MIGHT BE IN MY LEFT EAR!, anyways. The Orange Abuser cleans up the crime scene, distracting any one who might protest with a delightful board game for the whole fruit abusing family! Notice the girl in the left side of the frame, trying to contain sobs of rage, pain and anger at what she has just witnessed.

Filled with utter hopelessness, the unstoppable crime committed, the evidence vanished, and nothing to be done, young Katy weeps bitterly, her budding skills an empath and orange crusader budding already at such a tender age. (A note from the PAOA, repeated images of Folger's Coffee are not product placement and the Folgers corporation donates no funds, although we would like it if they did because PAOA is essentially destitute and emaciated, since we cannot afford food besides oranges and we cannot eat those so we are wasting away and do not have cash to buy Teaparty, Rush and Nirvana CDs!!)

These oranges, having heard the screams of agony their murdered brethren underwent, cower under the bananas, knowing it is only a matter of time before they too are destroyed by powers darker than is is possible to imagine.

Longing for a life of freedom, a life where love can flourish and survive, a life without hate and murder and torture, a life of truth and frolicking, a life of orange groves, this Orange stares longingly out into the black black night dreaming of a brave new world, praying the PAOA will rescue it.

This concluded the frightening presentation of the murder of an orange and the face of the Orange Abuser and her family. While Pepper did take the photographs, she had to be restrained several of her stronger cousins so that she would not leap across the table, take the Orange Abuser's knife and wield it against the Orange Abuser in defense of the precious fruit. The orange comforted the struggling crusader with the telepathic message, "Do not fear for my soul, sweet Lady of the Oranges, if I might die to save more of my brethren, then so be it that I am martyred!" Weeping bitterly, Pepper ceased struggling and took pictures at a furious pace, missing nothing in the process of gang rape and murder. None of these pictures have been altered in any way other than sizing. 100% pure.