Unholy Orange Recipes

Soon Kjersti and I your humble servant Erin will bring you some of the most horrific orange recipes known to man.

The two of us scoured the shelves of our favorite local used book store looking for recipes that not only use oranges but also desecrate the dead. We knew these unspeakable and abominable deeds had been performed, yet we still hoped that we would not find cruel and actual proof...
and yet...and yet...
find it we did.

We have no choice but to offer up this evidence of orange abuse to you our dear supporters, as it is our honor and duty to do so.

We (shall soon) bring you these

Unholy Orange Recipes

Orange Shell
Orange Delight
Orange Buttered-Beets
Orange Igloos
Orange Blancmange
Orange Rice
Orange Barvarian Cream
Orange Blossom
Orange Charlotte Russe
Orange Ladyfinger Torte
Magic Orange Cups