I was in the caffeteria and I went to get some apple juice. As I was walking across the room I saw this sort of ratfaced girl with horrid pink braces who had an orange on the table next to her. I got my juice, went back to the table and sat down. When I had seen that orange, the first thought that popped into my head was "liberate that orange!!!" Original plan was to get Kjersti to distract the girl while I took it but for some reason that didn't work. So I just got up, walked past the girl's table again and picked the orange up very nonchalantly as I walked by. As soon as I was past the table I started running like hell. Well as running-like-hell as one can in a caffeteria that is overcrowded and way to small. But I am quick! And nimble like a fox! I swerved left, never looking behind me, in my panic I made a slight mistake and dunked the orange into a trashcan (at least it can rot in the landfill, free to disolve under nature's own element forces rather than being tortured at the hands of ratfaced pink braces girl). I dove into the crowd near the basket of bread and slid behind my group's lunchtable, hunkered low like a comando. I looked left and right, ratfaced pink braces girl was near the salad bar looking around with this look of utter rage and indignation on her face. I decided to make a break for it, I was late to a meeting with a teacher. I grabbed my computer bag, slung it over one shoulder and made a great error, instead of heading along the back wall of the caffeteria I went past the salad bar, hideing behind Kjersti. The girl saw me. All of a sudden Kjersti, a few feet ahead of me, sqeeks with surprise and starts hauling ass for the door. I take this is a cue and follow suit, but I'm sick and can't breath and my laptop is weighing me down and as I push through the caffeteria doors I fall. I scramble back up, Kjersti is yelling "RUN DUDE RUN!" as she goes up the stairs and I never look back, I just run, run like hell. I make it up the stairs, nearly falling, I swing a wide turn and run out the main doors of the upperschool building towards the front lawn, hopeing to loose ratfaced pink braces girl. I'm slagging now, I can't breath, I hear this "HEY! COME BACK! WHERE THE HECK IS MY ORANGE?!" A hand grabs the back of my uniform and, gasping and chokeing for breath I stop. Kjersti comes tearing out of the breeze way and it's just us and ratface pink braces girl, who is seriously pissed and wants her orange. I say, "Hey man, it was for your own good" and try to explain about how we are Crusaders For The Oranges, but it's too much to say, I just mutter about the website and the mass orange grave we have under a campus tree where we bury liberated oranges. Kjersti offers to get the girl another orange, ratfaced pink braces girl says it was the last one. I repeat, "It was for your own good man." and flash a peace sign, and the little snot says "I'll pray for you. I'll pray for you." And Kjersti yells back at her, "YHEA, GO AHEAD AND PRAY TO A GOD WE DON'T BELIEVE IN!!" And we stagger back to the science lobby. -Pepper