Robertson Navel
(Sweet Orange)

Physical Features
Tree Size: Small to medium.
Tree Characteristics: Slow growing. Fruit borne in clusters near outside of tree.
Fruit Size: Medium-large.
Fruit Color: Orange.

Sicko Department
Ease of Peeling: Excellent.
Seeds: None.
Holds on Tree: Good.
Flavor and Juiciness: Moderately juicy.

The Robertson Navel is another orange variety that is considered a poorer cousin of the Washington Navel, even poorer than the Trovita. Because of this assumed inferiority the Robertson Navel has found some measure of happiness as it is mainly planted in home gardens. In home gardens its few worriers are impatient adults and small children.

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Facts immediately after the orange type have been unmercifully ripped from Richard Ray and Lance Walheim's Citrus: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy from Horticultural Publishing Co., Inc. Facts used in the ranting paragraphs after the basic description are all true and from Citrus: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy, except for those obvious bits that are the Erin-madness.