(Blood Orange)

Physical Features
Tree Size: Small to medium.
Tree Characteristics: Almost thornless. Long, narrow, light green foliage. Very productive. Fruit held on outside of tree.
Fruit Size: Small to medium. Oblong.
Fruit Color: Rind usually blushed deep red. Flesh is orange with red streaks at maturity.

Sicko Department
Ease of Peeling: Fair to good.
Seeds: Few to none.
Holds on Tree: Good. Also stores well.
Flavor and Juiciness: Excellent. Juicy. Distinctive flavor.

The Sanguinelli is the most popular blood orange in Spain. It's name reflects the Spanish word for blood ?"sangre" ? I believe. How can someone name and eat something called "blood?!"
Citrus: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy describes the flavor of blood oranges like this: "The juice flavor of blood oranges is a pleasant surprise to most palates. There is the familiar citrus tang with a hint of raspberry." Ah, to have analyzed the taste of blood! And to have found it palatable! You are vampires, all of you! I call the California sunshine down upon you!
If you cut them, do they not BLEED???

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Facts immediately after the orange type have been unmercifully ripped from Richard Ray and Lance Walheim's Citrus: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy from Horticultural Publishing Co., Inc. Facts used in the ranting paragraphs after the basic description are all true and from Citrus: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy, except for those obvious bits that are the Erin-madness.