Skaggs Bonanza
(Sweet Orange)

Physical Features
Tree Size: Medium.
Tree Characteristics: Similar to 'Washington' but with a smaller and more dense round head. Fruit position is intermediate.
Fruit Size: Medium-large to large.
Fruit Color: Orange.

Sicko Department
Ease of Peeling: Excellent.
Seeds: Usually none.
Holds on Tree: Fair to good.
Flavor and Juiciness: Rich and sweet. Moderately juicy.

This orange type is patented, do you hear me? Patented!! Who could be so cruel as to put ownership and growth restrictions on the already much put upon orange species? Their only owner should be the earth that feeds their roots and the air that provides oxygen and the sunlight that makes photosynthesis possible and the bees that pollinate the beautiful white flowers and the small animals that scurry by and eat the fallen fruit in order to spread the few seeds this tree can produce. And even then, these are not true ownerships, they are alliances! All are connected in the great circle of life and the trees should be free free free to live where they may and be their own persons and to bring up healthy, unterrorized fruit.

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Facts immediately after the orange type have been unmercifully ripped from Richard Ray and Lance Walheim's Citrus: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy from Horticultural Publishing Co., Inc. Facts used in the ranting paragraphs after the basic description are all true and from Citrus: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy, except for those obvious bits that are the Erin-madness.