(Sweet Orange)

Physical Features
Tree Size: Medium.
Tree Characteristics: More vigorous and spreading than the 'Washington' with an open growth habit. Large leaves and russet bark. Fruit position -- intermediate.
Fruit Size: Similar to Washington but with a thicker rind.
Fruit Color: Deep orange.

Sicko Department
Ease of Peeling: Excellent.
Seeds: Usually none.
Holds on Tree: Good.
Flavor and Juiciness: Rich. Moderately juicy.

The Summernavel is very pliable tree and therefore is often forced to contort itself around trellises and become ornamental. Luckily, being ornamental means that the Summernavel, other than being twisted and warped, has a pretty comfortable life and its fruit is often unmolested. The Summernavel is also temperamental -- it will not produce fruit if the conditions aren't near-perfect. So be nice!

A moment must be taken to spectulate on the origin of the Summernavel's name. Does the fruit reach full orangehood in the summer? Is there a rite of passage into full orangehood for Summernavels? Or are Summernavels born in the summmer? Did the first Summernavel have a navel? Or the the name metaphysical? Is the Summernavel summer's navel? If not, does the Summernavel look like summer's navel? If summer has a navel, when or where can it be found? In Florida, the Alps, in a hole in my backyard? In June, in July, on midsummer eve, in a midsummer night's dream? Did Shakespeare see summer's navel? Or did he see it in a dream sent by the Dream King? On midsummer night? Is there an obscure reference to it in his play "A Midsummer Night's Dream?" Can summer's navel even be seen? How can the belly button be seen? Only in dreams or is there another way? If there's only an alternate way, what is it? Are there more ways? What are they? If summer has a navel, is it because it was birthed into existence? If so, is it a Who or a What that birthed summer? Does It still exist? What exactly is It? Was That Which Birthed Summer (if It exists) in turn birthed by something else? Or was It simply created? If simply created, does It have a belly button, too? Or did That Which Birthed Summer create Itself? If It did, did It choose to have a navel? But what if summer birthed itself? And if it did birth itself, did it choose to have a navel? If did not choose to have one or was created without one, does summer have the power to make a navel for itself? If it does have one, does summer have the power to take away its navel? And if summer does not have a navel, how could Shakespeare have seen it even if he truly thought he did? Was he just mistaken? Did a con man tell him it was summer's navel? Was it bad eyesight? Was it actually an orange tabby cat? If Shakespeare saw it in a dream, could it exist? Can a thing be dreamed into existence? Can mankind dream a navel for summer? Would summer accept it or refuse it? Where would we be dream it to be? How would we make it look? Like a Summernavel orange? Or is a dream a thing never to be trusted? And so if Shakespeare dreamed a summer's navel would be an untruth? And then would it mean that summer truly had no navel? But what about other planes of existence? Could summer or the possible That Which Birthed Summer have a navel in those places? Why do they have navels there and not here? And if That Which Birthed Summer has a navel and was birthed and was not simply created, what about That Which Birthed That Which Birthed Summer, and all back through the chain of creation? Do the generations get stronger or weaker as they go back? Is there any room for God in this picture? Or Odin? Or a mixture of Chaos, Gaia, and Eros? Or Zeus, the second Greek god of creation? What about Brahma? Or Ptah? Or Kukulcan? Or Quetzalcoatl? Or any other creation gods? Or are dreams trustworthy things? Can Lord Morpheus be trusted if dreams are indeed trustworthy? Is Shakespeare himself trustworthy?

So many questions...can they ever be answered? Any by whom? And when? By the great computer Earth? Are mice really smart enough to make the computer Earth? Wouldn't some of their intelligence be lost in this plane because they only have tiny mousy brains and tested upon, tumor ridden, and blind bodies here? Why haven't they claimed blood vengeance on humans for killing so many of their kind like the blood oranges have? And what was the idea that girl in the coffee shop had? And would it have worked

Ooops. I think my ? key just wore out. Sorry, no more questions.

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Facts immediately after the orange type have been unmercifully ripped from Richard Ray and Lance Walheim's Citrus: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy from Horticultural Publishing Co., Inc. Facts used in the ranting paragraphs after the basic description are all true and from Citrus: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy, except for those obvious bits that are the Erin-madness.