Links that We Like
Other people with a Food Cause, plus some orange tinctured pages that are just plain cool.

Electricity Produced in a Bottle of Orange Juice -- This is a highly entertaining, though short, post from a message board. The fruit, even in a shredded, broken, juicy state, clung to hope and managed to fight's inspiring to Fruit-Friends everywhere!

Reveal the Caramilk Secret! -- This crazy Canuk is just as devoted to finding out how Cadbury puts the caramel in its Caramilk chocolate bars (Americans: think three of Cadbury's Caramello stuck together) as we are to saving oranges from cruelty and prejudice.

Wheeitology -- The PAOA website was founded upon the principles of Whee. None of us realized this untill Erin stumbled upon this Wheeitology FAQ. To find out just what Wheeitology is, you'll have to click on the link to have this amazing philosophy explained.

flaming jewels -- An incredible (orange-ish) site from jewel (Julieann M. Brown-Micko, not the pop artist). Be sure to check out her poetry and prose; both Pepper and Erin think it's great. Her front page (with more links to her writing) is actually here.

The Voice of Her Eyes -- Another orange-colored page. This is a story by Karawynn Long that she wrote for Neil Gaiman's collection of Sandman stories called Book of Dreams, but it wasn't published in the book (for several reasons, read the introduction).
We're big fans of Neil Gaiman here, but Erin thinks Karawynn has written some pretty spooky stories, too. Check out Karawynn's other stuff.

Neil Gaiman's Blogger -- This page is rather devoid of oranges or any orange color, but it's like a gift to me (and thousands of others), every day. :} There's always an interesting link or two here anyways.