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LaRouche's Anti-Semitism
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Testimony of LYM
Thursday, 25 August 2005

When I first received The Children of Satan, I didn't appreciate their attitude that it was of so much importance that I read it in the first place. It wasn't even my usual trouble with focusing that made it difficult for me to get through this pamphlet. It was being surrounded by this, "this is the only thing in the world that's important" attitude, and knowing I had to maintain some sort of balance in my life. They didn't understand this. And it showed. I could tell you just from being around them that a big part of a lot of these people's problem is none of them sleep enough, they're malnurished, and they don't take time for the things in life that matter. They don't exercise, their humor is sick, and they won't talk to anyone unless it's about LaRouche.

Posted by rebellion/purpleshirtdays at 11:34 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 15 November 2006 9:16 PM PST
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