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LaRouche's Anti-Semitism
things that only cults do
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Testimony of LYM
Monday, 18 June 2007
It's the first day of the summer semester and the LaRouchies were on campus today as they often are. I saw a guy from a class I was in earlier talking to them. There's something about him I didn't like. I have to admit I kind of hoped he'd join.

Posted by rebellion/purpleshirtdays at 1:15 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 25 July 2007 - 7:28 AM PDT

Name: "Chip Berlet"
Home Page:

Being expelled from the LaRouchites is a real honor.  I have interviewed a number of ex members who have had similar perceptions about the antisemitism. As a journalist, I would like to ask you a few questions. I would very much appreciate it if you contacted me by e-mail or by phone at Political Research Associates in Somerville, MA.  Thanks.

Friday, 12 October 2007 - 8:13 PM PDT

Name: "Gerald"

I happen to know you won't post this but if you do, I know this site is just another big dollar attempt to force another lie on top of all the others.  None of the postings here except this one can be said to be from a current or former LHL supporter.  And to have the nerve to blameKken Kronberg's death on Lyn is very sad.  Will you people stoop to anything to keep the truth from being told?

Sunday, 4 November 2007 - 11:36 AM PDT

Name: rebellion/purpleshirtdays
Home Page:

No one is paying me off.  I do not have to be a current member of LYM to be telling the truth.  See, everyone else knows that.

The things that LaRouche said about Ken Kronberg and of Jerimiah Duggan are alarming to anyone whith half a brain, and the fact that so many people like you won't see what is really going on is what is sad.

 If "Lyn" were really about truth, he would not have to brainwash people, constantly scare them to keep them in line, keep them from talking to anyone who doesn't think the same way he does, tell them not to read a newspaper, listen to the radio or watch TV, and if he cared about humanity, he wouldn't be working people to death.  If he cared about humanity, he would have addressed Jeremiah Duggan's death, or at least not ordered his supporters to kill him.

 You are being lied to.  I know it's hard to admit you were wrong, but it is better than killing someone a few years down the road just because LaRouche told you to.

 It is ok to admit that joining this LaRouche Campaign wasn't such a good idea, leave, and cut your losses.  It is ok to get help.  It is ok to tell your family and your friends who you've alienated, "I'm sorry. I've made a complete ass of myself for something I thought was worth it, but it turns out it isn't."  It's ok to leave, find someone else you can live with until you're ready to get a real job and get back on your feet.  It's ok to seek counseling because of what you've seen, heard, and been subjected to while in the LaRouche Campaign.

And if you're not going to do that, it is ok to go to a movie.  It is ok to listen to music that LaRouche doesn't like.  It is ok to disagree with LaRouche or with any one of your LaRouchie friends.  It's ok to be Jewish.  It's ok to work at a regular job, in fact it's the sane way to go if you're involved with LaRouche because the only way LaRouche will ever pay you is if you're loyal to him for 40 years or so.  Are you ok with being married to Lyndon LaRouche, because that's essentially the commitment he expects from anyone who walks into one of his class meetings.  It's ok to have friends who aren't LaRouchies.   It's ok to have your own income, and spend your own money on food, clothes, and entertainment for yourself.  Starving yourself is not going to save humanity.  Becoming one of the less fortunate did not help the less fortunate.  It is ok to acknowledge that.

LaRouche is not, nor does he intend to help anyone but himself.  You are out on the street every day collecting donations while you get nothing.  The starving children in Africa don't see a penny of it or a scrap of food because of your efforts no matter what LaRouche tells you.  And, speaking of starving people in third world countries, the only reason LaRouche talks about them is so you will feel guilty, and you will think that what LaRouche expects of you isn't so bad.  Well, it's worse.  You actually have a choice, but you've been scared out of doing anything that's good for you.  And not by Dick Cheney, but by Lyndon LaRouche.  If you can't see that, what are you doing on the internet anyway?  Don't you have a lot of work to do?  I mean, you're expected to singlehandedly save the world.  Isn't it strange how there are so many of you, yet you've never felt more lonely in your life?

 What is really sad is that you don't rememer who you are.

I am truly sad for you that you would read this website, and think someone is paying me to write this stuff.  If whoever it is who's supposedly paying me to make these statmemts, you'd think they could pay for a better website.  You think they could pay someone to sit down and write the whole story all at the same time.  Then, when whoever wrote it was done, they could just go on doing whatever they were doing before, instead of having to take breaks of up to six months before writing another few paragraphs.

No one is paying me.  In fact, by having this website, I am lowering my employability, and I imagine it's by a fairly significant amount.

 I'm not the only person who has been adversely affected by this cult.  I am one of the few who will speak out about it.

It is really disgusting that "you people" are posting things like this everywhere anyone writes anything about LaRouche that doesn't speak in his favor.  It is really sick that you accuse me, and anyone who doesn't agree with LaRouche of being paid off by some enemy of LaRouche.  It's really sick that you actually believe it.

 Enjoy your life in a cult.  The only fun you people have is to harass non-believers.  I hope it floats your boat, because that's all you're going to be doing for a long time.

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