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Ace Enders -guitar/vocals
Joe Marro -guitar
Sergio Anello -bass
Jeff Krummer -drums

The Early November
The Room’s Too Cold
(2002) DTR

1.)Ever So Sweet
2.)Something That Produces Results
3.)The Mountain Range In My Living Room
4.)Sesame, Smeshame
5.)Baby Blue
6.)The Course Of Human Life
7.)Dinner At The Money Table
8.)Exchanging Two-Hundred
9.)My Sleep Pattern Changed
11.)Everything's Too Cold... But You're So Hot


Alright...I know that there’s alot of controversy between Drive-Thru Records and the rest of the music industry, but you have to take this to heart. The Label does ALOT for their bands! I just dont see why all of the “hardcore” kids wont listen to anything off of DTR. Anyways, The Early November has just marked their one year anniversary with the label. In doing so, they have released their 3rd CD since. Their first release “For All Of This” began to out them on top of the line-up at Drive-Thru.

Alot of releases lately have not impressed me, but this one really makes me happy. It starts out with “Ever So Sweet”, a song only heard before as a demo. They produced it well, adding a strings section, and making the song really pretty. This one gets my vote as the best song on the album. Another one I really like is the second track, “Something That Produces Sesults”.Its the best representitive as to how the rest of the CD goes.

This CD has some of the best vocal structure I have heard in a long time. The way Ace spits it is amazing, and makes him one of my favorite vocalists.

Other good songs are, “My Sleep Patern Changed”, “Dinner At The Money Table”, and “The Mountain Range In My Living Room”. If you are into Emo, or any branch off of it, you WILL like this CD. Also, if you like Brand New, Thursday, Senses Fail, or Dashboard Confessional expect the same. I hope you guys will pick this one up, and hopefully enjoy it as much as I have!

4.75 Stars on this release. Great Vocal Structure, and Great Guitar...
The Early November webiste


Ryan Kepke - vocals
David Stoltenberg - guitar
Jonah Peterson - guitar
Kevin Clark - bass
Joe Nixon - drums

Slick Shoes -
Far From Nowhere

1.) Darko
2.) Carpenteria
3.) Always There
4.) Now's the Time
5.) Sleep In
6.) Once Again
7.) Simon's Quest
8.) Hope Against Hope
9.) We Were Young
10.) Hello Stupid
11.) Down Hill
12.) Drive to the End


Being that Slick Shoes put out my all time favorite album (Wake Up Screaming) in the Spring of 2000, I’ve made a note of picking up all of their new albums once they come out. Last years self titled album was such a disapointment that I was resentful in picking up this one. But suprisingly, they have made a comeback. This time with a couple new members, and a new cleaner style. I dont really know how to describe the album, so I’ll break it down here.

The album starts out fast, and technical. Sort of what you might expect out of Slick Shoes. When “Darko” started, I let out a sigh of relief. It was now determined that Slick Shoes wouldn’t let me down with this album. Another thing I noticed was the guitar solos that these guys have always lacked. The cool part about it is that the solos actually rock! “Darko”, “Always There”, and  “Now’s The Time” all have great guitaring, but the best is by far “Carpenteria”. This song gets my vote as the best song on the disk.

If you’re into good guitaring, uplifting vocals, fast drums and technical beats, this album is right up your alley. I love Slick Shoes, but this album falls just a bit short. At some times during the CD, you are brought back to the nightmare that was the self titled CD, and that just might scare you away.

3.5 Stars on this release. Not great, but alright.   Slick Shoes Website


Tom Keely - Guitar
Tim payne - Bass
Geoff Rickley - Vocals
Steve Pedulla - Guitar
Tucker Rule - Drums
Andrew Everding - Keyboards

War All the Time

1.)For The Workforce, Drowning
2.)Between Rupture And Rapture
3.)Division St.
4.)Signals Over The Air
5.)Marches And Maneuvers
6.)Asleep In The Chapel
7.)This Song Brought To You By A Falling Bomb 8.)Steps Ascending
9.)War All The Time
11.)Tomorrow I'll Be You

 This CD has been on my mind since the beginning of 2003. Thursday is easily one of my favorite bands to listen to, because of their melodic guitars, and Geoff Rickley’s amazingly unique voice. With their debut full length “Full Collapse” (2002), I think they swept emo fans everywhere straight off their feet. Songs like “Understanding in a Car Crash”, and “Cross Out the Eyes” littered the radio and television, with something unheard-of in the mainstream music world...heart. This band puts so much time into all of their songs, and that’s why you hear the great music you do...With last years release “Five Stories Falling”, They opted to throw 4 live songs, from their previous album, and one new, hoping to rock the socks off of their fans. I think that I will never offend anyone when I say that “Jet Black New Year” was easily the best Thursday song ever, and one of my favorite songs of all time.

With the follow up to the EP, they didnt want to sell theirselves short, looking to come up with an album that was harder, more technical, and most off all, meant alot to them. I think that most people expected this album to be all in all like “Jet Black New Year”, and that might be where it falls short.

The CD starts out with a strong track; “For the Workforce Drowning” driving into you, that it doesnt take a 9-5 day to be happy, and that you should choose your own path. Good solid song. The next honorable mention is “Division St.”, as such a powerful track. Then “Signals Over the Air”, brings the most catchy track, and is also the first single of the CD. The video for the song can be seen on FUSE.TV, and MTV2.

Other great tracks are “Asleep in the Chapel”, “Division St.”, and “This Song Brought To You By A Falling Bomb”.

But my favorite track is easily “War All of The Time”. Like most of the lyrics on this CD, I havnt had time to comprehend this one, but the music, and melody are amazing. Once I heard in an interview with Geoff of Thursday, that he doesnt like writing lyrics that are easy to comprehend, because he wants people to figure it out, and understand on the level he wrote them. All of their songs have a meaning behind the lyrics, as most artists do.

This CD is great, but no Full Collapse. I love nearly every track, but the fact that I wanted more Jet Black kinda threw it off scale. If you are a diehard Thursday Fan, and most likely even if you are not, you will love this. It is a solid CD..PICK IT UP!!!

4 Stars on this release.     Thursday Webiste


M. Shadows-Vocals
Zacky Vengeance- Guitar
Synyster Gates- Lead Guitar
The Reverend- Drums
Johnny Christ- Bass

Avenged Sevenfold-
Waking the Fallen

1.)Waking The Fallen
Unholy Confessions
3.)Chapter Four
5.)Desecrate Through Reverence
6.)Eternal rest
7.)Second Heartbeat
8.)Radiant Eclipse
9.)I won't see you tonight part 1
10.)I won't see you tonight part 2
11.)Clairvoyant Disease
12.)And All things Will End

All of my buddies saw these guys at Warped Tour 2003, and said that it was amazing. At the time there was a compilation called “Punk Rock Operation” and they had two tracks on it. And to tell you the truth, I wasn’t totally into it. But then I heard of a new album coming out... Of course I had to give the disk a listen.

So I did. I sat down and let the whole CD (Waking The Fallen) play before my very ears. after 73 minutes of ear-popping screams, and dual guitar solos. I was hooked. The only way I can explain these guys is “extremely hard.”

The CD starts out with the title track, and misleads you with it being just an intro. At this point, you’re thinking that a title track should be one of the best. Well, as it ties right into the first (real) track, Unholy Confessions, you’ll see what they were doing...Pissing you off just to make up for it seconds later. The second track is easily one of the best on the CD...It’s super melodic, and hardcore all at the same time...

Other mentions goto “Chapter Four”, and “Remenissions”. But my favorite track on this album easily goes to “I wont see you tonight part 1”. When I first heard this song, all others were delayed for about a half hour, considering I played it three times in a row. Did I forget to mention it’s 9 minutes long?! Nothing short of an epic...

5 stars for this album...It rocks...Hard...   Avenged Sevenfold Website