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Our other horses

This is Jack. He is my mothers pony. When my friends come over this is who they get stuck up on. Mainly because he is short and close to the ground. Though since a certian some one fell off him I have only let my friends ride him in the arena. For safty reasons.

Jack is a strong little pony who can go for hours. He sorta gaits, sometimes, when he feels like it.

This is Scout and Chance. I am currently working with Scout in hand. I'm hoping to start training him in saddle soon. He is green broke and has been for 10 years. Now its about time to steal him from my dad and start doing some thing with him.

Chance is not used due to the fact that he is insane. :P

They are both beautiful pintos, and I love them both. ;)

This is Brio, my baby. He is a Haflinger Shetland cross. I'm working him in halter currently and will start him under saddle in July or August. At the moment he is 2 years old.

He does several tricks. He will nod his head, kiss the back of my hand when I say "gimme a kiss", he will also wave.

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