Ch. 4

“No Nick!” Emily told him again as he tried to kiss her.

“What has been buggin’ you?” Nick was now extremely frustrated.

“What do you think?”

“Would you stop answering my questions with questions?”

“Nick, just please leave.”

“I want to know what you’re so upset about first.”

“I thought you told me that we would be honest with each other.”

“Well, I am with you...”

“Being honest with somebody also mean telling them things you think they should know.”

“And...?” Nick had no clue where this was going.

“What number am I?”


“What number am I?” Emily raised her voice.

“Of what?!”

“How many other girls have you screwed and told them that it was special?”

“What the hell are you talking about?!”

“Kevin told me.”

“That I had sex with my ex-girlfriends? Wow, let’s blow this a little out of proportion, shall we? Shit, Em-”

“What about groupies?”

“You think that actually meant something to me? That was when I was all alone and was horny-”

“Oh, so now you’re not with any groupies because you have me to occupy your time?”

“Yes- No! No, Em! I thought we agreed that we would do this!”

“God, Nick! Would you listen to yourself?!” Emily threw her hands up in exasperation.

“If you never suggested this, I would be with my groupies- at least they appreciate me.”

“Appreciate you?! If I didn’t suggest it? What the hell-”

“Yes, if you weren’t such a little whore, you wouldn’t have to worry about it.” As soon as the words left his mouth, Nick regretted them.

“What did you call me?” Emily lowered her tone of voice, but her eyes were boring holes into Nick’s.

“You heard me.”

“Get out.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Nick grabbed his jacket off the corner of the bed and pushed past Emily who was pointing at the door, tears stinging her eyes.

“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, either!” Emily’s only response was the door slamming behind Nick. As soon as she heard his footsteps go past her room and to the elevators, she collapsed on the foot of the bed sobbing. Why did it always have to end like this? She thought they liked her. Genuinely liked her! Nick wasn’t her first, either. It was all she knew. She wasn’t a whore- she would only have sex when she knew it would mean something. To both people. But every time, they would walk away calling her some rude name and she would never see them again. Well, she wouldn’t have to worry about not seeing Nick again- they would see each other every single day for the next four months.

“Oh man....” Emily groaned. Now how was she going to deal with that?! She needed someone... it was all she knew. She would find someone that she wanted, and have a semi-relationship with them, then fall in love with them, and they would walk out because she got clingly. But Emily didn’t know how to handle a real relationship. She never had one with anyone, starting with her parents. Her father left her and her mother, and after that, her mother became an alcoholic and hit her. So she was shifted from foster home to foster home. During that time, anyone who showed any interest in her, she would do anything they wanted. Hence the excessive sex. She didn’t want to do it... she knew it was wrong, but...

She couldn’t think anymore, her head was heavy and her eyes could barely stay opened. So she slept, with her knees pulled up to her chest, on the foot of her bed.

Ch. 5

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