The only place on the web where the issues of imperialism, colonialism, class-warfare, exploitation and open-source software solutions are addressed indirectly via downloads for the popular simulation game The Sims™




New Gregorian year, and new content - the solemn inauguration of the section I've tried to post for a couple months, but haven't gotten around to - the info section, destined to be filled with tutorials and brimming with errata - I mean, esoterica. Right Now, it's only a little file info about the TSO *.far files, and how to extract skins from them, but I have other stuff written, just waiting to be Quality Assured - and You guessed it, I have no QA staff! Still, if a Body wants to hex out some fun, said Body should scroll down past the Free Gift, and go to the new stuff... Speaking of which, Your free gift is uploaded! Thanks for visiting! Scroll down and get it!

Curious about the inner clockwork that drives this simulated scourge of humanity? What infernal coding robs you of your scant free time and will to do anything economically productive? Then head on down to the killing yard and watch our butchers slaughter some Fars and Iffs!

Soon to go up is the *.bin Bin - all the hex piecs from my full site, but reconstituted as *.bin files for easy import/export with the new iffpencil. Also, I hope to finally move my messy object bases over to this site, including the tv's, roof-pieces and a couple other things. I'd like to say more updates soon, but that's only because I figure if I have as many projects as I do, one or two of them must be successful, right?

Our Policy: All Items may be Cloned, provided that said Item(s) are put through at least two(2) GUID changes, e.g. twice through the Cloning Apparatus.
All Items perform Well in Our respective games. If they do not do so in yours, there are still as yet many places to seek reasons why this has happened. If this performance or maintenance is beyond the Pale of your own Performance expectations, recall the delete option.
Requests will be honored 1) at the whim of the creator(s), 2) if the request is possible, entertaining and increases the enormous Fame of the creator(s), or 3) fulfills some other as-yet-un-named rubric of desireability, including but not limited to financial gain, Proustian ennui, or revenge.
Use of the objects on this site for your own infernal purposes, even if You are so vitriolic as to not change the name, description or sprites, is perfectly acceptable. A mention of this site in the description or at least on your site would be nice, but so would a new bmw roadster and a harem of supermodels - none of which the Authors expect anytime soon. Others might profit from their creations, but We are above that - We can distinguish between using a few bits of hard-drive and dating Our daughter, so enjoy. The Sims™ is copyright Maxis/EA, however, they are not responsible or liable for any damage to your game caused by these objects, and the creators of this site share in this lack of responsibility. None of the above parties can help you with any irreparable damage that might be incurred upon your operating system and/or hardware. Do not use topically. Contains small parts. May contain some peanuts or peanut residue.

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