The Sisters of Perpetually Reluctant Chastity Welcome You

Welcome, traveler.

We see you made it past the gate warning, so either you want to be here or you don't scare easily. (Or you're Lumenara's mother.)

The stories here are original fanfiction written by Melora and Lumenara Dhahm. All stories involve characters from the Star Trek or Buffy: The Vampire Slayer (BtVS) universes. We do not own these characters (unless otherwise stated), and we make no profit. We will, however, hunt you down and beat you with a shovel if you take our work without asking.

Melora's fics are het. Lumenara's fics are slash.

Melora's Fics

Melora has created herself a character by the name of Lieutenant Mary Sue Thomas. Her misadventures are shameless Mary Sues--to the surprise of no one--but not of the typical variety. Melora is well aware of what she has done and endeavors to be self-mocking when the mood strikes her. The long-term goal is to make the Lieutenant a flagship of the fleet.

Melora and Mary Sue are currently having a very good time on Deep Space 9 with Dr. Julian Bashir. Jealous?

Lumenara's Fics
Lumenara is excessively fond of the pairings of Garak/Bashir (G/B), of Deep Space Nine; and Spike/Xander (BtVS).
More Stories Coming Soon...

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