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Dark Poetry

The poetry here is defined by each and every reaction to every moment that seems to deeply cut. It is an attempt to regurgitate the waste product of biological physical manifested life here in the cold reality of my dark dungeons of hatred and retaliation. this is my attempt to fight my personal demons and simply work out some shit in hope for more revelations that will lead me into a healthier place. yeah, its my toilet, my sewer, and it needs to be cleaned out and processed occasionally, so I may grow a few gardens.

Belly Up Oblivious

we are naked and oblivious
tell me how can you trust us
when we blink our eyes to the obvious

I'm bleeding myself to death
falling naked upon her breast
only to feed like the rest

My soul is gone again
found another whole to live in
don't feel much like anything
too much blood to bring

well I'm taking the dirt that you gave
and I'm digging myself a grave
cause it's too late to be saved

Breathing binges,
hiding in the hinges
cannot be seen
until i am clean

you're degrating..

we are naked and oblivious
tell me what did you want from us
always blink our eyes to the obvious

Never bleed yourself to death
Never cry yourself out of breath
Never scream to the deaf

My soul is gone again
found another hole to live in
don't feel much of anything
too much to heal the stings

am I bleeding myself to death?
am I crying myself out of breath?
am I screaming to the deaf?

I'm wasting my breath...

I'm living in a cespool
of everything that's wrong with you
same old everything it's nothing new

so i thought I'd roll up my eyes
go belly up toward the skies
now that I'm bleeding in black and white
i thought I would say goodnight

Dear God

the only change that soaks me
is that which still chokes me
and I've begun to suffocate
in waters that still procreate

this recycling whirling of a pool
galaxy, pulls me under until I'm with you
but I am left here with your residue
something must have tried to drown you too

It still seems though Poiseidon
still recollects what you've been hiding
occasionally it's easy to see
in those moments of his maiming seas

you arched your back for me to see
a breathless moment as pure electricity
Osmosis forever placed into immortality
drifting into a universe that bleeds

i was wondering if you still know how to heal
because I know you've forgotten how to feel
for I'm still spinning inside of you
Tell me God, what do I do with the rest of you?

Kantian Notion

Second hand mock my pace
locked inside this awesome space
Locked in an hours embrace
staring minutes in the face

i'm rushing into nowhere
plenty of time to spare
no cause and affect in the void
in the placenta of your paranoid

too much of this philosophy
has made its way inside of me
there is really no reality
you are a reflection of me

compensating for my bordem
creating to feel less alone
making me in skin and bones
chemical booms, sins and clones

Second hand mocks my pace
I'm running out of space
locked in an hours embrace
staring minutes in the face

I'm rushing into nowhere
there is no time to spare
cause no effect in the void
in the presense of your paranoid

a science of reality
an alliance with all and no activity
I might be a figment you know
in my light, a pigment that glows

compensating for my bordem
creating to feel less alone
making you of skins and bones
chemical flumes, so gods not alone

Time loses all motion
in this kantian notion
this new philosophy
that insinuates insanity

second hand delivers my face
locked inside my mirrored space
locked inside in an hours embrace
staring minutes in the face

I'm born again to the second hand pace
lost alone in your awesome space
no longer in times embrace
no expiration or creation date


If only I could regergitate
all of this apple that I ate
For it slowly poisons me
I'm descending in its gravity

Are you laughing on your throne
we chose and we rose from the tree
such a will, no will to condone
and so perfectly a putrid fruit has poisoned me

surely it has long since been forgotten
this knowledge passed over, passover
bread is molded, apple is rotten

Babbling words they do not hear
this language I speak is never too clear
plagued by the factions of your fables
fiction to fact over a dinner table

surely it has long since been forgotten
this hope passed over, passover
bread is molded, apple is rotten

Preachers are forcing your fable
but it brings us together at the round table
sow your teeth and reap your jaw
and we will never speak of what we saw

this bread is molding and the apple is rotten
this life is passed over, in passover
and I have been long since forgotten

Letter To Geborah

rendered to this revelation
that I must surrender to this situation
we need your might and severity
we are decorated with deliquency

send your seriphum
purge these firey graves within
surgically remove what is wrong with me
I have had deliberations with disease

there is no need for compromise
we are wicked and unwise
Mars blaze your swords
Surely this is war

we need a cosmic correction
before our reconnection
we are born unto this corruption
and our unworthy seeds hail your eruptions

rendered to this revelation
cannot surrender to this situation
we need your might and severity
until we are void of this deliquency

send your unfathomable fires
to resserect our true human desires
cleanse us of our cosmic clutter
pheonix fires wings that ahall flutter


I closed my eyes this morning
to see the universe

So what eyes am I adoring
this must be a curse

We'll talk until two
see the sun split the skies

I'm tired too
of listening to these lies

I closed my eyes wait for night
to see a different verse

So what do I see in light
pie eyed watching prism bursts

We'll talk until noon
then wait for Moon to steal the skies

Watching the shadows fly
I closed my eyes this afternoon

to see what we conversed
so what lies in her womb

only that we must be cursed
we'll dance in our electricity

watch the turning of the day
and to revel in what's new to me

to render to truth's toxicity
As i watch her shrivel and decay

I have no choice but to look at you
and slowly turn the other way


Table Of Contents


This website and all contents therein are (c) 2000-2002 by Valerie M. Desilets.
This has been a production of Gateway 2 Souls. For more information on this project and others like it please contact the webmaster.
Special Thanks to all the artists, musicians, and poets who have made Gateway 2 Souls possible. Thank you for your endless support and devotion. My regards and my love until we meet again in our new sanctuary. -soulsanction