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The Psycho Poet Next Door Series

Episode One: The Show:
written by soulsanction

So there you are in a smoke filled bar lit with flickering lights that aren't really flickering. It's just the alcohol kicking in and you are stumbling to the strobes. You can hear muffled conversations, too many to digest accept for maybe a few of your friends slurring beside you. The truth, nobody here really knows anything other than the fact that they are slowly losing the feeling in their hands and feet and a warm fuzzy sensation seems to be settling in the stomach. The stage is filled with a few members of a band setting up. You begin to wonder where you will venture to next.

The next thing you know the crowd is silenced and someone is demanding your attention in an authoritive manner. At the same time you feel respected and in an instant you know you are in the right place, with the right people. The words are clear. They are ringing in truth. You identify and are instantly connected. You wander closer to the stage.

You lean on the closest pole, the closest stable structure. He knows about your pain, your desire and every hunger within you. He has mentally lingered off the stage and melded with your mind and your pretty damn sure he has connected you to everyone else too. Suddenly the vocalist turns away from you and pours his eyes into the other vocalist who is standing with the microphone across his heart and his head down. Then he swings his head to the rest of the band. He bows his head, and then in a sudden change of events the room is shaken with the rumble of thundering rythmic sound. You are instantly seduced in a seance of pure destructive force. No longer is your desire to lean on a pole. You are overcome with your own potential energy. You suddenly begin to stomp your feet.

The drums beat through your body in short convulsions of sound. The bass resonates in a soothing ultrasound of necessary vital vibrations. You are rendered to a restless state as rifts from the guitars wrestle with your ears and pull you further into the tunnels of structured chaotic sound. One vocalists is like a surreal landscape of digital desires, a human synthesizer that has got to be the latest in artificial intellegence. The other vocalist screams at you pushing you away in a profound grueling growl and then suddenly the music slows, the transition is melodic, you are drawn in as the machine becomes soothing and seductive and the very vocalist that shoved you away pulls you in with a the sound of pure desperation. You are pushed and pulled and you lose awareness of everything accept the stage and the music that fills you entirely. You are no longer empty. It fills every crevace of you, and the void that once ventured, is now slowly seeping out through the sweat as it rolls down every oraphous of your skin.

As the night rolls on you are disappointed only because the strobes have suddenly stopped and the band has ceased the seance. You are leaning against the pole again. And the only thing you want is to go back. Last call is well over and people are packing up. The lights go on. It is time to leave. It is time to venture out onto the streets again, where the pain and the anger originated from. All you know now is that you will go home and pass out and then tomorrow begins. One feeling will remain. You are still connected, and you will do anything to go back. Back to your place, back to your people.

Special thanks to Featured Band: Nuklbone, your inspiration is unbelievable. your talent is extraordinary. Keep it up, and strive for the best boys! Find out more about NuklBone

... See more Psycho Poet Next Door Series when The Gateway 2 Souls Project opens its gate for Open House! Projected date for opening January 1st 2003. Serving the Arts. Are you ready for the journey?


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This website and all contents therein are (c) 2000-2002 by Valerie M. Desilets.
This has been a production of Gateway 2 Souls. For more information on this project and others like it please contact the webmaster.
Special Thanks to all the artists, musicians, and poets who have made Gateway 2 Souls possible. Thank you for your endless support and devotion. My regards and my love until we meet again in our new sanctuary. -soulsanction